@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock, patch
+import orjson
from sentry.api.endpoints.group_ai_summary import SummarizeIssueResponse
from sentry.api.serializers.rest_framework.base import convert_dict_key_case, snake_to_camel_case
from sentry.testutils.cases import APITestCase, SnubaTestCase
@@ -143,3 +145,49 @@ class GroupAiSummaryEndpointTest(APITestCase, SnubaTestCase):
# Verify that _get_event and _call_seer were not called for the second request
+ def test_call_seer_payload(self):
+ with (
+ patch(
+ "sentry.api.endpoints.group_ai_summary.GroupAiSummaryEndpoint._get_event"
+ ) as mock_get_event,
+ patch("sentry.api.endpoints.group_ai_summary.requests.post") as mock_post,
+ patch("sentry.api.endpoints.group_ai_summary.sign_with_seer_secret") as mock_sign,
+ ):
+ mock_event = {
+ "id": "test_event_id",
+ "data": "test_event_data",
+ "project_id": self.project.id,
+ }
+ mock_get_event.return_value = mock_event
+ mock_sign.return_value = {"Authorization": "Bearer test_token"}
+ mock_post.return_value.json.return_value = {
+ "group_id": str(self.group.id),
+ "summary": "Test summary",
+ "impact": "Test impact",
+ "headline": "Test headline",
+ }
+ self.client.post(self.url, format="json")
+ expected_payload = {
+ "group_id": self.group.id,
+ "issue": {
+ "id": self.group.id,
+ "title": self.group.title,
+ "short_id": self.group.qualified_short_id,
+ "events": [mock_event],
+ },
+ "organization_slug": self.group.organization.slug,
+ "organization_id": self.group.organization.id,
+ "project_id": self.project.id,
+ }
+ mock_post.assert_called_once()
+ actual_payload = orjson.loads(mock_post.call_args[1]["data"])
+ assert actual_payload == expected_payload
+ # Check headers
+ headers = mock_post.call_args[1]["headers"]
+ assert headers["content-type"] == "application/json;charset=utf-8"
+ assert headers["Authorization"] == "Bearer test_token"