@@ -1,37 +1,18 @@
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
import responses
-from django.utils import timezone
-from exam import fixture
import sentry
from sentry.digests.backends.redis import RedisBackend
from sentry.digests.notifications import event_to_record
-from sentry.integrations.slack.notifications import send_notification_as_slack
-from sentry.mail import mail_adapter
from sentry.models import (
- Activity,
- Deploy,
- Integration,
- Release,
- UserOption,
-from sentry.notifications.notifications.activity import (
- AssignedActivityNotification,
- NewProcessingIssuesActivityNotification,
- NoteActivityNotification,
- RegressionActivityNotification,
- ReleaseActivityNotification,
- ResolvedActivityNotification,
- ResolvedInReleaseActivityNotification,
- UnassignedActivityNotification,
from sentry.notifications.notifications.rules import AlertRuleNotification
from sentry.notifications.types import (
@@ -44,461 +25,15 @@ from sentry.ownership.grammar import Rule as GrammarRule
from sentry.ownership.grammar import dump_schema
from sentry.plugins.base import Notification
from sentry.tasks.digests import deliver_digest
-from sentry.testutils import TestCase
-from sentry.types.activity import ActivityType
from sentry.types.integrations import ExternalProviders
from sentry.utils import json
from sentry.utils.compat import mock
from sentry.utils.compat.mock import patch
-from tests.sentry.mail.activity import ActivityTestCase
-def send_notification(*args):
- args_list = list(args)[1:]
- send_notification_as_slack(*args_list, {})
-def get_attachment():
- assert len(responses.calls) >= 1
- data = parse_qs(responses.calls[0].request.body)
- assert "text" in data
- assert "attachments" in data
- attachments = json.loads(data["attachments"][0])
- assert len(attachments) == 1
- return attachments[0], data["text"][0]
-class SlackActivityNotificationTest(ActivityTestCase, TestCase):
- @fixture
- def adapter(self):
- return mail_adapter
- def setUp(self):
- NotificationSetting.objects.update_settings(
- ExternalProviders.SLACK,
- NotificationSettingTypes.WORKFLOW,
- NotificationSettingOptionValues.ALWAYS,
- user=self.user,
- )
- NotificationSetting.objects.update_settings(
- ExternalProviders.SLACK,
- NotificationSettingTypes.DEPLOY,
- NotificationSettingOptionValues.ALWAYS,
- user=self.user,
- )
- NotificationSetting.objects.update_settings(
- ExternalProviders.SLACK,
- NotificationSettingTypes.ISSUE_ALERTS,
- NotificationSettingOptionValues.ALWAYS,
- user=self.user,
- )
- UserOption.objects.create(user=self.user, key="self_notifications", value="1")
- self.integration = Integration.objects.create(
- provider="slack",
- name="Team A",
- external_id="TXXXXXXX1",
- metadata={
- "access_token": "xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
- "installation_type": "born_as_bot",
- },
- )
- self.integration.add_organization(self.organization, self.user)
- self.idp = IdentityProvider.objects.create(type="slack", external_id="TXXXXXXX1", config={})
- self.identity = Identity.objects.create(
- external_id="UXXXXXXX1",
- idp=self.idp,
- user=self.user,
- status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
- scopes=[],
- )
- responses.add(
- method=responses.POST,
- url="https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage",
- body='{"ok": true}',
- status=200,
- content_type="application/json",
- )
- self.name = self.user.get_display_name()
- self.short_id = self.group.qualified_short_id
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_multiple_identities(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that we notify a user with multiple Identities in each place
- """
- integration2 = Integration.objects.create(
- provider="slack",
- name="Team B",
- external_id="TXXXXXXX2",
- metadata={
- "access_token": "xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
- "installation_type": "born_as_bot",
- },
- )
- integration2.add_organization(self.organization, self.user)
- idp2 = IdentityProvider.objects.create(type="slack", external_id="TXXXXXXX2", config={})
- identity2 = Identity.objects.create(
- external_id="UXXXXXXX2",
- idp=idp2,
- user=self.user,
- status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
- scopes=[],
- )
- # create a second response
- responses.add(
- method=responses.POST,
- url="https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage",
- body='{"ok": true}',
- status=200,
- content_type="application/json",
- )
- notification = AssignedActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.ASSIGNED,
- data={"assignee": self.user.id},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- assert len(responses.calls) >= 2
- data = parse_qs(responses.calls[0].request.body)
- assert "channel" in data
- channel = data["channel"][0]
- assert channel == self.identity.external_id
- data = parse_qs(responses.calls[1].request.body)
- assert "channel" in data
- channel = data["channel"][0]
- assert channel == identity2.external_id
+from . import SlackActivityNotificationTest, get_attachment, send_notification
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_multiple_orgs(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that if a user is in 2 orgs with Slack and has an Identity linked in each,
- we're only going to notify them for the relevant org
- """
- org2 = self.create_organization(owner=self.user)
- integration2 = Integration.objects.create(
- provider="slack",
- name="Team B",
- external_id="TXXXXXXX2",
- metadata={
- "access_token": "xoxp-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
- "installation_type": "born_as_bot",
- },
- )
- integration2.add_organization(org2, self.user)
- idp2 = IdentityProvider.objects.create(type="slack", external_id="TXXXXXXX2", config={})
- Identity.objects.create(
- external_id="UXXXXXXX2",
- idp=idp2,
- user=self.user,
- status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
- scopes=[],
- )
- # create a second response that won't actually be used, but here to make sure it's not a false positive
- responses.add(
- method=responses.POST,
- url="https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage",
- body='{"ok": true}',
- status=200,
- content_type="application/json",
- )
- notification = AssignedActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.ASSIGNED,
- data={"assignee": self.user.id},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- assert len(responses.calls) == 1
- data = parse_qs(responses.calls[0].request.body)
- assert "channel" in data
- channel = data["channel"][0]
- assert channel == self.identity.external_id
