@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import functools
+import itertools
+import logging
+import operator
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import timedelta
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry import features
+from sentry.app import tsdb
+from sentry.models import (
+ Activity, Group, GroupStatus, Organization, OrganizationStatus, Project,
+ Team, User
+from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
+from sentry.utils.dates import floor_to_utc_day, to_datetime, to_timestamp
+from sentry.utils.email import MessageBuilder
+from sentry.utils.math import mean
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _get_organization_queryset():
+ return Organization.objects.filter(
+ status=OrganizationStatus.VISIBLE,
+ )
+def _fill_default_parameters(timestamp=None, rollup=None):
+ if timestamp is None:
+ timestamp = to_timestamp(floor_to_utc_day(timezone.now()))
+ if rollup is None:
+ rollup = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
+ return (timestamp, rollup)
+def _to_interval(timestamp, duration):
+ return (
+ to_datetime(timestamp - duration),
+ to_datetime(timestamp),
+ )
+def change(value, reference):
+ """
+ Calculate the relative change between a value and a reference point.
+ """
+ if not reference: # handle both None and divide by zero case
+ return None
+ return ((value or 0) - reference) / float(reference)
+def clean_series(start, stop, rollup, series):
+ """
+ Validate a series, ensuring that it follows the specified rollup and
+ boundaries. The start bound is inclusive, while the stop bound is
+ exclusive (similar to the slice operation.)
+ """
+ start_timestamp = to_timestamp(start)
+ stop_timestamp = to_timestamp(stop)
+ result = []
+ for i, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(series):
+ assert timestamp == start_timestamp + rollup * i
+ if timestamp >= stop_timestamp:
+ break
+ result.append((timestamp, value))
+ return result
+def merge_sequences(target, other, function=operator.add):
+ """
+ Merge two sequences into a single sequence. The length of the two
+ sequences must be equal.
+ """
+ assert len(target) == len(other), 'sequence lengths must match'
+ return type(target)([function(x, y) for x, y in zip(target, other)])
+def merge_mappings(target, other, function=lambda x, y: x + y):
+ """
+ Merge two mappings into a single mapping. The set of keys in both
+ mappings must be equal.
+ """
+ assert set(target) == set(other), 'keys must match'
+ return {k: function(v, other[k]) for k, v in target.items()}
+def merge_series(target, other, function=operator.add):
+ """
+ Merge two series into a single series. Both series must have the same
+ start and end points as well as the same resolution.
+ """
+ missing = object()
+ results = []
+ for x, y in itertools.izip_longest(target, other, fillvalue=missing):
+ assert x is not missing and y is not missing, 'series must be same length'
+ assert x[0] == y[0], 'series timestamps must match'
+ results.append((x[0], function(x[1], y[1])))
+ return results
+def prepare_project_series((start, stop), project, rollup=60 * 60 * 24):
+ resolution, series = tsdb.get_optimal_rollup_series(start, stop, rollup)
+ assert resolution == rollup, 'resolution does not match requested value'
+ clean = functools.partial(clean_series, start, stop, rollup)
+ return merge_series(
+ reduce(
+ merge_series,
+ map(
+ clean,
+ tsdb.get_range(
+ tsdb.models.group,
+ project.group_set.filter(
+ status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED,
+ resolved_at__gte=start,
+ resolved_at__lt=stop,
+ ).values_list('id', flat=True),
+ start,
+ stop,
+ rollup=rollup,
+ ).values(),
+ ),
+ clean([(timestamp, 0) for timestamp in series]),
+ ),
+ clean(
+ tsdb.get_range(
+ tsdb.models.project,
+ [project.id],
+ start,
+ stop,
+ rollup=rollup,
+ )[project.id],
+ ),
+ lambda resolved, total: (
+ resolved,
+ total - resolved, # unresolved
+ ),
+ )
+def prepare_project_aggregates((start, stop), project):
+ # TODO: This needs to return ``None`` for periods that don't have any data
+ # (because the project is not old enough) and possibly extrapolate for
+ # periods that only have partial periods.
