@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+import {useMemo} from 'react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {Location} from 'history';
+import moment from 'moment';
+import EmptyStateWarning from 'sentry/components/emptyStateWarning';
+import Link from 'sentry/components/links/link';
+import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator';
+import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons';
+import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import {Organization} from 'sentry/types';
+import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
+import {parsePeriodToHours} from 'sentry/utils/dates';
+import {useDiscoverQuery} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery';
+import {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types';
+import SuspectSpansQuery from 'sentry/utils/performance/suspectSpans/suspectSpansQuery';
+import {SuspectSpan, SuspectSpans} from 'sentry/utils/performance/suspectSpans/types';
+import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch';
+import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects';
+import {spanDetailsRouteWithQuery} from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/transactionSpans/spanDetails/utils';
+import {
+ SpanSortOption,
+ SpanSortOthers,
+ SpanSortPercentiles,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/transactionSpans/types';
+import {
+ getSuspectSpanSortFromLocation,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/transactionSpans/utils';
+import {
+ getQueryParams,
+ relativeChange,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/trends/changeExplorerUtils/metricsTable';
+import {
+ NormalizedTrendsTransaction,
+ TrendChangeType,
+ TrendView,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/trends/types';
+import {getTrendProjectId} from 'sentry/views/performance/trends/utils';
+type SpansListProps = {
+ breakpoint: number;
+ location: Location;
+ organization: Organization;
+ transaction: NormalizedTrendsTransaction;
+ trendChangeType: TrendChangeType;
+ trendView: TrendView;
+type AveragedSuspectSpan = SuspectSpan & {
+ avgSumExclusiveTime: number;
+export type ChangedSuspectSpan = AveragedSuspectSpan & {
+ avgTimeDifference: number;
+ changeType: string;
+ percentChange: number;
+type NumberedListProps = {
+ isError: boolean;
+ isLoading: boolean;
+ limit: number;
+ location: Location;
+ organization: Organization;
+ transactionName: string;
+ projectID?: string;
+ spans?: ChangedSuspectSpan[];
+export const SpanChangeType = {
+ added: t('Added'),
+ removed: t('Removed'),
+ regressed: t('Regressed'),
+ improved: t('Improved'),
+export function SpansList(props: SpansListProps) {
+ const {trendView, location, organization, breakpoint, transaction, trendChangeType} =
+ props;
+ const hours = trendView.statsPeriod ? parsePeriodToHours(trendView.statsPeriod) : 0;
+ const startTime = useMemo(
+ () =>
+ trendView.start ? trendView.start : moment().subtract(hours, 'h').toISOString(),
+ [hours, trendView.start]
+ );
+ const breakpointTime = breakpoint ? new Date(breakpoint * 1000).toISOString() : '';
+ const endTime = useMemo(
+ () => (trendView.end ? trendView.end : moment().toISOString()),
+ [trendView.end]
+ );
+ const {projects} = useProjects();
+ const projectID = getTrendProjectId(transaction, projects);
+ const beforeLocation = updateLocation(
+ location,
+ startTime,
+ breakpointTime,
+ transaction,
+ projectID
+ );
+ const beforeSort = getSuspectSpanSortFromLocation(beforeLocation, 'spanSort');
+ const beforeEventView = updateEventView(
+ trendView,
+ startTime,
+ breakpointTime,
+ transaction,
+ beforeSort,
+ projectID
+ );
+ const beforeFields = SPAN_SORT_TO_FIELDS[beforeSort.field];
+ beforeEventView.fields = beforeFields ? beforeFields.map(field => ({field})) : [];
+ const afterLocation = updateLocation(
+ location,
+ startTime,
+ breakpointTime,
+ transaction,
+ projectID
+ );
+ const afterSort = getSuspectSpanSortFromLocation(afterLocation, 'spanSort');
+ const afterEventView = updateEventView(
+ trendView,
+ breakpointTime,
+ endTime,
+ transaction,
+ afterSort,
+ projectID
+ );
+ const afterFields = SPAN_SORT_TO_FIELDS[afterSort.field];
+ afterEventView.fields = afterFields ? afterFields.map(field => ({field})) : [];
+ const {
+ data: totalTransactionsBefore,
+ isLoading: transactionsLoadingBefore,
+ isError: transactionsErrorBefore,
+ } = useDiscoverQuery(
+ getQueryParams(
+ startTime,
+ breakpointTime,
+ ['count'],
+ 'transaction',
+ DiscoverDatasets.METRICS,
+ organization,
+ trendView,
+ transaction.transaction,
