@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import responses
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs
+from sentry import options
+from sentry.models import (
+ Integration, OrganizationIntegration, Identity, IdentityProvider,
+ IdentityStatus, Group, GroupStatus, GroupAssignee, AuthProvider,
+ AuthIdentity
+from sentry.testutils import APITestCase
+from sentry.utils import json
+from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
+from sentry.integrations.slack.action_endpoint import LINK_IDENTITY_MESSAGE
+class BaseEventTest(APITestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BaseEventTest, self).setUp()
+ self.user = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.org = self.create_organization(owner=None)
+ self.team = self.create_team(organization=self.org, members=[self.user])
+ self.integration = Integration.objects.create(
+ provider='slack',
+ external_id='TXXXXXXX1',
+ metadata={
+ 'access_token': 'xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
+ 'bot_access_token': 'xoxb-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
+ }
+ )
+ OrganizationIntegration.objects.create(
+ organization=self.org,
+ integration=self.integration,
+ )
+ self.idp = IdentityProvider.objects.create(
+ type='slack',
+ organization=self.org,
+ config={},
+ )
+ self.identity = Identity.objects.create(
+ external_id='slack_id',
+ idp=self.idp,
+ user=self.user,
+ status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
+ scopes=[],
+ )
+ self.project1 = self.create_project(organization=self.org)
+ self.group1 = self.create_group(project=self.project1)
+ self.trigger_id = '13345224609.738474920.8088930838d88f008e0'
+ self.response_url = 'https://hooks.slack.com/actions/T47563693/6204672533/x7ZLaiVMoECAW50Gw1ZYAXEM'
+ def post_webhook(self, action_data=None, type='event_callback', data=None,
+ token=None, team_id='TXXXXXXX1', callback_id=None, slack_user=None):
+ if token is None:
+ token = options.get('slack.verification-token')
+ if slack_user is None:
+ slack_user = {'id': self.identity.external_id, 'domain': 'example'}
+ if callback_id is None:
+ callback_id = json.dumps({'issue': self.group1.id})
+ payload = {
+ 'token': token,
+ 'team': {
+ 'id': team_id,
+ 'domain': 'example.com',
+ },
+ 'channel': {
+ 'id': 'C065W1189',
+ 'domain': 'forgotten-works',
+ },
+ 'user': slack_user,
+ 'callback_id': callback_id,
+ 'action_ts': '1458170917.164398',
+ 'message_ts': '1458170866.000004',
+ 'original_message': {}, # unused
+ 'trigger_id': self.trigger_id,
+ 'response_url': self.response_url,
+ 'attachment_id': '1',
+ 'actions': action_data or [],
+ 'type': type,
+ }
+ if data:
+ payload.update(data)
+ payload = {'payload': json.dumps(payload)}
+ return self.client.post('/extensions/slack/action/', data=payload)
+class StatusActionTest(BaseEventTest):
+ def test_ask_linking(self):
+ resp = self.post_webhook(slack_user={
+ 'id': 'invalid-id',
+ 'domain': 'example',
+ })
+ associate_url = absolute_uri(reverse('sentry-account-associate-identity', kwargs={
+ 'organization_slug': self.org.slug,
+ 'provider_key': 'slack',
+ }))
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert resp.data['response_type'] == 'ephemeral'
+ assert resp.data['text'] == LINK_IDENTITY_MESSAGE.format(
+ associate_url=associate_url,
+ )
+ def test_ignore_issue(self):
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'status',
+ 'value': 'ignored',
+ 'type': 'button'
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ self.group1 = Group.objects.get(id=self.group1.id)
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert self.group1.get_status() == GroupStatus.IGNORED
+ expect_status = u'*Issue ignored by <@{}>*'.format(self.identity.external_id)
+ assert resp.data['text'].endswith(expect_status), resp.data['text']
+ def test_ignore_issue_with_additional_user_auth(self):
+ """
+ Ensure that we can act as a user even when the organization has SSO enabled
+ """
+ auth_idp = AuthProvider.objects.create(
+ organization=self.org,
+ provider='dummy',
+ )
+ AuthIdentity.objects.create(
+ auth_provider=auth_idp,
+ user=self.user,
+ )
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'status',
+ 'value': 'ignored',
+ 'type': 'button'
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ self.group1 = Group.objects.get(id=self.group1.id)
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert self.group1.get_status() == GroupStatus.IGNORED
+ expect_status = u'*Issue ignored by <@{}>*'.format(self.identity.external_id)
+ assert resp.data['text'].endswith(expect_status), resp.data['text']
+ def test_assign_issue(self):
