@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+Count-Min Sketch
+This provides a Redis-based implementation of the Count-Min Sketch, a
+probabilistic data structure that allows counting observations of items from
+high cardinality input stream in sublinear space, with the tradeoff of
+potentially overcounting lower-frequency items due to hash collisions.
+This implementation extends the conventional Count-Min algorithm, adding an
+index that allows querying for the top N items that have been observed in the
+stream. The index also serves as the primary storage, reducing storage
+requirements and improving accuracy, auntil it's capacity is exceeded, at which
+point the index data is used to initialize the estimation matrix. Once the
+index capacity as been exceeded and the estimation matrix has been initialized,
+the index of most frequent items is maintained using the estimates from the
+The public API consists of three main methods:
+- INCR: used to record observations of items,
+- ESTIMATE: used to query the number of times a specific item has been seen,
+- RANKED: used to query the top N items that have been recorded in a sketch.
+The named command to use is the first item passed as ``ARGV``. For commands
+that mutate data (`INCR`), the command is followed by the accuracy and storage
+parameters to use when initializing a new sketch:
+- DEPTH: number of rows for the estimation matrix,
+- WIDTH: number of columns for the estimation matrix,
+- CAPACITY: maximum size of the index (to disable indexing entirely, set to 0.)
+(Configuration parameters are not required for readonly commands such as
+The ``KEYS`` provided to each command are the three keys used for sketch storage:
+- configuration key (bytes, serialized MessagePack data)
+- index key (sorted set)
+- estimation matrix key (hash of frequencies (floats), keyed by struct packed matrix coordinates)
+Multiple sketches can be provided to each command by providing another set of keys, e.g.
+ EVALSHA $SHA 6 1:config 1:index 1:estimates 2:config 2:index 2:estimates [...]
+(Whether a command returns a single result that encompasses all sketches, or a
+sequence of results that correspond to each sketch is dependent on the command
+being called.)
+To add two items, "foo" with a score of 1, and "bar" with a score of 2 to two
+sketches with depth 5, width 64 and index capacity of 50:
+ EVALSHA $SHA 6 1:c 1:i 1:e 2:c 2:i 2:e INCR 5 64 50 1 foo 2 bar
+To query the top 5 items from the first sketch:
+ EVALSHA $SHA 3 1:c 1:i 1:e RANKED 5
+--[[ Helpers ]]--
+local function filter(f, t)
+ local result = {}
+ for i, value in ipairs(t) do
+ if f(value) then
+ table.insert(result, value)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+local function map(f, t)
+ local result = {}
+ for i, value in ipairs(t) do
+ result[i] = f(value)
+ end
+ return result
+local function head(t)
+ return (
+ function (head, ...)
+ return head, {...}
+ end
+ )(unpack(t))
+local function reduce(f, t, initializer)
+ if initializer == nil then
+ initializer, t = head(t)
+ end
+ local result = initializer
+ for _, value in pairs(t) do
+ result = f(result, value)
+ end
+ return result
+local function sum(series)
+ return reduce(
+ function (x, y)
+ return x + y
+ end,
+ series,
+ 0
+ )
+local function zip(items)
+ local length = reduce(
+ math.min,
+ map(
+ function (t)
+ return #t
+ end,
+ items
+ )
+ )
+ local results = {}
+ for i = 1, length do
+ local value = {}
+ for j = 1, #items do
+ value[j] = items[j][i]
+ end
+ results[i] = value
+ end
+ return results
+ MurmurHash3
+ This implementation of MurmurHash3 is the 32-bit variation, based on the
+ example implementations here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MurmurHash
+local function mmh3(key, seed)
+ local c1 = 0xcc9e2d51
+ local c2 = 0x1b873593
+ local r1 = 15
+ local r2 = 13
+ local m = 5
+ local n = 0xe6546b64
+ local function multiply(x, y)
+ -- This is required to emulate uint32 overflow correctly -- otherwise,
+ -- higher order bits are simply truncated and discarded.