+ location
+ )
+ );
+ const transactionCountBefore = totalTransactionsBefore?.data[0]['count()'] as number;
+ const {
+ data: totalTransactionsAfter,
+ isLoading: transactionsLoadingAfter,
+ isError: transactionsErrorAfter,
+ } = useDiscoverQuery(
+ getQueryParams(
+ breakpointTime,
+ endTime,
+ ['count'],
+ 'transaction',
+ DiscoverDatasets.METRICS,
+ organization,
+ trendView,
+ transaction.transaction,
+ location
+ )
+ );
+ const transactionCountAfter = totalTransactionsAfter?.data[0]['count()'] as number;
+ return (
+ <SuspectSpansQuery
+ location={beforeLocation}
+ orgSlug={organization.slug}
+ eventView={beforeEventView}
+ limit={50}
+ perSuspect={0}
+ >
+ {({
+ suspectSpans: suspectSpansBefore,
+ isLoading: spansLoadingBefore,
+ error: spansErrorBefore,
+ }) => {
+ const hasSpansErrorBefore = spansErrorBefore !== null;
+ return (
+ <SuspectSpansQuery
+ location={afterLocation}
+ orgSlug={organization.slug}
+ eventView={afterEventView}
+ limit={50}
+ perSuspect={0}
+ >
+ {({
+ suspectSpans: suspectSpansAfter,
+ isLoading: spansLoadingAfter,
+ error: spansErrorAfter,
+ }) => {
+ const hasSpansErrorAfter = spansErrorAfter !== null;
+ // need these averaged fields because comparing total self times may be inaccurate depending on
+ // where the breakpoint is
+ const spansAveragedAfter = addAvgSumExclusiveTime(
+ suspectSpansAfter,
+ transactionCountAfter
+ );
+ const spansAveragedBefore = addAvgSumExclusiveTime(
+ suspectSpansBefore,
+ transactionCountBefore
+ );
+ const addedSpans = addChangeFields(
+ findSpansNotIn(spansAveragedAfter, spansAveragedBefore),
+ true
+ );
+ const removedSpans = addChangeFields(
+ findSpansNotIn(spansAveragedBefore, spansAveragedAfter),
+ false
+ );
+ const remainingSpansBefore = findSpansIn(
+ spansAveragedBefore,
+ spansAveragedAfter
+ );
+ const remainingSpansAfter = findSpansIn(
+ spansAveragedAfter,
+ spansAveragedBefore
+ );
+ const remainingSpansWithChange = addPercentChange(
+ remainingSpansBefore,
+ remainingSpansAfter
+ );
+ const allSpansUpdated = remainingSpansWithChange
+ ?.concat(addedSpans ? addedSpans : [])
+ .concat(removedSpans ? removedSpans : []);
+ // sorts all spans in descending order of avgTimeDifference (change in avg total self time)
+ const spanList = allSpansUpdated?.sort(
+ (a, b) => b.avgTimeDifference - a.avgTimeDifference
+ );
+ // reverse the span list when trendChangeType is improvement so most negative (improved) change is first
+ return (
+ <NumberedList
+ spans={
+ trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.REGRESSION
+ ? spanList
+ : spanList?.reverse()
+ }
+ projectID={projectID}
+ location={location}
+ organization={organization}
+ transactionName={transaction.transaction}
+ limit={6}
+ isLoading={
+ transactionsLoadingBefore ||
+ transactionsLoadingAfter ||
+ spansLoadingBefore ||
+ spansLoadingAfter
+ }
+ isError={
+ hasSpansErrorBefore ||
+ hasSpansErrorAfter ||
+ transactionsErrorBefore ||
+ transactionsErrorAfter
+ }
+ />
+ );
+ }}
+ </SuspectSpansQuery>
+ );
+ }}
+ </SuspectSpansQuery>
+ );
+function updateLocation(
+ location: Location,
+ start: string,
+ end: string,
+ transaction: NormalizedTrendsTransaction,
+ projectID?: string
+) {
+ return {
+ ...location,
+ start,
+ end,
+ statsPeriod: undefined,
+ sort: SpanSortOthers.SUM_EXCLUSIVE_TIME,
+ project: projectID,
+ query: {
+ query: 'transaction:' + transaction.transaction,
+ statsPeriod: undefined,
+ start,
+ end,
+ project: projectID,
+ },
+ };
+function updateEventView(
+ trendView: TrendView,
+ start: string,
+ end: string,
+ transaction: NormalizedTrendsTransaction,
+ sort: SpanSortOption,
+ projectID?: string
+) {
+ const newEventView = trendView.clone();
+ newEventView.start = start;
+ newEventView.end = end;
+ newEventView.statsPeriod = undefined;
+ newEventView.query = `event.type:transaction transaction:${transaction.transaction}`;
+ newEventView.project = projectID ? [parseInt(projectID, 10)] : [];
+ newEventView.additionalConditions = new MutableSearch('');
+ return newEventView
+ .withColumns(
+ [...Object.values(SpanSortOthers), ...Object.values(SpanSortPercentiles)].map(
+ field => ({kind: 'field', field})
+ )
+ )
+ .withSorts([{kind: 'desc', field: sort.field}]);
+function findSpansNotIn(
+ initialSpans: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined,
+ comparingSpans: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined
+) {
+ return initialSpans?.filter(initialValue => {
+ const spanInComparingSet = comparingSpans?.find(
+ comparingValue =>
+ comparingValue.op === initialValue.op &&
+ comparingValue.group === initialValue.group
