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feat: DLQ unprocessable messages on ingest-events (#66236)

This PR depends on

It attempts to be somewhat cautious about DLQing and not DLQ
anything that is even potentially retriable. This could be tweaked

If a non-retriable exception is raised, the consumer tries to further determine whether the message
is actually bad (or it's some transient retriable error) by validating the message against
the schema. The message will be DLQed only if that also fails.
Lyn Nagara 1 year ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ KAFKA_CONSUMERS: Mapping[str, ConsumerDefinition] = {
         "static_args": {
             "consumer_type": "events",
+        "dlq_topic": Topic.INGEST_EVENTS_DLQ,
     "ingest-feedback-events": {
         "topic": Topic.INGEST_FEEDBACK_EVENTS,

+ 78 - 67

@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600
 IngestMessage = Mapping[str, Any]
+class Retriable(Exception):
+    pass
 def trace_func(**span_kwargs):
     def wrapper(f):
@@ -127,78 +131,85 @@ def process_event(
-    # If we only want to reprocess "stuck" events, we check if this event is already in the
-    # `processing_store`. We only continue here if the event *is* present, as that will eventually
-    # process and consume the event from the `processing_store`, whereby getting it "unstuck".
-    if reprocess_only_stuck_events and not event_processing_store.exists(data):
-        return
-    with metrics.timer("ingest_consumer._store_event"):
-        cache_key =
+    # Raise the retriable exception and skip DLQ if anything below this point fails as it may be caused by
+    # intermittent network issue
-        # Records rc-processing usage broken down by
-        # event type.
-        event_type = data.get("type")
-        if event_type == "error":
-            app_feature = "errors"
-        elif event_type == "transaction":
-            app_feature = "transactions"
-        else:
-            app_feature = None
-        if app_feature is not None:
-            record(settings.EVENT_PROCESSING_STORE, app_feature, len(payload), UsageUnit.BYTES)
-    except Exception:
-        pass
-    if attachments:
-        with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="ingest_consumer.set_attachment_cache"):
-            attachment_objects = [
-                CachedAttachment(type=attachment.pop("attachment_type"), **attachment)
-                for attachment in attachments
-            ]
-            attachment_cache.set(cache_key, attachments=attachment_objects, timeout=CACHE_TIMEOUT)
-    if data.get("type") == "transaction":
-        # No need for preprocess/process for transactions thus submit
-        # directly transaction specific save_event task.
-        save_event_transaction.delay(
-            cache_key=cache_key,
-            data=None,
-            start_time=start_time,
-            event_id=event_id,
-            project_id=project_id,
-        )
-    elif data.get("type") == "feedback":
-        if features.has("organizations:user-feedback-ingest", project.organization, actor=None):
-            save_event_feedback.delay(
-                cache_key=None,  # no need to cache as volume is low
-                data=data,
-                start_time=start_time,
-                event_id=event_id,
-                project_id=project_id,
-            )
-    else:
-        # Preprocess this event, which spawns either process_event or
-        # save_event. Pass data explicitly to avoid fetching it again from the
-        # cache.
-        with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="ingest_consumer.process_event.preprocess_event"):
-            preprocess_event(
+        # If we only want to reprocess "stuck" events, we check if this event is already in the
+        # `processing_store`. We only continue here if the event *is* present, as that will eventually
+        # process and consume the event from the `processing_store`, whereby getting it "unstuck".
+        if reprocess_only_stuck_events and not event_processing_store.exists(data):
+            return
+        with metrics.timer("ingest_consumer._store_event"):
+            cache_key =
+        try:
+            # Records rc-processing usage broken down by
+            # event type.
+            event_type = data.get("type")
+            if event_type == "error":
+                app_feature = "errors"
+            elif event_type == "transaction":
+                app_feature = "transactions"
+            else:
+                app_feature = None
+            if app_feature is not None:
+                record(settings.EVENT_PROCESSING_STORE, app_feature, len(payload), UsageUnit.BYTES)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        if attachments:
+            with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="ingest_consumer.set_attachment_cache"):
+                attachment_objects = [
+                    CachedAttachment(type=attachment.pop("attachment_type"), **attachment)
+                    for attachment in attachments
+                ]
+                attachment_cache.set(
+                    cache_key, attachments=attachment_objects, timeout=CACHE_TIMEOUT
+                )
+        if data.get("type") == "transaction":
+            # No need for preprocess/process for transactions thus submit
+            # directly transaction specific save_event task.
+            save_event_transaction.delay(
-                data=data,
+                data=None,
-                project=project,
-                has_attachments=bool(attachments),
+                project_id=project_id,
-    # remember for an 1 hour that we saved this event (deduplication protection)
-    cache.set(deduplication_key, "", CACHE_TIMEOUT)
-    # emit event_accepted once everything is done
-    event_accepted.send_robust(ip=remote_addr, data=data, project=project, sender=process_event)
+        elif data.get("type") == "feedback":
+            if features.has("organizations:user-feedback-ingest", project.organization, actor=None):
+                save_event_feedback.delay(
+                    cache_key=None,  # no need to cache as volume is low
+                    data=data,
+                    start_time=start_time,
+                    event_id=event_id,
+                    project_id=project_id,
+                )
+        else:
+            # Preprocess this event, which spawns either process_event or
+            # save_event. Pass data explicitly to avoid fetching it again from the
+            # cache.
+            with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="ingest_consumer.process_event.preprocess_event"):
+                preprocess_event(
+                    cache_key=cache_key,
+                    data=data,
+                    start_time=start_time,
+                    event_id=event_id,
+                    project=project,
+                    has_attachments=bool(attachments),
+                )
+        # remember for an 1 hour that we saved this event (deduplication protection)
+        cache.set(deduplication_key, "", CACHE_TIMEOUT)
+        # emit event_accepted once everything is done
+        event_accepted.send_robust(ip=remote_addr, data=data, project=project, sender=process_event)
+    except Exception as exc:
+        raise Retriable(exc)

