@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ import * as qs from 'query-string';
import {loadDocs} from 'sentry/actionCreators/projects';
import Alert, {alertStyles} from 'sentry/components/alert';
+import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent';
import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink';
import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError';
import {PlatformKey} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories';
import platforms from 'sentry/data/platforms';
import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
-import {Project} from 'sentry/types';
+import {Integration, IntegrationProvider, Project} from 'sentry/types';
import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent';
import getDynamicText from 'sentry/utils/getDynamicText';
import {Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme';
@@ -24,7 +25,10 @@ import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects';
import FirstEventFooter from './components/firstEventFooter';
import FullIntroduction from './components/fullIntroduction';
-import TargetedOnboardingSidebar from './components/sidebar';
+import IntegrationInstaller from './components/integrationInstaller';
+import IntegrationSidebarSection from './components/integrationSidebarSection';
+import ProjectSidebarSection from './components/projectSidebarSection';
+import SetupIntegrationsFooter from './components/setupIntegrationsFooter';
import {StepProps} from './types';
import {usePersistedOnboardingState} from './utils';
type PlatformDoc = {html: string; link: string};
type Props = {
+ configurations: Integration[];
projects: Project[];
+ providers: IntegrationProvider[];
search: string;
+ loadingProjects?: boolean;
} & StepProps;
-function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
+function SetupDocs({
+ organization,
+ projects,
+ search,
+ configurations,
+ providers,
+ loadingProjects,
+}: Props) {
const api = useApi();
const [clientState, setClientState] = usePersistedOnboardingState();
const selectedProjectsSet = new Set(
@@ -50,6 +64,7 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
) || []
+ // SDK instrumentation
const [hasError, setHasError] = useState(false);
const [platformDocs, setPlatformDocs] = useState<PlatformDoc | null>(null);
const [loadedPlatform, setLoadedPlatform] = useState<PlatformKey | null>(null);
@@ -65,7 +80,11 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
// TODO: Check no projects
- const {sub_step: rawSubStep, project_id: rawProjectId} = qs.parse(search);
+ const {
+ sub_step: rawSubStep,
+ project_id: rawProjectId,
+ integration: rawActiveIntegration,
+ } = qs.parse(search);
const subStep = rawSubStep === 'integration' ? 'integration' : 'project';
const rawProjectIndex = projects.findIndex(p => p.id === rawProjectId);
const firstProjectNoError = projects.findIndex(
@@ -73,14 +92,52 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
// Select a project based on search params. If non exist, use the first project without first event.
const projectIndex = rawProjectIndex >= 0 ? rawProjectIndex : firstProjectNoError;
- const project = projects[projectIndex];
+ const project = subStep === 'project' ? projects[projectIndex] : null;
+ // integration installation
+ const selectedIntegrations = clientState?.selectedIntegrations || [];
+ const [installedIntegrations, setInstalledIntegrations] = useState(
+ new Set(configurations.map(config => config.provider.slug))
+ );
+ const integrationsNotInstalled = selectedIntegrations.filter(
+ i => !installedIntegrations.has(i)
+ );
+ const setIntegrationInstalled = (integration: string) =>
+ setInstalledIntegrations(new Set([...installedIntegrations, integration]));
+ const rawActiveIntegrationIndex = selectedIntegrations.findIndex(
+ i => i === rawActiveIntegration
+ );
+ const firstUninstalledIntegrationIndex = selectedIntegrations.findIndex(
+ i => !installedIntegrations.has(i)
+ );
+ const activeIntegrationIndex =
+ rawActiveIntegrationIndex >= 0
+ ? rawActiveIntegrationIndex
+ : firstUninstalledIntegrationIndex;
+ const activeIntegration =
+ subStep === 'integration' ? selectedIntegrations[activeIntegrationIndex] : null;
+ const activeProvider = activeIntegration
+ ? providers.find(p => p.key === activeIntegration)
+ : null;
useEffect(() => {
- if (clientState && !project && projects.length > 0) {
- // Can't find a project to show, probably because all projects are either deleted or finished.