+ );
+ return spanInComparingSet === undefined;
+ });
+function findSpansIn(
+ initialSpans: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined,
+ comparingSpans: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined
+) {
+ return initialSpans?.filter(initialValue => {
+ const spanInComparingSet = comparingSpans?.find(
+ comparingValue =>
+ comparingValue.op === initialValue.op &&
+ comparingValue.group === initialValue.group
+ );
+ return spanInComparingSet !== undefined;
+ });
+ *
+ * adds an average of the sumExclusive time so it is more comparable when the breakpoint
+ * is not close to the middle of the timeseries
+ */
+function addAvgSumExclusiveTime(
+ suspectSpans: SuspectSpans | null,
+ transactionCount: number
+) {
+ return suspectSpans?.map(span => {
+ return {
+ ...span,
+ avgSumExclusiveTime: span.sumExclusiveTime
+ ? span.sumExclusiveTime / transactionCount
+ : 0,
+ };
+ });
+function addPercentChange(
+ before: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined,
+ after: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined
+) {
+ return after?.map(spanAfter => {
+ const spanBefore = before?.find(
+ beforeValue =>
+ spanAfter.op === beforeValue.op && spanAfter.group === beforeValue.group
+ );
+ const percentageChange =
+ relativeChange(
+ spanBefore?.avgSumExclusiveTime || 0,
+ spanAfter.avgSumExclusiveTime
+ ) * 100;
+ return {
+ ...spanAfter,
+ percentChange: percentageChange,
+ avgTimeDifference:
+ spanAfter.avgSumExclusiveTime - (spanBefore?.avgSumExclusiveTime || 0),
+ changeType:
+ percentageChange < 0 ? SpanChangeType.improved : SpanChangeType.regressed,
+ };
+ });
+function addChangeFields(
+ spans: AveragedSuspectSpan[] | undefined,
+ added: boolean
+): ChangedSuspectSpan[] | undefined {
+ // percent change is hardcoded to pass the 1% change threshold,
+ // avoid infinite values and reflect correct change type
+ return spans?.map(span => {
+ if (added) {
+ return {
+ ...span,
+ percentChange: 100,
+ avgTimeDifference: span.avgSumExclusiveTime,
+ changeType: SpanChangeType.added,
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ ...span,
+ percentChange: -100,
+ avgTimeDifference: 0 - span.avgSumExclusiveTime,
+ changeType: SpanChangeType.removed,
+ };
+ });
+export function NumberedList(props: NumberedListProps) {
+ const {
+ spans,
+ projectID,
+ location,
+ transactionName,
+ organization,
+ limit,
+ isLoading,
+ isError,
+ } = props;
+ if (isLoading) {
+ return <LoadingIndicator />;
+ }
+ if (isError) {
+ return (
+ <ErrorWrapper>
+ <IconWarning data-test-id="error-indicator" color="gray200" size="xxl" />
+ <p>{t('There was an issue finding suspect spans for this transaction')}</p>
+ </ErrorWrapper>
+ );
+ }
+ if (spans?.length === 0) {
+ return (
+ <EmptyStateWarning>
+ <p data-test-id="spans-no-results">{t('No results found for your query')}</p>
+ </EmptyStateWarning>
+ );
+ }
+ // percent change of a span must be more than 1%
+ const formattedSpans = spans
+ ?.filter(span => (spans.length > 10 ? Math.abs(span.percentChange) >= 1 : true))
+ .slice(0, limit)
+ .map((span, index) => {
+ const spanDetailsPage = spanDetailsRouteWithQuery({
+ orgSlug: organization.slug,
+ transaction: transactionName,
+ query: location.query,
+ spanSlug: {op: span.op, group: span.group},
+ projectID,
+ });
+ const handleClickAnalytics = () => {
+ trackAnalytics(
+ 'performance_views.performance_change_explorer.span_link_clicked',
+ {
+ organization,
+ transaction: transactionName,
+ op: span.op,
+ group: span.group,
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ return (
+ <li key={`list-item-${index}`}>
+ <ListItemWrapper data-test-id="list-item">
+ <p style={{marginLeft: space(2)}}>
+ {tct('[changeType] suspect span', {changeType: span.changeType})}
+ </p>
+ <SpanLink to={spanDetailsPage} onClick={handleClickAnalytics}>
+ {span.description ? `${span.op} - ${span.description}` : span.op}
+ </SpanLink>
+ </ListItemWrapper>
+ </li>
+ );
+ });
+ if (formattedSpans?.length === 0) {
+ return (
+ <EmptyStateWarning>
+ <p data-test-id="spans-no-changes">{t('No sizable changes in suspect spans')}</p>
+ </EmptyStateWarning>
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ <div style={{marginTop: space(4)}}>
+ <ol>{formattedSpans}</ol>
+ </div>
+ );
+const SpanLink = styled(Link)`
+ margin-left: ${space(1)};
+ ${p => p.theme.overflowEllipsis}
+const ListItemWrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+const ErrorWrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ margin-top: ${space(4)};
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ gap: ${space(3)};