@@ -1,12 +1,89 @@
+import {createContext, ReactChild, useState} from 'react';
+import {ThemeProvider, useTheme} from '@emotion/react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {IconMoon} from 'app/icons';
import space from 'app/styles/space';
+import {darkTheme, lightTheme, Theme} from 'app/utils/theme';
-const Sample = styled('div')`
+type ThemeName = 'dark' | 'light';
+type Props = {
+ children?: ReactChild;
+ /**
+ * Show the theme switcher, which allows for
+ * switching the local theme context between
+ * light and dark mode. Useful for previewing
+ * components in both modes.
+ */
+ showThemeSwitcher?: boolean;
+ /** Remove the outer border and padding */
+ noBorder?: boolean;
+/** Expose the selected theme to children of <Sample /> */
+export const SampleThemeContext = createContext<ThemeName>('light');
+const Sample = ({children, showThemeSwitcher = false, noBorder = false}: Props) => {
+ const [themeName, setThemeName] = useState<ThemeName>('light');
+ /**
+ * If theme switcher is shown, use the correct theme object based on themeName.
+ * Else, fall back to the global theme object.
+ */
+ const [theme, setTheme] = useState<Theme>(
+ showThemeSwitcher ? (themeName === 'light' ? lightTheme : darkTheme) : useTheme()
+ );
+ const toggleTheme = () => {
+ if (themeName === 'light') {
+ setThemeName('dark');
+ setTheme(darkTheme);
+ } else {
+ setThemeName('light');
+ setTheme(lightTheme);
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ <Wrap>
+ {showThemeSwitcher && (
+ <ThemeSwitcher onClick={toggleTheme} active={themeName === 'dark'}>
+ <IconMoon />
+ </ThemeSwitcher>
+ )}
+ <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
+ <InnerWrap noBorder={noBorder} addTopMargin={showThemeSwitcher}>
+ <SampleThemeContext.Provider value={themeName}>
+ {children}
+ </SampleThemeContext.Provider>
+ </InnerWrap>
+ </ThemeProvider>
+ </Wrap>
+ );
+export default Sample;
+const Wrap = styled('div')`
+ position: relative;
+const InnerWrap = styled('div')<{noBorder: boolean; addTopMargin: boolean}>`
+ position: relative;
border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius};
- border: dashed 1px ${p => p.theme.border};
- padding: ${space(1)} ${space(2)};
margin: ${space(2)} 0;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};
+ ${p =>
+ !p.noBorder &&
+ `
+ border: solid 1px ${p.theme.border};
+ background: ${p.theme.background};
+ padding: ${space(2)} ${space(2)};
+ `}
+ ${p => p.addTopMargin && `margin-top: calc(${space(4)} + ${space(2)});`}
& > *:first-of-type {
margin-top: 0;
@@ -15,6 +92,40 @@ const Sample = styled('div')`
& > *:last-of-type {
margin-bottom: 0;
+ /* Overwrite text color that was set in previewGlobalStyles.tsx */
+ div,
+ p,
+ a,
+ button {
+ color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};
+ }
-export default Sample;
+const ThemeSwitcher = styled('button')<{active: boolean}>`
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: ${space(0.5)};
+ transform: translateY(calc(-100% - ${space(0.5)}));
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius};
+ background: transparent;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ padding: ${space(1)};
+ margin-bottom: ${space(0.5)};
+ color: ${p => p.theme.subText};
+ &:hover {
+ background: ${p => p.theme.innerBorder};
+ color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};
+ }
+ ${p =>
+ p.active &&
+ `&, &:hover {
+ color: ${p.theme.textColor};
+ }
+ `}