+ // should not redirect if we don't have an active client state or projects aren't loaded
+ if (!clientState || loadingProjects) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ // no integrations left on integration step
+ (subStep === 'integration' && !activeIntegration) ||
+ // If no projects remaining and no integrations to install, then we can leave
+ (subStep === 'project' && !project && !integrationsNotInstalled.length)
+ ) {
- }, [clientState, project, projects]);
+ });
const currentPlatform = loadedPlatform ?? project?.platform ?? 'other';
@@ -117,6 +174,7 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
const setNewProject = (newProjectId: string) => {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
+ sub_step: 'project',
project_id: newProjectId,
@@ -138,6 +196,29 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
+ const setNewActiveIntegration = (integration: string) => {
+ const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
+ integration,
+ sub_step: 'integration',
+ });
+ browserHistory.push(`${window.location.pathname}?${searchParams}`);
+ if (clientState) {
+ setClientState({
+ ...clientState,
+ state: 'integrations_selected',
+ url: `setup-docs/?${searchParams}`,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const selectActiveIntegration = (integration: string) => {
+ trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('growth.onboarding_clicked_integration_in_sidebar', {
+ organization,
+ integration,
+ });
+ setNewActiveIntegration(integration);
+ };
const missingExampleWarning = () => {
const missingExample =
platformDocs && platformDocs.html.includes(INCOMPLETE_DOC_FLAG);
@@ -171,7 +252,7 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
const loadingError = (
- message={t('Failed to load documentation for the %s platform.', project.platform)}
+ message={t('Failed to load documentation for the %s platform.', project?.platform)}
@@ -185,30 +266,54 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
return (
- <TargetedOnboardingSidebar
- projects={projects}
- selectedPlatformToProjectIdMap={
- clientState
- ? Object.fromEntries(
- clientState.selectedPlatforms.map(platform => [
- platform,
- clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[platform],
- ])
- )
- : {}
- }
- activeProject={project}
- {...{checkProjectHasFirstEvent, selectProject}}
- />
- <MainContent>
- <FullIntroduction
- currentPlatform={currentPlatform}
- organization={organization}
+ <SidebarWrapper>
+ <ProjectSidebarSection
+ projects={projects}
+ selectedPlatformToProjectIdMap={
+ clientState
+ ? Object.fromEntries(
+ clientState.selectedPlatforms.map(platform => [
+ platform,
+ clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[platform],
+ ])
+ )
+ : {}
+ }
+ activeProject={project}
+ {...{checkProjectHasFirstEvent, selectProject}}
- {getDynamicText({
- value: !hasError ? docs : loadingError,
- fixed: testOnlyAlert,
- })}
+ {selectedIntegrations.length ? (
+ <IntegrationSidebarSection
+ {...{
+ installedIntegrations,
+ selectedIntegrations,
+ activeIntegration,
+ selectActiveIntegration,
+ providers,
+ }}
+ />
+ ) : null}
+ </SidebarWrapper>
+ <MainContent>
+ {subStep === 'project' ? (
+ <Fragment>
+ <FullIntroduction
+ currentPlatform={currentPlatform}
+ organization={organization}
+ />
+ {getDynamicText({
+ value: !hasError ? docs : loadingError,
+ fixed: testOnlyAlert,
+ })}
+ </Fragment>
+ ) : null}
+ {activeProvider && (
+ <IntegrationInstaller
+ provider={activeProvider}
+ isInstalled={installedIntegrations.has(activeProvider.slug)}
+ setIntegrationInstalled={() => setIntegrationInstalled(activeProvider.slug)}
+ />
+ )}
@@ -221,7 +326,8 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
project.slug ===
clientState.selectedPlatforms[clientState.selectedPlatforms.length - 1]
- ]
+ ] &&
+ !integrationsNotInstalled.length
onClickSetupLater={() => {
@@ -243,17 +349,20 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
const nextProjectSlug =
nextPlatform && clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[nextPlatform];
const nextProject = projects.find(p => p.slug === nextProjectSlug);
- if (!nextProject) {
- // We're done here.
+ // if we have a next project, switch to that
+ if (nextProject) {
+ setNewProject(nextProject.id);
+ // if we have integrations to install switch to that
+ } else if (integrationsNotInstalled.length) {
+ setNewActiveIntegration(integrationsNotInstalled[0]);
+ // otherwise no integrations and no projects so we're done
+ } else {
state: 'finished',
- // TODO: integrations
- return;
- setNewProject(nextProject.id);
handleFirstIssueReceived={() => {
const newHasFirstEventMap = {...hasFirstEventMap, [project.id]: true};
@@ -261,11 +370,80 @@ function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) {
+ {activeIntegration && (
+ <SetupIntegrationsFooter
+ organization={organization}
+ onClickSetupLater={() => {
+ trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent(
+ 'growth.onboarding_clicked_setup_integration_later',
+ {
+ organization,
+ integration: activeIntegration,
+ integration_index: activeIntegrationIndex,
+ }
+ );
+ // find the next uninstalled integration
+ const nextIntegration = selectedIntegrations.find(
+ (i, index) =>
+ !installedIntegrations.has(i) && index > activeIntegrationIndex
+ );
+ // check if we have an integration to set up next
+ if (nextIntegration) {
+ setNewActiveIntegration(nextIntegration);
+ } else {
+ // client state should always exist
+ clientState &&
+ setClientState({
+ ...clientState,
+ state: 'finished',
+ });
+ const nextUrl = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`;
+ browserHistory.push(nextUrl);
+ }
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
-export default withProjects(SetupDocs);
+type WrapperState = {
+ configurations: Integration[] | null;
+ information: {providers: IntegrationProvider[]} | null;
+} & AsyncComponent['state'];
+type WrapperProps = {
+ projects: Project[];
+ search: string;
+} & StepProps &
+ AsyncComponent['props'];
+class SetupDocsWrapper extends AsyncComponent<WrapperProps, WrapperState> {
+ getEndpoints(): ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> {
+ const {slug, experiments} = this.props.organization;
+ // would be better to check the onboarding state for integrations instead of the experiment
+ // but we can't access a hook from a class component
+ if (!experiments.TargetedOnboardingIntegrationSelectExperiment) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return [
+ ['information', `/organizations/${slug}/config/integrations/`],
+ ['configurations', `/organizations/${slug}/integrations/?includeConfig=0`],
+ ];
+ }
+ renderBody() {
+ const {configurations, information} = this.state;
+ return (
+ <SetupDocs
+ {...this.props}
+ configurations={configurations ?? []}
+ providers={information?.providers || []}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+export default withProjects(SetupDocsWrapper);
type AlertType = React.ComponentProps<typeof Alert>['type'];
@@ -345,3 +523,17 @@ const MainContent = styled('div')`
min-width: 0;
flex-grow: 1;
+// the number icon will be space(2) + 30px to the left of the margin of center column
+// so we need to offset the right margin by that much
+// also hide the sidebar if the screen is too small
+const SidebarWrapper = styled('div')`
+ margin: ${space(1)} calc(${space(2)} + 30px + ${space(4)}) 0 ${space(2)};
+ @media (max-width: 1150px) {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ flex-basis: 240px;
+ flex-grow: 0;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ min-width: 240px;