We're seeing some mismatches between runtime and app. Let's just inline runtime into app.js
@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@
{% endscript %}
{% block scripts %}
- {% unversioned_asset_url "sentry" "entrypoints/runtime.js" as asset_url %}
- {% script src=asset_url %}{% endscript %}
{% block scripts_main_entrypoint %}
{% unversioned_asset_url "sentry" "entrypoints/app.js" as asset_url %}
{% script src=asset_url data-entry="true" %}{% endscript %}
@@ -434,7 +434,6 @@ let appConfig: Configuration = {
optimization: {
chunkIds: 'named',
moduleIds: 'named',
- runtimeChunk: {name: 'runtime'},
splitChunks: {
// Only affect async chunks, otherwise webpack could potentially split our initial chunks
// Which means the app will not load because we'd need these additional chunks to be loaded in our