+ period = timedelta(days=7 * 4)
+ start = stop - period
+ resolutions = project.group_set.filter(
+ status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED,
+ resolved_at__gte=start,
+ resolved_at__lt=stop,
+ ).values_list('resolved_at', flat=True)
+ periods = [0] * 4
+ for resolution in resolutions:
+ periods[int((resolution - start).total_seconds() / period.total_seconds())] += 1
+ return periods
+def trim_issue_list(value):
+ return sorted(
+ value,
+ key=lambda (id, statistics): statistics,
+ reverse=True,
+ )[:5]
+def prepare_project_issue_list((start, stop), queryset, rollup=60 * 60 * 24):
+ issue_ids = list(queryset.values_list('id', flat=True))
+ events = tsdb.get_sums(
+ tsdb.models.group,
+ issue_ids,
+ start,
+ stop,
+ rollup=rollup,
+ )
+ users = tsdb.get_distinct_counts_totals(
+ tsdb.models.users_affected_by_group,
+ issue_ids,
+ start,
+ stop,
+ rollup=rollup,
+ )
+ return (
+ len(issue_ids),
+ trim_issue_list([(id, (events[id], users[id])) for id in issue_ids]),
+ )
+def prepare_project_issue_lists(interval, project):
+ start, stop = interval
+ queryset = project.group_set.exclude(status=GroupStatus.MUTED)
+ return (
+ prepare_project_issue_list(
+ interval,
+ queryset.filter(
+ first_seen__gte=start,
+ first_seen__lt=stop,
+ ),
+ ),
+ prepare_project_issue_list(
+ interval,
+ queryset.filter(
+ status=GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
+ resolved_at__gte=start,
+ resolved_at__lt=stop,
+ ),
+ ),
+ prepare_project_issue_list(
+ interval,
+ queryset.filter(
+ last_seen__gte=start,
+ last_seen__lt=stop,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+def merge_issue_lists(target, other):
+ return (
+ target[0] + other[0],
+ trim_issue_list(target[1] + other[1]),
+ )
+def prepare_project_report(interval, project):
+ return (
+ prepare_project_series(interval, project),
+ prepare_project_aggregates(interval, project),
+ prepare_project_issue_lists(interval, project),
+ )
+def safe_add(x, y):
+ if x is not None and y is not None:
+ return x + y
+ elif x is not None:
+ return x
+ elif y is not None:
+ return y
+ else:
+ return None
+def merge_reports(target, other):
+ return (
+ merge_series(
+ target[0],
+ other[0],
+ merge_sequences,
+ ),
+ merge_sequences(
+ target[1],
+ other[1],
+ safe_add,
+ ),
+ merge_sequences(
+ target[2],
+ other[2],
+ merge_issue_lists,
+ ),
+ )
+ name='sentry.tasks.reports.prepare_reports',
+ queue='reports.prepare')
+def prepare_reports(*args, **kwargs):
+ timestamp, duration = _fill_default_parameters(*args, **kwargs)
+ organization_ids = _get_organization_queryset().values_list('id', flat=True)
+ for organization_id in organization_ids:
+ prepare_organization_report.delay(timestamp, duration, organization_id)
+ name='sentry.tasks.reports.prepare_organization_report',
+ queue='reports.prepare')
+def prepare_organization_report(timestamp, duration, organization_id):
+ organization = _get_organization_queryset().get(id=organization_id)
+ if not features.has('organizations:reports:prepare', organization):
+ return
+ # TODO: Build and store project reports here.