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_assignment(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue is assigned
- """
- notification = AssignedActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.ASSIGNED,
- data={"assignee": self.user.id},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert text == f"Issue assigned to {self.name} by themselves"
- assert attachment["title"] == self.group.title
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=AssignedActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_unassignment(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue is unassigned
- """
- notification = UnassignedActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.ASSIGNED,
- data={"assignee": ""},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert text == f"Issue unassigned by {self.name}"
- assert attachment["title"] == self.group.title
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=UnassignedActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_resolved(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue is resolved
- """
- notification = ResolvedActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.SET_RESOLVED,
- data={"assignee": ""},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert (
- text
- == f"{self.name} marked <http://testserver/organizations/{self.organization.slug}/issues/{self.group.id}/?referrer=activity_notification|{self.short_id}> as resolved"
- )
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=ResolvedActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_regression(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue regresses
- """
- notification = RegressionActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.SET_REGRESSION,
- data={},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert text == "Issue marked as regression"
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=RegressionActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_new_processing_issue(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue is held back in reprocessing
- """
- data = [
- {
- "data": {
- "image_arch": "arm64",
- "image_path": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FB14D416-DE4E-4224-9789-6B88E9C42601/CrashProbeiOS.app/CrashProbeiOS",
- "image_uuid": "a2df1794-e0c7-371c-baa4-93eac340a78a",
- },
- "object": "dsym:a2df1794-e0c7-371c-baa4-93eac340a78a",
- "scope": "native",
- "type": "native_missing_dsym",
- },
- {
- "data": {
- "image_arch": "arm64",
- "image_path": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FB14D416-DE4E-4224-9789-6B88E9C42601/CrashProbeiOS.app/libCrashProbeiOS",
- "image_uuid": "12dc1b4c-a01b-463f-ae88-5cf0c31ae680",
- },
- "object": "dsym:12dc1b4c-a01b-463f-ae88-5cf0c31ae680",
- "scope": "native",
- "type": "native_bad_dsym",
- },
- ]
- notification = NewProcessingIssuesActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.NEW_PROCESSING_ISSUES,
- data={
- "issues": data,
- "reprocessing_active": True,
- },
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert (
- text
- == f"Processing issues on <{self.project.slug}|http://testserver/settings/{self.organization.slug}/projects/{self.project.slug}/processing-issues/"
- )
- assert (
- attachment["text"]
- == f"Some events failed to process in your project {self.project.slug}"
- )
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=NewProcessingIssuesActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_resolved_in_release(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when an issue is resolved in a release
- """
- notification = ResolvedInReleaseActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.SET_RESOLVED_IN_RELEASE,
- data={"version": "meow"},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- release_name = notification.activity.data["version"]
- assert text == f"Issue marked as resolved in {release_name} by {self.name}"
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=ResolvedInReleaseActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_note(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when a comment is made on an issue
- """
- notification = NoteActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- group=self.group,
- user=self.user,
- type=ActivityType.NOTE,
- data={"text": "text", "mentions": []},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert text == f"New comment by {self.name}"
- assert attachment["title"] == f"{self.group.title}"
- assert (
- attachment["title_link"]
- == f"http://testserver/organizations/{self.organization.slug}/issues/{self.group.id}/?referrer=NoteActivitySlack"
- )
- assert attachment["text"] == notification.activity.data["text"]
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/workflow/?referrer=NoteActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
- @responses.activate
- @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
- def test_deploy(self, mock_func):
- """
- Test that a Slack message is sent with the expected payload when a deploy happens
- """
- release = Release.objects.create(
- version="meow" * 10,
- organization_id=self.project.organization_id,
- date_released=timezone.now(),
- )
- project2 = self.create_project(name="battlesnake")
- release.add_project(self.project)
- release.add_project(project2)
- deploy = Deploy.objects.create(
- release=release,
- organization_id=self.organization.id,
- environment_id=self.environment.id,
- )
- notification = ReleaseActivityNotification(
- Activity(
- project=self.project,
- user=self.user,
- type=Activity.RELEASE,
- data={"version": release.version, "deploy_id": deploy.id},
- )
- )
- with self.tasks():
- notification.send()
- attachment, text = get_attachment()
- assert (
- text
- == f"Release {release.version} was deployed to {self.environment.name} for these projects"
- )
- assert attachment["actions"][0]["text"] == self.project.slug
- assert (
- attachment["actions"][0]["url"]
- == f"http://testserver/organizations/{self.organization.slug}/releases/{release.version}/?project={self.project.id}&unselectedSeries=Healthy/"
- )
- assert attachment["actions"][1]["text"] == project2.slug
- assert (
- attachment["actions"][1]["url"]
- == f"http://testserver/organizations/{self.organization.slug}/releases/{release.version}/?project={project2.id}&unselectedSeries=Healthy/"
- )
- assert (
- attachment["footer"]
- == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/deploy/?referrer=ReleaseActivitySlack|Notification Settings>"
- )
+class SlackUnassignedNotificationTest(SlackActivityNotificationTest):
@mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
def test_issue_alert_user(self, mock_func):