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ref: Remove unnecessary export (#12585)

As discussed in Frontend TSC, we do not want to have index files that
merely export a single other component as they add an unnecessary level
of indirection.
Lyn Nagara 6 years ago

+ 0 - 418

@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-import {pick, isEqual} from 'lodash';
-import {withRouter} from 'react-router';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-import styled from 'react-emotion';
-import {
-} from 'app/components/organizations/globalSelectionHeader/constants';
-import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'app/constants';
-import {callIfFunction} from 'app/utils/callIfFunction';
-import {defined} from 'app/utils';
-import {isEqualWithDates} from 'app/utils/isEqualWithDates';
-import {t} from 'app/locale';
-import {
-  updateDateTime,
-  updateEnvironments,
-  updateParams,
-  updateParamsWithoutHistory,
-  updateProjects,
-} from 'app/actionCreators/globalSelection';
-import BackToIssues from 'app/components/organizations/backToIssues';
-import Header from 'app/components/organizations/header';
-import HeaderItemPosition from 'app/components/organizations/headerItemPosition';
-import HeaderSeparator from 'app/components/organizations/headerSeparator';
-import InlineSvg from 'app/components/inlineSvg';
-import MultipleEnvironmentSelector from 'app/components/organizations/multipleEnvironmentSelector';
-import MultipleProjectSelector from 'app/components/organizations/multipleProjectSelector';
-import SentryTypes from 'app/sentryTypes';
-import TimeRangeSelector from 'app/components/organizations/timeRangeSelector';
-import Tooltip from 'app/components/tooltip';
-import withGlobalSelection from 'app/utils/withGlobalSelection';
-import ConfigStore from 'app/stores/configStore';
-import withProjects from 'app/utils/withProjects';
-import {getStateFromQuery} from './utils';
-class GlobalSelectionHeader extends React.Component {
-  static propTypes = {
-    organization: SentryTypes.Organization,
-    router: PropTypes.object,
-    /**
-     * List of projects to display in project selector
-     */
-    projects: PropTypes.arrayOf(SentryTypes.Project),
-    /**
-     * If a forced project is passed, selection is disabled
-     */
-    forceProject: SentryTypes.Project,
-    /**
-     * Currently selected values(s)
-     */
-    selection: SentryTypes.GlobalSelection,
-    // Display Environment selector?
-    showEnvironmentSelector: PropTypes.bool,
-    // Display Environment selector?
-    showDateSelector: PropTypes.bool,
-    // Disable automatic routing
-    hasCustomRouting: PropTypes.bool,
-    // Reset these URL params when we fire actions
-    // (custom routing only)
-    resetParamsOnChange: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
-    // Props passed to child components //
-    /**
-     * Show absolute date selectors
-     */
-    showAbsolute: PropTypes.bool,
-    /**
-     * Show relative date selectors
-     */
-    showRelative: PropTypes.bool,
-    // Callbacks //
-    onChangeProjects: PropTypes.func,
-    onUpdateProjects: PropTypes.func,
-    onChangeEnvironments: PropTypes.func,
-    onUpdateEnvironments: PropTypes.func,
-    onChangeTime: PropTypes.func,
-    onUpdateTime: PropTypes.func,
-  };
-  static defaultProps = {
-    hasCustomRouting: false,
-    showEnvironmentSelector: true,
-    showDateSelector: true,
-    resetParamsOnChange: [],
-  };
-  constructor(props) {
-    super(props);
-    this.state = {};
-  }
-  componentDidMount() {
-    if (this.props.hasCustomRouting) {
-      return;
-    }
-    const hasMultipleProjectFeature = this.hasMultipleProjectSelection();
-    const stateFromRouter = getStateFromQuery(this.props.location.query);
-    // We should update store if there are any relevant URL parameters when component
-    // is mounted
-    if (Object.values(stateFromRouter).some(i => !!i)) {
-      if (!stateFromRouter.start && !stateFromRouter.end && !stateFromRouter.period) {
-        stateFromRouter.period = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD;
-      }
-      const {project, environment, start, end, period, utc} = stateFromRouter;
-      // This will update store with values from URL parameters
-      updateDateTime({start, end, period, utc});
-      // environment/project here can be null i.e. if only period is set in url params
-      updateEnvironments(environment || []);
-      const requestedProjects = project || [];
