@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import logging
+from sentry.lang.javascript.utils import should_use_symbolicator_for_sourcemaps
+from sentry.lang.native.error import SymbolicationFailed, write_error
+from sentry.lang.native.symbolicator import Symbolicator
+from sentry.models import EventError, Project
+from sentry.stacktraces.processing import find_stacktraces_in_data
+from sentry.utils.safe import get_path
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _merge_frame_context(new_frame, symbolicated):
+ new_frame = dict(new_frame)
+ symbolicated = dict(symbolicated)
+ if symbolicated.get("pre_context"):
+ new_frame["pre_context"] = symbolicated["pre_context"]
+ if symbolicated.get("context_line"):
+ new_frame["context_line"] = symbolicated["context_line"]
+ if symbolicated.get("post_context"):
+ new_frame["post_context"] = symbolicated["post_context"]
+ return new_frame
+def _merge_frame(new_frame, symbolicated):
+ new_frame = dict(new_frame)
+ symbolicated = dict(symbolicated)
+ if symbolicated.get("function"):
+ new_frame["function"] = symbolicated["function"]
+ if symbolicated.get("abs_path"):
+ new_frame["abs_path"] = symbolicated["abs_path"]
+ if symbolicated.get("filename"):
+ new_frame["filename"] = symbolicated["filename"]
+ if symbolicated.get("lineno"):
+ new_frame["lineno"] = symbolicated["lineno"]
+ if symbolicated.get("colno"):
+ new_frame["colno"] = symbolicated["colno"]
+ if symbolicated.get("pre_context"):
+ new_frame["pre_context"] = symbolicated["pre_context"]
+ if symbolicated.get("context_line"):
+ new_frame["context_line"] = symbolicated["context_line"]
+ if symbolicated.get("post_context"):
+ new_frame["post_context"] = symbolicated["post_context"]
+ if symbolicated.get("status"):
+ frame_meta = new_frame.setdefault("data", {})
+ frame_meta["symbolicator_status"] = symbolicated["status"]
+ return new_frame
+# TODO: Change this error handling to be JS-specific?
+def _handle_response_status(event_data, response_json):
+ if not response_json:
+ error = SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_INTERNAL_FAILURE)
+ elif response_json["status"] == "completed":
+ return True
+ elif response_json["status"] == "failed":
+ error = SymbolicationFailed(
+ message=response_json.get("message") or None, type=EventError.NATIVE_SYMBOLICATOR_FAILED
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.error("Unexpected symbolicator status: %s", response_json["status"])
+ error = SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_INTERNAL_FAILURE)
+ write_error(error, event_data)
+def get_frames_for_symbolication(frames, data):
+ return [dict(frame) for frame in reversed(frames)]
+def is_sourcemap_image(image):
+ return (
+ bool(image)
+ and image.get("type") == "sourcemap"
+ and image.get("debug_id") is not None
+ and image.get("code_file") is not None
+ )
+def sourcemap_images_from_data(data):
+ return get_path(data, "debug_meta", "images", default=(), filter=is_sourcemap_image)
+def process_payload(data):
+ # We cannot symbolicate JS stacktraces without a release.
+ # TODO: Won't be the case with DebugIDs and Artifact Bundles
+ if data.get("release") is None:
+ return
+ project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=data.get("project"))
+ allow_scraping_org_level = project.organization.get_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", True)
+ allow_scraping_project_level = project.get_option("sentry:scrape_javascript", True)
+ allow_scraping = allow_scraping_org_level and allow_scraping_project_level
+ symbolicator = Symbolicator(project=project, event_id=data["event_id"], release=data["release"])
+ modules = sourcemap_images_from_data(data)
+ stacktrace_infos = find_stacktraces_in_data(data)
+ stacktraces = [
+ {
+ "frames": get_frames_for_symbolication(sinfo.stacktrace.get("frames") or (), data),
+ }
+ for sinfo in stacktrace_infos
+ ]
+ if not any(stacktrace["frames"] for stacktrace in stacktraces):
+ return
+ response = symbolicator.process_js(
+ stacktraces=stacktraces,
+ modules=modules,
+ dist=data.get("dist"),
+ allow_scraping=allow_scraping,
+ )
+ if not _handle_response_status(data, response):
+ return data
+ assert len(stacktraces) == len(response["stacktraces"]), (stacktraces, response)
+ for sinfo, raw_stacktrace, complete_stacktrace in zip(
+ stacktrace_infos, response["raw_stacktraces"], response["stacktraces"]
+ ):
+ new_frames = []
+ new_sinfo_frames = []
+ for sinfo_frame, raw_frame, complete_frame in zip(
+ sinfo.stacktrace["frames"], raw_stacktrace["frames"], complete_stacktrace["frames"]
+ ):
+ merged_context_frame = _merge_frame_context(sinfo_frame, raw_frame)
+ new_sinfo_frames.append(merged_context_frame)
+ merged_frame = _merge_frame(merged_context_frame, complete_frame)
+ new_frames.append(merged_frame)
+ if sinfo.container is not None:
+ sinfo.container["raw_stacktrace"] = {
+ "frames": new_sinfo_frames,
+ }
+ sinfo.stacktrace["frames"] = new_frames
+ return data
+def get_symbolication_function(data):
+ if should_use_symbolicator_for_sourcemaps(data.get("project")):
+ return process_payload