+ for user_id in organization.member_set.values_list('user_id', flat=True):
+ deliver_organization_user_report.delay(
+ timestamp,
+ duration,
+ organization_id,
+ user_id,
+ )
+def fetch_personal_statistics((start, stop), organization, user):
+ resolved_issue_ids = Activity.objects.filter(
+ project__organization_id=organization.id,
+ user_id=user.id,
+ type__in=(
+ Activity.SET_RESOLVED,
+ ),
+ datetime__gte=start,
+ datetime__lt=stop,
+ group__status=GroupStatus.RESOLVED, # only count if the issue is still resolved
+ ).values_list('group_id', flat=True)
+ return {
+ 'resolved': len(resolved_issue_ids),
+ 'users': tsdb.get_distinct_counts_union(
+ tsdb.models.users_affected_by_group,
+ resolved_issue_ids,
+ start,
+ stop,
+ 60 * 60 * 24,
+ ),
+ }
+def build_message(interval, organization, user, report):
+ start, stop = interval
+ message = MessageBuilder(
+ subject=u'Sentry Report for {}'.format(organization.name),
+ template='sentry/emails/reports/body.txt',
+ html_template='sentry/emails/reports/body.html',
+ type='report.organization',
+ context={
+ 'interval': {
+ 'start': start,
+ 'stop': stop,
+ },
+ 'organization': organization,
+ 'personal': fetch_personal_statistics(
+ interval,
+ organization,
+ user,
+ ),
+ 'report': to_context(report),
+ 'user': user,
+ },
+ )
+ message.add_users((user.id,))
+ return message
+ name='sentry.tasks.reports.deliver_organization_user_report',
+ queue='reports.deliver')
+def deliver_organization_user_report(timestamp, duration, organization_id, user_id):
+ organization = _get_organization_queryset().get(id=organization_id)
+ user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
+ projects = set()
+ for team in Team.objects.get_for_user(organization, user):
+ projects.update(
+ Project.objects.get_for_user(team, user, _skip_team_check=True),
+ )
+ if not projects:
+ return
+ interval = _to_interval(timestamp, duration)
+ def fetch_report(project):
+ # TODO: Fetch reports from storage, rather than building on demand.
+ return prepare_project_report(
+ interval,
+ project,
+ )
+ report = reduce(
+ merge_reports,
+ map(
+ fetch_report,
+ projects,
+ ),
+ )
+ message = build_message(interval, organization, user, report)
+ if features.has('organizations:reports:deliver', organization):
+ message.send()
+IssueList = namedtuple('IssueList', 'count issues')
+IssueStatistics = namedtuple('IssueStatistics', 'events users')
+def rewrite_issue_list((count, issues), fetch_groups=None):
+ # XXX: This only exists for removing data dependency in tests.
+ if fetch_groups is None:
+ fetch_groups = Group.objects.in_bulk
+ instances = fetch_groups([id for id, _ in issues])
+ def rewrite((id, statistics)):
+ instance = instances.get(id)
+ if instance is None:
+ logger.debug("Could not retrieve group with key %r, skipping...", id)
+ return None
+ return (instance, IssueStatistics(*statistics))
+ return IssueList(
+ count,
+ filter(None, map(rewrite, issues)),
+ )
+Point = namedtuple('Point', 'resolved unresolved')
+def to_context(report, fetch_groups=None):
+ series, aggregates, issue_lists = report
+ series = [(timestamp, Point(*values)) for timestamp, values in series]
+ return {
+ 'series': {
+ 'points': series,
+ 'maximum': max(sum(point) for timestamp, point in series),
+ 'all': sum([sum(point) for timestamp, point in series]),
+ 'resolved': sum([point.resolved for timestamp, point in series]),
+ },
+ 'comparisons': [
+ ('last week', change(aggregates[-1], aggregates[-2])),
+ ('last month', change(
+ aggregates[-1],
+ mean(aggregates) if all(v is not None for v in aggregates) else None,
+ )),
+ ],
+ 'issues': (
+ ('New Issues', rewrite_issue_list(issue_lists[0], fetch_groups)),
+ ('Reintroduced Issues', rewrite_issue_list(issue_lists[1], fetch_groups)),
+ ('Most Frequently Seen Issues', rewrite_issue_list(issue_lists[2], fetch_groups)),
+ ),
+ }