-      if (hasMultipleProjectFeature) {
-        updateProjects(requestedProjects);
-      } else {
-        const allowedProjects =
-          requestedProjects.length > 0
-            ? requestedProjects.slice(0, 1)
-            : this.getFirstProject();
-        updateProjects(allowedProjects);
-        updateParams({project: allowedProjects}, this.getRouter());
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Otherwise, we can update URL with values from store
-      //
-      // e.g. when switching to a new view that uses this component,
-      // update URL parameters to reflect current store
-      const {datetime, environments, projects} = this.props.selection;
-      if (hasMultipleProjectFeature || projects.length === 1) {
-        updateParamsWithoutHistory(
-          {project: projects, environment: environments, ...datetime},
-          this.getRouter()
-        );
-      } else {
-        const allowedProjects = this.getFirstProject();
-        updateProjects(allowedProjects);
-        updateParams(
-          {project: allowedProjects, environment: environments, ...datetime},
-          this.getRouter()
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
-    // Update if state changes
-    if (this.state !== nextState) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // Update if URL parameters change
-    if (this.didQueryChange(this.props, nextProps)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // Update if `forceProject` changes
-    if (this.props.forceProject !== nextProps.forceProject) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    const nonDateKeys = ['projects', 'environments'];
-    // Update if selection values change
-    if (
-      !isEqual(
-        pick(this.props.selection, nonDateKeys),
-        pick(nextProps.selection, nonDateKeys)
-      ) ||
-      !isEqualWithDates(
-        pick(this.props.selection.datetime, DATE_TIME_KEYS),
-        pick(nextProps.selection.datetime, DATE_TIME_KEYS)
-      )
-    ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    //update if any projects are starred or reordered
-    if (
-      this.props.projects &&
-      nextProps.projects &&
-      !isEqual(
- => [p.slug, p.isBookmarked]),
- => [p.slug, p.isBookmarked])
-      )
-    ) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
-    if (this.props.hasCustomRouting) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // If component has updated (e.g. due to re-render from a router action),
-    // update store values with values from router. Router should be source of truth
-    this.updateStoreIfChange(prevProps, this.props);
-  }
-  hasMultipleProjectSelection = () => {
-    return new Set(this.props.organization.features).has('global-views');
-  };
-  didQueryChange = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
-    const urlParamKeys = Object.values(URL_PARAM);
-    const prevQuery = pick(prevProps.location.query, urlParamKeys);
-    const nextQuery = pick(nextProps.location.query, urlParamKeys);
-    // If no next query is specified keep the previous global selection values
-    if (Object.keys(nextQuery).length === 0) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return !isEqual(prevQuery, nextQuery);
-  };
-  updateStoreIfChange = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
-    // Don't do anything if query parameters have not changed
-    //
-    // e.g. if selection store changed, don't trigger more actions
-    // to update global selection store (otherwise we'll get recursive updates)
-    if (!this.didQueryChange(prevProps, nextProps)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    const {project, environment, period, start, end, utc} = getStateFromQuery(
-      nextProps.location.query
-    );
-    if (start || end || period || utc) {
-      // Don't attempt to update date if all of these values are empty
-      updateDateTime({start, end, period, utc});
-    }
-    updateEnvironments(environment || []);
-    updateProjects(project || []);
-  };
-  // Returns `router` from props if `hasCustomRouting` property is false
-  getRouter = () => (!this.props.hasCustomRouting ? this.props.router : null);
-  // Returns an options object for `update*` actions
-  getUpdateOptions = () =>
-    !this.props.hasCustomRouting
-      ? {
-          resetParams: this.props.resetParamsOnChange,
-        }
-      : {};
-  handleChangeProjects = projects => {
-    this.setState({
-      projects,
-    });
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeProjects, projects);