+ return (bit.band(x, 0xffff) * y) + bit.lshift(bit.band(bit.rshift(x, 16) * y, 0xffff), 16)
+ end
+ local hash = bit.tobit(seed)
+ local remainder = #key % 4
+ for i = 1, #key - remainder, 4 do
+ local k = struct.unpack('<I4', key, i)
+ k = multiply(k, c1)
+ k = bit.rol(k, r1)
+ k = multiply(k, c2)
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, k)
+ hash = bit.rol(hash, r2)
+ hash = multiply(hash, m) + n
+ end
+ if remainder ~= 0 then
+ local k1 = struct.unpack('<I' .. remainder, key, #key - remainder + 1)
+ k1 = multiply(k1, c1)
+ k1 = bit.rol(k1, r1)
+ k1 = multiply(k1, c2)
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, k1)
+ end
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, #key)
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, bit.rshift(hash, 16))
+ hash = multiply(hash, 0x85ebca6b)
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, bit.rshift(hash, 13))
+ hash = multiply(hash, 0xc2b2ae35)
+ hash = bit.bxor(hash, bit.rshift(hash, 16))
+ return hash
+--[[ Configuration ]]--
+local Configuration = {}
+function Configuration:new(key, readonly, defaults)
+ self.__index = self
+ return setmetatable({
+ key = key,
+ readonly = readonly,
+ defaults = defaults,
+ data = nil,
+ loaded = false
+ }, self)
+function Configuration:exists()
+ self:load()
+ return self.data ~= nil
+function Configuration:load()
+ if not self.loaded then
+ local raw = redis.call('GET', self.key)
+ if raw == false then
+ self.data = self.defaults
+ if not self.readonly then
+ redis.call('SET', self.key, cmsgpack.pack(self.data))
+ end
+ else
+ self.data = cmsgpack.unpack(raw)
+ end
+ self.loaded = true
+ end
+function Configuration:get(key)
+ self:load()
+ return self.data[key]
+--[[ Sketch ]]--
+local Sketch = {}
+function Sketch:new(configuration, index, estimates)
+ self.__index = self
+ return setmetatable({
+ configuration = configuration,
+ index = index,
+ estimates = estimates
+ }, self)
+function Sketch:coordinates(value)
+ local coordinates = {}
+ local width = self.configuration:get('width')
+ for d = 1, self.configuration:get('depth') do
+ local w = (mmh3(value, d) % width) + 1 -- This Kool-Aid is delicious!
+ table.insert(coordinates, {d, w})
+ end
+ return coordinates
+function Sketch:observations(coordinates)
+ return tonumber(redis.call('HGET', self.estimates, struct.pack('>HH', unpack(coordinates)))) or 0
+function Sketch:estimate(value)
+ if self.configuration:exists() then
+ local score = tonumber(redis.call('ZSCORE', self.index, value))
+ if score ~= nil then
+ return score
+ end
+ return reduce(
+ math.min,
+ map(
+ function (c)
+ return self:observations(c)
+ end,
+ self:coordinates(value)
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+function Sketch:increment(items)
+ assert(not self.configuration.readonly)
+ local results = {}
+ local usage = redis.call('ZCARD', self.index)
+ if self.configuration:get('index') > usage then
+ -- Add all of the items to the index. (Note that this can cause the
+ -- index to temporarily grow to the size of the capacity - 1 + number
+ -- of items being updated in the worst case.)
+ local added = 0
+ for i, item in pairs(items) do
+ local value, delta = unpack(item)
+ local score = tonumber(redis.call('ZINCRBY', self.index, delta, value))
+ if score == delta then
+ added = added + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- If the number of items added pushes the index to capacity, we need
+ -- to initialize the sketch matrix with all of the current members of
+ -- the index.
+ if added + usage >= self.configuration:get('index') then
+ -- TODO: Use this data to generate the response value.
+ local members = redis.call('ZRANGE', self.index, 0, -1, 'WITHSCORES')
+ for i = 1, #members, 2 do
+ local value = members[i]
+ local score = members[i + 1]
+ local coordinates = self:coordinates(value)
+ local estimates = map(
+ function (c)
+ return self:observations(c)
+ end,
+ coordinates
+ )
+ for i, item in pairs(zip({coordinates, estimates})) do
+ local c, estimate = unpack(item)
+ local update = math.max(score, estimate)
+ if estimate ~= update then
+ redis.call('HSET', self.estimates, struct.pack('>HH', unpack(c)), update)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Remove extra items from the index.
+ redis.call('ZREMRANGEBYRANK', self.index, 0, -self.configuration:get('index') - 1)
+ end
+ else
+ -- Fetch the estimates for each item and update them.
+ for i, item in pairs(items) do
+ local value, delta = unpack(item)
+ local coordinates = self:coordinates(value)
+ local estimates = map(
+ function (c)
+ return self:observations(c)
+ end,
+ coordinates
+ )
+ -- This uses the score from the index (if it's available) instead
+ -- of the index to avoid data rot as much as possible.
+ local score = (tonumber(redis.call('ZSCORE', self.index, item)) or reduce(math.min, estimates)) + delta
+ for i, item in pairs(zip({coordinates, estimates})) do
+ local c, estimate = unpack(item)
+ local update = math.max(score, estimate)
+ if estimate ~= update then
+ redis.call('HSET', self.estimates, struct.pack('>HH', unpack(c)), update)
+ end
+ end
+ results[i] = score
+ end
+ if self.configuration:get('index') > 0 then
+ local added = 0
+ local minimum = tonumber(redis.call('ZRANGE', self.index, 0, 0, 'WITHSCORES')[2])
+ for i, item in pairs(items) do
+ local score = results[i]
+ -- TODO: This should also probably lexicographically sort items for consistent behavior.
