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fix(eap): Handle multi y axis top events query (#82547)

When there are multiple y axis in the rpc results, we were over writing
the values and returning only 1 timeseries instead of 1 for each y axis.
Tony Xiao 2 months ago

+ 29 - 18

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import logging
+from collections import defaultdict
 from datetime import timedelta
 from typing import Any
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ def run_timeseries_query(
     result: SnubaData = []
     confidences: SnubaData = []
     for timeseries in rpc_response.result_timeseries:
-        processed, confidence = _process_timeseries(timeseries, params, granularity_secs)
+        processed, confidence = _process_all_timeseries([timeseries], params, granularity_secs)
         if len(result) == 0:
             result = processed
             confidences = confidence
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ def run_timeseries_query(
         if comp_rpc_response.result_timeseries:
             timeseries = comp_rpc_response.result_timeseries[0]
-            processed, _ = _process_timeseries(timeseries, params, granularity_secs)
+            processed, _ = _process_all_timeseries([timeseries], params, granularity_secs)
             label = get_function_alias(timeseries.label)
             for existing, new in zip(result, processed):
                 existing["comparisonCount"] = new[label]
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ def run_top_events_timeseries_query(
     other_response = snuba_rpc.timeseries_rpc(other_request)
     """Process the results"""
-    map_result_key_to_timeseries = {}
+    map_result_key_to_timeseries = defaultdict(list)
     for timeseries in rpc_response.result_timeseries:
         groupby_attributes = timeseries.group_by_attributes
         remapped_groupby = {}
@@ -395,12 +396,12 @@ def run_top_events_timeseries_query(
                 resolved_groupby, _ = search_resolver.resolve_attribute(col)
                 remapped_groupby[col] = groupby_attributes[resolved_groupby.internal_name]
         result_key = create_result_key(remapped_groupby, groupby_columns, {})
-        map_result_key_to_timeseries[result_key] = timeseries
+        map_result_key_to_timeseries[result_key].append(timeseries)
     final_result = {}
     # Top Events actually has the order, so we need to iterate through it, regenerate the result keys
     for index, row in enumerate(top_events["data"]):
         result_key = create_result_key(row, groupby_columns, {})
-        result_data, result_confidence = _process_timeseries(
+        result_data, result_confidence = _process_all_timeseries(
@@ -416,8 +417,8 @@ def run_top_events_timeseries_query(
     if other_response.result_timeseries:
-        result_data, result_confidence = _process_timeseries(
-            other_response.result_timeseries[0],
+        result_data, result_confidence = _process_all_timeseries(
+            [timeseries for timeseries in other_response.result_timeseries],
@@ -434,19 +435,29 @@ def run_top_events_timeseries_query(
     return final_result
-def _process_timeseries(
-    timeseries: TimeSeries, params: SnubaParams, granularity_secs: int, order: int | None = None
+def _process_all_timeseries(
+    all_timeseries: list[TimeSeries],
+    params: SnubaParams,
+    granularity_secs: int,
+    order: int | None = None,
 ) -> tuple[SnubaData, SnubaData]:
     result: SnubaData = []
     confidence: SnubaData = []
-    # Timeseries serialization expects the function alias (eg. `count` not `count()`)
-    label = get_function_alias(timeseries.label)
-    if len(result) < len(timeseries.buckets):
-        for bucket in timeseries.buckets:
-            result.append({"time": bucket.seconds})
-            confidence.append({"time": bucket.seconds})
-    for index, data_point in enumerate(timeseries.data_points):
-        result[index][label] = process_value(
-        confidence[index][label] = CONFIDENCES.get(data_point.reliability, None)
+    for timeseries in all_timeseries:
+        # Timeseries serialization expects the function alias (eg. `count` not `count()`)
+        label = get_function_alias(timeseries.label)
+        if result:
+            for index, bucket in enumerate(timeseries.buckets):
+                assert result[index]["time"] == bucket.seconds
+                assert confidence[index]["time"] == bucket.seconds
+        else:
+            for bucket in timeseries.buckets:
+                result.append({"time": bucket.seconds})
+                confidence.append({"time": bucket.seconds})
+        for index, data_point in enumerate(timeseries.data_points):
+            result[index][label] = process_value(
+            confidence[index][label] = CONFIDENCES.get(data_point.reliability, None)
     return result, confidence

+ 42 - 0

@@ -482,6 +482,48 @@ class OrganizationEventsStatsSpansMetricsEndpointTest(OrganizationEventsEndpoint
                 assert result[1][0]["count"] == expected, key
         assert["foo"]["meta"]["dataset"] == self.dataset
+    def test_top_events_multi_y_axis(self):
+        # Each of these denotes how many events to create in each minute
+        for transaction in ["foo", "bar", "baz"]:
+            self.store_spans(
+                [
+                    self.create_span(
+                        {"sentry_tags": {"transaction": transaction, "status": "success"}},
+                        start_ts=self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=1),
+                        duration=2000,
+                    ),
+                ],
+                is_eap=self.is_eap,
+            )
+        response = self._do_request(
+            data={
+                "start": self.day_ago,
+                "end": self.day_ago + timedelta(minutes=6),
+                "interval": "1m",
+                "yAxis": ["count()", "p50(span.duration)"],
+                "field": ["transaction", "count()", "p50(span.duration)"],
+                "orderby": ["transaction"],
+                "project":,
+                "dataset": self.dataset,
+                "excludeOther": 0,
+                "topEvents": 2,
+            },
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+        for key in ["Other", "bar", "baz"]:
+            assert key in
+            for y_axis in ["count()", "p50(span.duration)"]:
+                assert y_axis in[key]
+                assert[key][y_axis]["meta"]["dataset"] == self.dataset
+            counts =[key]["count()"]["data"][0:6]
+            for expected, result in zip([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], counts):
+                assert result[1][0]["count"] == expected, key
+            p50s =[key]["p50(span.duration)"]["data"][0:6]
+            for expected, result in zip([0, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0], p50s):
+                assert result[1][0]["count"] == expected, key
     def test_top_events_with_project(self):
         # Each of these denotes how many events to create in each minute
         projects = [self.create_project(), self.create_project()]