-  };
-  handleChangeEnvironments = environments => {
-    this.setState({
-      environments,
-    });
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeEnvironments, environments);
-  };
-  handleChangeTime = ({start, end, relative: period, utc}) => {
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeTime, {start, end, period, utc});
-  };
-  handleUpdateTime = ({relative: period, start, end, utc} = {}) => {
-    const newValueObj = {
-      ...(defined(period) ? {period} : {start, end}),
-      utc,
-    };
-    updateDateTime(newValueObj, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateTime, newValueObj);
-  };
-  handleUpdateEnvironmments = () => {
-    const {environments} = this.state;
-    updateEnvironments(environments, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
-    this.setState({environments: null});
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateEnvironments, environments);
-  };
-  handleUpdateProjects = () => {
-    const {projects} = this.state;
-    updateProjects(projects, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
-    this.setState({projects: null});
-    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateProjects, projects);
-  };
-  getProjects = () => {
-    const {isSuperuser} = ConfigStore.get('user');
-    const {projects, organization} = this.props;
-    const unfilteredProjects = projects || organization.projects;
-    if (isSuperuser) {
-      return unfilteredProjects;
-    }
-    return unfilteredProjects.filter(project => project.isMember);
-  };
-  getFirstProject = () => {
-    return this.getProjects()
-      .map(p => parseInt(, 10))
-      .slice(0, 1);
-  };
-  getBackButton = () => {
-    const {organization, location} = this.props;
-    return (
-      <BackButtonWrapper>
-        <Tooltip
-          title={t('Back to Issues Stream')}
-          tooltipOptions={{placement: 'bottom'}}
-        >
-          <BackToIssues
-            to={`/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${}`}
-          >
-            <InlineSvg src="icon-arrow-left" />
-          </BackToIssues>
-        </Tooltip>
-      </BackButtonWrapper>
-    );
-  };
-  render() {
-    const {
-      className,
-      forceProject,
-      organization,
-      showAbsolute,
-      showRelative,
-      showDateSelector,
-      showEnvironmentSelector,
-    } = this.props;
-    const {period, start, end, utc} = this.props.selection.datetime || {};
-    const selectedProjects = forceProject
-      ? [parseInt(, 10)]
-      : this.props.selection.projects;
-    return (
-      <Header className={className}>
-        <HeaderItemPosition>
-          {forceProject && this.getBackButton()}
-          <MultipleProjectSelector
-            organization={organization}
-            forceProject={forceProject}
-            projects={this.getProjects()}
-            value={this.state.projects || this.props.selection.projects}
-            onChange={this.handleChangeProjects}
-            onUpdate={this.handleUpdateProjects}
-            multi={this.hasMultipleProjectSelection()}
-          />
-        </HeaderItemPosition>
-        {showEnvironmentSelector && (
-          <React.Fragment>
-            <HeaderSeparator />
-            <HeaderItemPosition>
-              <MultipleEnvironmentSelector
-                organization={organization}
-                selectedProjects={selectedProjects}
-                value={this.state.environments || this.props.selection.environments}
-                onChange={this.handleChangeEnvironments}
-                onUpdate={this.handleUpdateEnvironmments}
-              />
-            </HeaderItemPosition>
-          </React.Fragment>
-        )}
-        {showDateSelector && (
-          <React.Fragment>
-            <HeaderSeparator />
-            <HeaderItemPosition>
-              <TimeRangeSelector
-                key={`period:${period}-start:${start}-end:${end}-utc:${utc}`}
-                showAbsolute={showAbsolute}
-                showRelative={showRelative}
-                relative={period}
-                start={start}
-                end={end}
-                utc={utc}
-                onChange={this.handleChangeTime}
-                onUpdate={this.handleUpdateTime}
-                organization={organization}
-              />
-            </HeaderItemPosition>
-          </React.Fragment>
-        )}
-      </Header>
-    );
-  }
-export default withProjects(withRouter(withGlobalSelection(GlobalSelectionHeader)));