+ if score > minimum then
+ local value = unpack(item)
+ added = added + redis.call('ZADD', self.index, score, value)
+ end
+ end
+ if added > 0 then
+ -- Remove extra items from the index.
+ redis.call('ZREMRANGEBYRANK', self.index, 0, -self.configuration:get('index') - 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return results
+--[[ Redis API ]]--
+local Command = {}
+function Command:new(fn, readonly)
+ if readonly == nil then
+ readonly = false
+ end
+ return function (keys, arguments)
+ local defaults = nil
+ if not readonly then
+ defaults, arguments = (
+ function (depth, width, index, ...)
+ return {
+ -- TODO: Actually validate these.
+ depth=tonumber(depth),
+ width=tonumber(width),
+ index=tonumber(index)
+ }, {...}
+ end
+ )(unpack(arguments))
+ end
+ local sketches = {}
+ for i = 1, #keys, 3 do
+ table.insert(sketches, Sketch:new(
+ Configuration:new(keys[i], readonly, defaults),
+ keys[i + 1],
+ keys[i + 2]
+ ))
+ end
+ return fn(sketches, arguments)
+ end
+local Router = {}
+function Router:new(commands)
+ return function (keys, arguments)
+ local name, arguments = head(arguments)
+ return commands[name:upper()](keys, arguments)
+ end
+return Router:new({
+ --[[
+ Increment the number of observations for each item in all sketches.
+ ]]--
+ INCR = Command:new(
+ function (sketches, arguments)
+ local items = {}
+ for i = 1, #arguments, 2 do
+ -- The increment value needs to be positive, since we're using the conservative
+ -- update strategy proposed by Estan and Varghese:
+ -- http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/CS223/mice.pdf
+ local delta = tonumber(arguments[i])
+ assert(delta > 0, 'The increment value must be positive and nonzero.')
+ local value = arguments[i + 1]
+ table.insert(items, {value, delta})
+ end
+ return map(
+ function (sketch)
+ return sketch:increment(items)
+ end,
+ sketches
+ )
+ end,
+ false
+ ),
+ --[[
+ Estimate the number of observations for each item in all sketches,
+ returning a sequence containing scores for items in the order that they
+ were provided for each sketch.
+ ]]--
+ ESTIMATE = Command:new(
+ function (sketches, values)
+ return map(
+ function (sketch)
+ return map(
+ function (value)
+ return string.format(
+ '%s',
+ sketch:estimate(value)
+ )
+ end,
+ values
+ )
+ end,
+ sketches
+ )
+ end,
+ true
+ ),
+ --[[
+ Find the most frequently observed items across all sketches, returning a
+ seqeunce of item, score pairs.
+ ]]--
+ RANKED = Command:new(
+ function (sketches, arguments)
+ local limit = unpack(arguments)
+ -- We only care about sketches that actually exist.
+ sketches = filter(
+ function (sketch)
+ return sketch.configuration:exists()
+ end,
+ sketches
+ )
+ if #sketches == 0 then
+ return {}
+ end
+ -- TODO: There are probably a bunch of performance optimizations that could be made here.
+ -- If no limit is provided, use an implicit limit of the smallest index.
+ if limit == nil then
+ limit = reduce(
+ math.min,
+ map(
+ function (sketch)
+ return sketch.configuration:get('index')
+ end,
+ sketches
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ if #sketches == 1 then
+ local results = {}
+ -- Note that the ZREVRANGE bounds are *inclusive*, so the limit
+ -- needs to be reduced by one to act as a typical slice bound.
+ local members = redis.call('ZREVRANGE', sketches[1].index, 0, limit - 1, 'WITHSCORES')
+ for i=1, #members, 2 do
+ table.insert(
+ results,
+ {
+ members[i],
+ string.format('%s', members[i + 1])
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ return results
+ else
+ -- As the first pass, we need to find all of the items to look
+ -- up in all sketches.
+ local items = {}
+ for _, sketch in pairs(sketches) do
+ local members = redis.call('ZRANGE', sketch.index, 0, -1)
+ for _, member in pairs(members) do
+ items[member] = true
+ end
+ end
+ local results = {}
+ for value in pairs(items) do
+ table.insert(
+ results,
+ {
+ value,
+ sum(
+ map(
+ function (sketch)
+ return sketch:estimate(value)
+ end,
+ sketches
+ )
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ local function comparator(x, y)
+ if x[2] == y[2] then
+ return x[1] < y[1] -- lexicographically by key ascending
+ else
+ return x[2] > y[2] -- score descending
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(results, comparator)
+ -- Trim the results to the limit.
+ local trimmed = {}
+ for i = 1, math.min(limit, #results) do
+ local item, score = unpack(results[i])
+ trimmed[i] = {
+ item,
+ string.format('%s', score)
+ }
+ end
+ return trimmed
+ end
+ end,
+ true
+ )