+ user2 = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.create_member(user=user2, organization=self.org, teams=[self.team])
+ # Assign to user
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'assign',
+ 'selected_options': [{'value': user2.username}],
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert GroupAssignee.objects.filter(group=self.group1, user=user2).exists()
+ expect_status = u'*Issue assigned to {assignee} by <@{assigner}>*'.format(
+ assignee=user2.get_display_name(),
+ assigner=self.identity.external_id,
+ )
+ # Unassign from user
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'assign',
+ 'selected_options': [{'value': 'none'}],
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert not GroupAssignee.objects.filter(group=self.group1).exists()
+ expect_status = u'*Issue unassigned by <@{assigner}>*'.format(
+ assignee=user2.get_display_name(),
+ assigner=self.identity.external_id,
+ )
+ assert resp.data['text'].endswith(expect_status), resp.data['text']
+ def test_assign_issue_user_has_identity(self):
+ user2 = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.create_member(user=user2, organization=self.org, teams=[self.team])
+ user2_identity = Identity.objects.create(
+ external_id='slack_id2',
+ idp=self.idp,
+ user=user2,
+ status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
+ scopes=[],
+ )
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'assign',
+ 'selected_options': [{'value': user2.username}],
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert GroupAssignee.objects.filter(group=self.group1, user=user2).exists()
+ expect_status = u'*Issue assigned to <@{assignee}> by <@{assigner}>*'.format(
+ assignee=user2_identity.external_id,
+ assigner=self.identity.external_id,
+ )
+ assert resp.data['text'].endswith(expect_status), resp.data['text']
+ @responses.activate
+ def test_resolve_issue(self):
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'resolve_dialog',
+ 'value': 'resolve_dialog',
+ }
+ # Expect request to open dialog on slack
+ responses.add(
+ method=responses.POST,
+ url='https://slack.com/api/dialog.open',
+ body='{"ok": true}',
+ status=200,
+ content_type='application/json',
+ )
+ resp = self.post_webhook(action_data=[status_action])
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ # Opening dialog should *not* cause the current message to be updated
+ assert resp.content == ''
+ data = parse_qs(responses.calls[0].request.body)
+ assert data['token'][0] == self.integration.metadata['bot_access_token']
+ assert data['trigger_id'][0] == self.trigger_id
+ assert 'dialog' in data
+ dialog = json.loads(data['dialog'][0])
+ callback_data = json.loads(dialog['callback_id'])
+ assert int(callback_data['issue']) == self.group1.id
+ assert callback_data['orig_response_url'] == self.response_url
+ # Completing the dialog will update the message
+ responses.add(
+ method=responses.POST,
+ url=self.response_url,
+ body='{"ok": true}',
+ status=200,
+ content_type='application/json',
+ )
+ resp = self.post_webhook(
+ type='dialog_submission',
+ callback_id=dialog['callback_id'],
+ data={'submission': {'resolve_type': 'resolved'}}
+ )
+ self.group1 = Group.objects.get(id=self.group1.id)
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert self.group1.get_status() == GroupStatus.RESOLVED
+ update_data = json.loads(responses.calls[1].request.body)
+ expect_status = u'*Issue resolved by <@{}>*'.format(self.identity.external_id)
+ assert update_data['text'].endswith(expect_status)
+ def test_permission_denied(self):
+ user2 = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ user2_identity = Identity.objects.create(
+ external_id='slack_id2',
+ idp=self.idp,
+ user=user2,
+ status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
+ scopes=[],
+ )
+ status_action = {
+ 'name': 'status',
+ 'value': 'ignored',
+ 'type': 'button'
+ }
+ resp = self.post_webhook(
+ action_data=[status_action],
+ slack_user={'id': user2_identity.external_id},
+ )
+ self.group1 = Group.objects.get(id=self.group1.id)
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ assert not self.group1.get_status() == GroupStatus.IGNORED
+ assert resp.data['response_type'] == 'ephemeral'
+ assert not resp.data['replace_original']
+ assert resp.data['text'] == 'Action failed: You do not have permission to perform this action.'
+ def test_invalid_token(self):
+ resp = self.post_webhook(token='invalid')
+ assert resp.status_code == 401
+ def test_no_integration(self):
+ self.integration.delete()
+ resp = self.post_webhook()
+ assert resp.status_code == 403
+ def test_slack_bad_payload(self):
+ resp = self.client.post('/extensions/slack/action/', data={'nopayload': 0})
+ assert resp.status_code == 400