-const BackButtonWrapper = styled('div')`
-  display: flex;
-  align-items: center;
-  height: 100%;

+ 418 - 1

@@ -1 +1,418 @@
-export {default} from './globalSelectionHeader';
+import {pick, isEqual} from 'lodash';
+import {withRouter} from 'react-router';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import React from 'react';
+import styled from 'react-emotion';
+import {
+} from 'app/components/organizations/globalSelectionHeader/constants';
+import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'app/constants';
+import {callIfFunction} from 'app/utils/callIfFunction';
+import {defined} from 'app/utils';
+import {isEqualWithDates} from 'app/utils/isEqualWithDates';
+import {t} from 'app/locale';
+import {
+  updateDateTime,
+  updateEnvironments,
+  updateParams,
+  updateParamsWithoutHistory,
+  updateProjects,
+} from 'app/actionCreators/globalSelection';
+import BackToIssues from 'app/components/organizations/backToIssues';
+import Header from 'app/components/organizations/header';
+import HeaderItemPosition from 'app/components/organizations/headerItemPosition';
+import HeaderSeparator from 'app/components/organizations/headerSeparator';
+import InlineSvg from 'app/components/inlineSvg';
+import MultipleEnvironmentSelector from 'app/components/organizations/multipleEnvironmentSelector';
+import MultipleProjectSelector from 'app/components/organizations/multipleProjectSelector';
+import SentryTypes from 'app/sentryTypes';
+import TimeRangeSelector from 'app/components/organizations/timeRangeSelector';
+import Tooltip from 'app/components/tooltip';
+import withGlobalSelection from 'app/utils/withGlobalSelection';
+import ConfigStore from 'app/stores/configStore';
+import withProjects from 'app/utils/withProjects';
+import {getStateFromQuery} from './utils';
+class GlobalSelectionHeader extends React.Component {
+  static propTypes = {
+    organization: SentryTypes.Organization,
+    router: PropTypes.object,
+    /**
+     * List of projects to display in project selector
+     */
+    projects: PropTypes.arrayOf(SentryTypes.Project),
+    /**
+     * If a forced project is passed, selection is disabled
+     */
+    forceProject: SentryTypes.Project,
+    /**
+     * Currently selected values(s)
+     */
+    selection: SentryTypes.GlobalSelection,
+    // Display Environment selector?
+    showEnvironmentSelector: PropTypes.bool,
+    // Display Environment selector?
+    showDateSelector: PropTypes.bool,
+    // Disable automatic routing
+    hasCustomRouting: PropTypes.bool,
+    // Reset these URL params when we fire actions
+    // (custom routing only)
+    resetParamsOnChange: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
+    // Props passed to child components //
+    /**
+     * Show absolute date selectors
+     */
+    showAbsolute: PropTypes.bool,
+    /**
+     * Show relative date selectors
+     */
+    showRelative: PropTypes.bool,
+    // Callbacks //
+    onChangeProjects: PropTypes.func,
+    onUpdateProjects: PropTypes.func,
+    onChangeEnvironments: PropTypes.func,
+    onUpdateEnvironments: PropTypes.func,
+    onChangeTime: PropTypes.func,
+    onUpdateTime: PropTypes.func,
+  };
+  static defaultProps = {
+    hasCustomRouting: false,
+    showEnvironmentSelector: true,
+    showDateSelector: true,
+    resetParamsOnChange: [],
+  };
+  constructor(props) {
+    super(props);
+    this.state = {};
+  }
+  componentDidMount() {
+    if (this.props.hasCustomRouting) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const hasMultipleProjectFeature = this.hasMultipleProjectSelection();
+    const stateFromRouter = getStateFromQuery(this.props.location.query);
+    // We should update store if there are any relevant URL parameters when component
+    // is mounted
+    if (Object.values(stateFromRouter).some(i => !!i)) {
+      if (!stateFromRouter.start && !stateFromRouter.end && !stateFromRouter.period) {
+        stateFromRouter.period = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD;
+      }
+      const {project, environment, start, end, period, utc} = stateFromRouter;
+      // This will update store with values from URL parameters
+      updateDateTime({start, end, period, utc});
+      // environment/project here can be null i.e. if only period is set in url params
+      updateEnvironments(environment || []);
+      const requestedProjects = project || [];
+      if (hasMultipleProjectFeature) {
+        updateProjects(requestedProjects);
