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ref(tsc): drop ts monitoring (#41845)

Jonas 2 years ago
2 changed files with 1 additions and 227 deletions
  1. 1 11
  2. 0 216

+ 1 - 11

@@ -117,17 +117,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: tsc
         id: tsc
         if: steps.dependencies.outcome == 'success'
-        run: |
-          set -o pipefail
-          yarn tsc -p config/ --diagnostics --generateTrace /tmp/trace | tee /tmp/typescript-monitor.log
-      - name: monitor-tsc
-        continue-on-error: true
-        if: steps.tsc.outcome == 'success'
-        env:
-          GITHUB_PR_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}
-          GITHUB_PR_REF: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref || github.ref }}
-        run: yarn run ts-node .github/workflows/scripts/monitor-typescript.ts
+        run: yarn tsc -p config/
       - name: storybook
         if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/master'

+ 0 - 216

@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-env node */
-import '@sentry/tracing';
-// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-nodejs-modules
-import fs from 'fs';
-// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-nodejs-modules
-import os from 'os';
-import {BaseClient} from '@sentry/core';
-import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';
-import {Envelope, EventEnvelope} from '@sentry/types';
-import {addItemToEnvelope, timestampWithMs, uuid4} from '@sentry/utils';
-function isEventEnvelope(envelope: Envelope): envelope is EventEnvelope {
-  return !!(envelope[0] as any).event_id;
-const traceFile = '/tmp/trace/trace.json';
- * Currently, there is no interface to send a profile in the SDK. Here, we
- * monkey patch the SDK itself to attach the profile as an envelope item
- * to the transaction event and send it together.
- */
-// @ts-ignore
-const orgSendEnvelope = BaseClient.prototype._sendEnvelope;
-// @ts-ignore
-BaseClient.prototype._sendEnvelope = function (envelope) {
-  if (isEventEnvelope(envelope) && fs.existsSync(traceFile)) {
-    const profile = {
-      type: 'profile',
-      platform: 'typescript',
-      profile_id: uuid4(),
-      profile: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(traceFile, 'utf8')),
-      device_locale:
-        process.env.LC_ALL ||
-        process.env.LC_MESSAGES ||
-        process.env.LANG ||
-        process.env.LANGUAGE,
-      device_manufacturer: 'GitHub',
-      device_model: 'GitHub Actions',
-      device_os_name: os.platform(),
-      device_os_version: os.release(),
-      device_is_emulator: false,
-      transaction_name: 'typescript.compile',
-      version_code: '1',
-      version_name: '0.1',
-      duration_ns: `${realTime.value * 1e9}`,
-      trace_id: envelope[0].trace.trace_id,
-      transaction_id: envelope[0].event_id,
-    };
-    // @ts-ignore
-    envelope = addItemToEnvelope(envelope, [{type: 'profile'}, profile]);
-  }
-, envelope);
-  // typescript-compiler project under sentry-test organization (developer productivity team)
-  dsn: '',
-  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
-  environment: 'ci',
-  debug: true,
-if (!fs.existsSync('/tmp/typescript-monitor.log')) {
-  // We failed to retrieve the log file, but we dont want to impact the pipeline so just exit.
-  // The absence of metrics in sentry should warn us here
-  // eslint-disable-next-line
-  console.warn('No diagnostics fil found in /tmp/typescript-monitor.log');
-  process.exit(0);
-const ALLOWED_KEYS = new Set([
-  'Files',
-  'Lines',
-  'Nodes',
-  'Identifiers',
-  'Symbols',
-  'Types',
-  'Instantiations',
-  'Memory used',
-  'I/O Read',
-  'I/O Write',
-  'Parse time',
-  'Bind time',
-  'Check time',
-  'Emit time',
-  'Total time',
-const tsLogFile = fs.readFileSync('/tmp/typescript-monitor.log', 'utf8');
-function parseContentsToKeyValue(
-  input: string
-): Record<string, {unit: string | undefined; value: number}> | null {
-  try {
-    return input
-      .split('\n')
-      .filter(n => !!n.trim())
-      .reduce(
-        (
-          acc: Record<string, {unit: string | undefined; value: number}>,
-          line: string
-        ) => {
-          const match = line.match(/Done in ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)s/);
-          if (match) {
-            // The total time from the diagnostics does not include the
-            // time spent generating the trace, so we take the duration
-            // of the yarn command.
-            const parsedValue = parseFloat(match[1]);
-            acc['Real Time'] = {
-              value: parsedValue,
-              unit: 's',
-            };
-            return acc;
-          }
-          const [k, v] = line.split(':');
-          if (typeof k !== 'string' || typeof v !== 'string') {
-            return acc;
-          }
-          const key = k.trim();
-          const value = v.trim();
-          if (ALLOWED_KEYS.has(key)) {
-            const parsedValue = parseFloat(value);
-            if (!isNaN(parsedValue)) {
-              acc[key] = {
-                value: parsedValue,
-                unit: undefined,
-              };
-            }
-            if (/([a-zA-Z]$)/.test(value)) {
-              acc[key] = {
-                value: parsedValue,
-                unit: v.match(/([a-zA-Z]$)/)?.[0],
-              };
-            }
-          }
-          return acc;
-        },
-        {}
-      );
-  } catch {
-    return null;
-  }
-const parsedDiagnostics = parseContentsToKeyValue(tsLogFile);
-if (parsedDiagnostics === null) {
-  // We failed to parse here, but we dont want to impact the pipeline so just exit.
-  // The absence of metrics in sentry should warn us here
-  // eslint-disable-next-line
-  console.warn('Failed to parse diagnostics file');
-  process.exit(0);
-const realTime = parsedDiagnostics['Real Time'] || {value: 0};
-const bindTime = parsedDiagnostics['Bind time'] || {value: 0};
-const checkTime = parsedDiagnostics['Check time'] || {value: 0};
-const parseTime = parsedDiagnostics['Parse time'] || {value: 0};
-const totalTime = parsedDiagnostics['Total time'] || {value: 0};
-const memoryUsage = parsedDiagnostics['Memory used'] || {value: 0};
-if (
-  !realTime.value &&
-  !bindTime.value &&
-  !checkTime.value &&
-  !parseTime.value &&
-  !totalTime.value &&
-  !memoryUsage.value
-) {
-  // Output may have been corrupted - we dont want to impact the pipeline so just exit.
-  // eslint-disable-next-line
-  console.warn('No diagnostics found in typescript-monitor.log');
-  process.exit(0);
-const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({
-  name: 'typescript.compilation',
-// set the start timestamp of the transaction to roughly when it should be
-transaction.startTimestamp = timestampWithMs() - realTime.value;
-transaction.setMeasurement('typescript.time.check', checkTime.value, 'ms');
-transaction.setMeasurement('typescript.time.bind', bindTime.value, 'ms');
-transaction.setMeasurement('typescript.time.parse', parseTime.value, 'ms');
-transaction.setMeasurement('', totalTime.value, 'ms');
-transaction.setMeasurement('typescript.memory.used', memoryUsage.value, 'ms');
-transaction.setTag('branch', process.env.GITHUB_PR_REF);
-transaction.setTag('commit', process.env.GITHUB_PR_SHA);
-transaction.setTag('github_run_attempt', process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT);
-  'github_actions_run',
-  `${process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}`
-(async () => {
-  await Sentry.flush(5000);