@@ -69,3 +69,100 @@ export function loadFixtures(dir: string, opts: Options = {}): TestStubFixtures
return fixtures;
+const extensions = ['.js', '.ts', '.tsx', '.json'];
+// This is a mapping of special cases where fixture name does not map 1:1 to file name.
+// Some fixture files also contain more than one fixture so additional mappings are needed.
+// If you have added new fixtures and you are seeing an error being throw, please add the fixture
+ AllAuthenticators: 'authenticators.js',
+ OrgRoleList: 'roleList.js',
+ MetricsField: 'metrics.js',
+ EventsStats: 'events.js',
+ DetailedEvents: 'events.js',
+ Events: 'events.js',
+ OutcomesWithReason: 'outcomes.js',
+ SentryAppComponentAsync: 'sentryAppComponent.js',
+ EventStacktraceMessage: 'eventStacktraceException.js',
+ MetricsTotalCountByReleaseIn24h: 'metrics.js',
+ MetricsSessionUserCountByStatusByRelease: 'metrics.js',
+ MOCK_RESP_VERBOSE: 'ruleConditions.js',
+ SessionStatusCountByProjectInPeriod: 'sessions.js',
+ SessionUserCountByStatusByRelease: 'sessions.js',
+ SessionUserCountByStatus: 'sessions.js',
+ SessionStatusCountByReleaseInPeriod: 'sessions.js',
+ SessionsField: 'sessions.js',
+ ProviderList: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ BitbucketIntegrationConfig: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ GitHubIntegration: 'githubIntegration.js',
+ GitHubRepositoryProvider: 'githubRepositoryProvider.js',
+ GitHubIntegrationProvider: 'githubIntegrationProvider.js',
+ GitHubIntegrationConfig: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ OrgOwnedApps: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ PublishedApps: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ SentryAppInstalls: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ PluginListConfig: 'integrationListDirectory.js',
+ DiscoverSavedQuery: 'discover.js',
+ VercelProvider: 'vercelIntegration.js',
+ TagValues: 'tagvalues.js',
+function tryRequire(dir: string, name: string): any {
+ if (SPECIAL_MAPPING[name]) {
+ return require(path.resolve(dir, SPECIAL_MAPPING[name]));
+ }
+ for (const ext of extensions) {
+ try {
+ return require(path.resolve(dir, lowercaseFirst(name) + ext));
+ } catch {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error('Failed to resolve file');
+function lowercaseFirst(value: string): string {
+ return value.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + value.slice(1);
+export function makeLazyFixtures<UserProvidedFixtures extends Record<any, any>>(
+ fixturesDirectoryPath: string,
+ userProvidedFixtures: UserProvidedFixtures
+): TestStubFixtures & UserProvidedFixtures {
+ const lazyFixtures = new Proxy(
+ {},
+ {
+ get(target, prop: string) {
+ if (target[prop]) {
+ return target[prop];
+ }
+ if (userProvidedFixtures[prop]) {
+ return userProvidedFixtures[prop];
+ }
+ try {
+ const maybeModule = tryRequire(fixturesDirectoryPath, prop);
+ for (const exportKey in maybeModule) {
+ target[exportKey] = maybeModule[exportKey];
+ }
+ } catch {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ if (target[prop] === undefined) {
+ return () => {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Failed to resolve ${prop} fixture. \n
+ - Your fixture does not map directly to file on disk or fixture file could be exporting > 1 fixture. \n
+ - To resolve this, add a mapping to SPECIAL_MAPPING in loadFixtures.ts or ensure fixture export name maps to the file on disk. \n
+ - If you are seeing this only in CI and you have followed the step above, check the exact casing of the file as it is case sensitive.`
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ return target[prop];
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ return lazyFixtures as TestStubFixtures & UserProvidedFixtures;