+ 53 - 14

@@ -1,17 +1,28 @@
 import logging
 import msgpack
+import sentry_kafka_schemas
 from arroyo.backends.kafka.consumer import KafkaPayload
-from arroyo.types import Message
+from arroyo.dlq import InvalidMessage
+from arroyo.types import BrokerValue, Message
+from sentry.conf.types.kafka_definition import Topic
 from sentry.models.project import Project
 from sentry.utils import metrics
-from .processors import IngestMessage, process_event
+from .processors import IngestMessage, Retriable, process_event
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+consumer_type_to_default_topic = {
+    "events": Topic.INGEST_EVENTS,
+    "transactions": Topic.INGEST_TRANSACTIONS,
+    "attachments": Topic.INGEST_ATTACHMENTS,
+    "ingest-feedback-events": Topic.INGEST_FEEDBACK_EVENTS,
 def process_simple_event_message(
     raw_message: Message[KafkaPayload], consumer_type: str, reprocess_only_stuck_events: bool
 ) -> None:
@@ -36,19 +47,47 @@ def process_simple_event_message(
         tags={"consumer": consumer_type},
-    message: IngestMessage = msgpack.unpackb(raw_payload, use_list=False)
-    message_type = message["type"]
-    project_id = message["project_id"]
+    try:
+        message: IngestMessage = msgpack.unpackb(raw_payload, use_list=False)
+        message_type = message["type"]
+        project_id = message["project_id"]
-    if message_type != "event":
-        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported message type: {message_type}")
+        if message_type != "event":
+            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported message type: {message_type}")
-    try:
-        with metrics.timer("ingest_consumer.fetch_project"):
-            project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=project_id)
-    except Project.DoesNotExist:
-        logger.exception("Project for ingested event does not exist: %s", project_id)
-        return
+        try:
+            with metrics.timer("ingest_consumer.fetch_project"):
+                project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=project_id)
+        except Project.DoesNotExist:
+            logger.exception("Project for ingested event does not exist: %s", project_id)
+            return
+        return process_event(message, project, reprocess_only_stuck_events)
+    except Exception as exc:
+        # If the retriable exception was raised, we should not DLQ
+        if isinstance(exc, Retriable):
+            raise
+        # If no retriable exception was raised, check the schema to decide whether to DLQ
+        default_topic = consumer_type_to_default_topic[consumer_type].value
+        # TODO: Currently, there is only a schema for ingest-events, so just continue to re-raise
+        # the exception if it's a different topic. This can be removed once attachments and transactions
+        # have schemas too.
+        if default_topic != "ingest-events":
+            raise
+        codec = sentry_kafka_schemas.get_codec(default_topic)
+        try:
+            codec.decode(raw_payload, validate=True)
+        except Exception:
+            raw_value = raw_message.value
+            assert isinstance(raw_value, BrokerValue)
+            raise InvalidMessage(raw_value.partition, raw_value.offset)
-    return process_event(message, project, reprocess_only_stuck_events)
+        raise

+ 1 - 1

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def test_recursion_breaker(settings, post_event_with_sdk):
     with mock.patch(
         "", spec=Event, side_effect=ValueError("oh no!")
     ) as save:
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
             post_event_with_sdk({"message": "internal client test", "event_id": event_id})
     assert_mock_called_once_with_partial(save, settings.SENTRY_PROJECT, cache_key=f"e:{event_id}:1")

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import msgpack
+import pytest
+from arroyo.backends.kafka import KafkaPayload
+from arroyo.dlq import InvalidMessage
+from arroyo.types import BrokerValue, Message, Partition, Topic
+from sentry.ingest.consumer.factory import IngestStrategyFactory
+from sentry.testutils.pytest.fixtures import django_db_all
+def make_message(payload: bytes, partition: Partition, offset: int) -> Message:
+    return Message(
+        BrokerValue(
+            KafkaPayload(None, payload, []),
+            partition,
+            offset,
+  ,
+        )
+    )
+def test_dlq_invalid_messages(factories) -> None:
+    organization = factories.create_organization()
+    project = factories.create_project(organization=organization)
+    valid_payload = msgpack.packb(
+        {
+            "type": "event",
+            "project_id":,
+            "payload": b"{}",
+            "start_time": int(time.time()),
+            "event_id": "aaa",
+        }
+    )
+    bogus_payload = b"bogus message"
+    partition = Partition(Topic("ingest-events"), 0)
+    offset = 5
+    factory = IngestStrategyFactory(
+        "events",
+        reprocess_only_stuck_events=False,
+        num_processes=1,
+        max_batch_size=1,
+        max_batch_time=1,
+        input_block_size=None,
+        output_block_size=None,
+    )
+    strategy = factory.create_with_partitions(Mock(), Mock())
+    # Valid payload raises original error
+    with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc_info:
+        message = make_message(valid_payload, partition, offset)
+        strategy.submit(message)
+    assert not isinstance(exc_info.value, InvalidMessage)
+    # Invalid payload raises InvalidMessage error
+    with pytest.raises(InvalidMessage) as exc_info:
+        message = make_message(bogus_payload, partition, offset)
+        strategy.submit(message)
+    assert exc_info.value.partition == partition
+    assert exc_info.value.offset == offset