+      } else {
+        const allowedProjects =
+          requestedProjects.length > 0
+            ? requestedProjects.slice(0, 1)
+            : this.getFirstProject();
+        updateProjects(allowedProjects);
+        updateParams({project: allowedProjects}, this.getRouter());
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Otherwise, we can update URL with values from store
+      //
+      // e.g. when switching to a new view that uses this component,
+      // update URL parameters to reflect current store
+      const {datetime, environments, projects} = this.props.selection;
+      if (hasMultipleProjectFeature || projects.length === 1) {
+        updateParamsWithoutHistory(
+          {project: projects, environment: environments, ...datetime},
+          this.getRouter()
+        );
+      } else {
+        const allowedProjects = this.getFirstProject();
+        updateProjects(allowedProjects);
+        updateParams(
+          {project: allowedProjects, environment: environments, ...datetime},
+          this.getRouter()
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
+    // Update if state changes
+    if (this.state !== nextState) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Update if URL parameters change
+    if (this.didQueryChange(this.props, nextProps)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Update if `forceProject` changes
+    if (this.props.forceProject !== nextProps.forceProject) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    const nonDateKeys = ['projects', 'environments'];
+    // Update if selection values change
+    if (
+      !isEqual(
+        pick(this.props.selection, nonDateKeys),
+        pick(nextProps.selection, nonDateKeys)
+      ) ||
+      !isEqualWithDates(
+        pick(this.props.selection.datetime, DATE_TIME_KEYS),
+        pick(nextProps.selection.datetime, DATE_TIME_KEYS)
+      )
+    ) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    //update if any projects are starred or reordered
+    if (
+      this.props.projects &&
+      nextProps.projects &&
+      !isEqual(
+ => [p.slug, p.isBookmarked]),
+ => [p.slug, p.isBookmarked])
+      )
+    ) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
+    if (this.props.hasCustomRouting) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // If component has updated (e.g. due to re-render from a router action),
+    // update store values with values from router. Router should be source of truth
+    this.updateStoreIfChange(prevProps, this.props);
+  }
+  hasMultipleProjectSelection = () => {
+    return new Set(this.props.organization.features).has('global-views');
+  };
+  didQueryChange = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
+    const urlParamKeys = Object.values(URL_PARAM);
+    const prevQuery = pick(prevProps.location.query, urlParamKeys);
+    const nextQuery = pick(nextProps.location.query, urlParamKeys);
+    // If no next query is specified keep the previous global selection values
+    if (Object.keys(nextQuery).length === 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return !isEqual(prevQuery, nextQuery);
+  };
+  updateStoreIfChange = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
+    // Don't do anything if query parameters have not changed
+    //
+    // e.g. if selection store changed, don't trigger more actions
+    // to update global selection store (otherwise we'll get recursive updates)
+    if (!this.didQueryChange(prevProps, nextProps)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const {project, environment, period, start, end, utc} = getStateFromQuery(
+      nextProps.location.query
+    );
+    if (start || end || period || utc) {
+      // Don't attempt to update date if all of these values are empty
+      updateDateTime({start, end, period, utc});
+    }
+    updateEnvironments(environment || []);
+    updateProjects(project || []);
+  };
+  // Returns `router` from props if `hasCustomRouting` property is false
+  getRouter = () => (!this.props.hasCustomRouting ? this.props.router : null);
+  // Returns an options object for `update*` actions
+  getUpdateOptions = () =>
+    !this.props.hasCustomRouting
+      ? {
+          resetParams: this.props.resetParamsOnChange,
+        }
+      : {};
+  handleChangeProjects = projects => {
+    this.setState({
+      projects,
+    });
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeProjects, projects);
+  };
+  handleChangeEnvironments = environments => {
+    this.setState({
+      environments,
+    });
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeEnvironments, environments);
+  };
+  handleChangeTime = ({start, end, relative: period, utc}) => {
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onChangeTime, {start, end, period, utc});
+  };
+  handleUpdateTime = ({relative: period, start, end, utc} = {}) => {
+    const newValueObj = {
+      ...(defined(period) ? {period} : {start, end}),
+      utc,
+    };
+    updateDateTime(newValueObj, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateTime, newValueObj);
+  };
+  handleUpdateEnvironmments = () => {
+    const {environments} = this.state;
+    updateEnvironments(environments, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
+    this.setState({environments: null});
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateEnvironments, environments);
+  };
+  handleUpdateProjects = () => {
+    const {projects} = this.state;
+    updateProjects(projects, this.getRouter(), this.getUpdateOptions());
+    this.setState({projects: null});
+    callIfFunction(this.props.onUpdateProjects, projects);
+  };
+  getProjects = () => {
+    const {isSuperuser} = ConfigStore.get('user');
+    const {projects, organization} = this.props;
+    const unfilteredProjects = projects || organization.projects;
+    if (isSuperuser) {
+      return unfilteredProjects;
+    }
+    return unfilteredProjects.filter(project => project.isMember);
+  };
+  getFirstProject = () => {
+    return this.getProjects()
+      .map(p => parseInt(, 10))
+      .slice(0, 1);
+  };
+  getBackButton = () => {
+    const {organization, location} = this.props;
+    return (
+      <BackButtonWrapper>
+        <Tooltip
+          title={t('Back to Issues Stream')}
+          tooltipOptions={{placement: 'bottom'}}
+        >
+          <BackToIssues
+            to={`/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${}`}
+          >
+            <InlineSvg src="icon-arrow-left" />
+          </BackToIssues>
+        </Tooltip>
+      </BackButtonWrapper>
+    );
+  };
+  render() {
+    const {
+      className,
+      forceProject,
+      organization,
+      showAbsolute,
+      showRelative,
+      showDateSelector,
+      showEnvironmentSelector,
+    } = this.props;
+    const {period, start, end, utc} = this.props.selection.datetime || {};
+    const selectedProjects = forceProject
+      ? [parseInt(, 10)]
+      : this.props.selection.projects;
+    return (
+      <Header className={className}>
+        <HeaderItemPosition>
+          {forceProject && this.getBackButton()}
+          <MultipleProjectSelector
+            organization={organization}
+            forceProject={forceProject}
+            projects={this.getProjects()}
+            value={this.state.projects || this.props.selection.projects}
+            onChange={this.handleChangeProjects}
+            onUpdate={this.handleUpdateProjects}
+            multi={this.hasMultipleProjectSelection()}
+          />
+        </HeaderItemPosition>
+        {showEnvironmentSelector && (
+          <React.Fragment>
+            <HeaderSeparator />
+            <HeaderItemPosition>
+              <MultipleEnvironmentSelector
+                organization={organization}
+                selectedProjects={selectedProjects}
+                value={this.state.environments || this.props.selection.environments}
+                onChange={this.handleChangeEnvironments}
+                onUpdate={this.handleUpdateEnvironmments}
+              />
+            </HeaderItemPosition>
+          </React.Fragment>
+        )}
+        {showDateSelector && (
+          <React.Fragment>
+            <HeaderSeparator />
+            <HeaderItemPosition>
+              <TimeRangeSelector
+                key={`period:${period}-start:${start}-end:${end}-utc:${utc}`}
+                showAbsolute={showAbsolute}
+                showRelative={showRelative}
+                relative={period}
+                start={start}
+                end={end}
+                utc={utc}
+                onChange={this.handleChangeTime}
+                onUpdate={this.handleUpdateTime}
+                organization={organization}
+              />
+            </HeaderItemPosition>
+          </React.Fragment>
+        )}
+      </Header>
+    );
+  }
+export default withProjects(withRouter(withGlobalSelection(GlobalSelectionHeader)));
+const BackButtonWrapper = styled('div')`
+  display: flex;
+  align-items: center;
+  height: 100%;