@@ -530,12 +530,9 @@ class OrganizationEventsSpanIndexedEndpointTest(OrganizationEventsEndpointTestBa
assert response.data["data"] == [{"foo": "", "count()": 1}]
- reason="Snuba is not stable for the EAP dataset, xfailing since its prone to failure"
class OrganizationEventsEAPSpanEndpointTest(OrganizationEventsSpanIndexedEndpointTest):
is_eap = True
- use_rpc = True
+ use_rpc = False
def test_simple(self):
@@ -1005,7 +1002,7 @@ class OrganizationEventsEAPSpanEndpointTest(OrganizationEventsSpanIndexedEndpoin
# How to read this; these results mean that the extrapolated count is
# 500k, with a lower estimated bound of ~200k, and an upper bound of 800k
assert lower_limit == pytest.approx(190_000, abs=5000)
- assert extrapolated == pytest.approx(500_000)
+ assert extrapolated == pytest.approx(500_000, abs=5000)
assert upper_limit == pytest.approx(810_000, abs=5000)
def test_skip_aggregate_conditions_option(self):
@@ -1051,3 +1048,144 @@ class OrganizationEventsEAPRPCSpanEndpointTest(OrganizationEventsEAPSpanEndpoint
is_eap = True
use_rpc = True
+ def test_span_duration(self):
+ spans = [
+ self.create_span(
+ {"description": "bar", "sentry_tags": {"status": "invalid_argument"}},
+ start_ts=self.ten_mins_ago,
+ ),
+ self.create_span(
+ {"description": "foo", "sentry_tags": {"status": "success"}},
+ start_ts=self.ten_mins_ago,
+ ),
+ ]
+ self.store_spans(spans, is_eap=self.is_eap)
+ response = self.do_request(
+ {
+ "field": ["span.duration", "description"],
+ "query": "",
+ "orderby": "description",
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "dataset": self.dataset,
+ }
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+ data = response.data["data"]
+ meta = response.data["meta"]
+ assert len(data) == 2
+ assert data == [
+ {
+ "span.duration": 1000.0,
+ "description": "bar",
+ "project.name": self.project.slug,
+ "id": spans[0]["span_id"],
+ },
+ {
+ "span.duration": 1000.0,
+ "description": "foo",
+ "project.name": self.project.slug,
+ "id": spans[1]["span_id"],
+ },
+ ]
+ assert meta["dataset"] == self.dataset
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="extrapolation not implemented yet")
+ def test_aggregate_numeric_attr_weighted(self):
+ super().test_aggregate_numeric_attr_weighted()
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="RPC failing because of aliasing")
+ def test_numeric_attr_without_space(self):
+ super().test_numeric_attr_without_space()
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="RPC failing because of aliasing")
+ def test_numeric_attr_with_spaces(self):
+ super().test_numeric_attr_with_spaces()
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="RPC failing because of aliasing")
+ def test_numeric_attr_filtering(self):
+ super().test_numeric_attr_filtering()
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="RPC failing because of aliasing")
+ def test_numeric_attr_orderby(self):
+ super().test_numeric_attr_orderby()
+ def test_aggregate_numeric_attr(self):
+ self.store_spans(
+ [
+ self.create_span(
+ {
+ "description": "foo",
+ "sentry_tags": {"status": "success"},
+ "tags": {"bar": "bar1"},
+ },
+ start_ts=self.ten_mins_ago,
+ ),
+ self.create_span(
+ {
+ "description": "foo",
+ "sentry_tags": {"status": "success"},
+ "tags": {"bar": "bar2"},
+ },
+ measurements={"foo": {"value": 5}},
+ start_ts=self.ten_mins_ago,
+ ),
+ ],
+ is_eap=self.is_eap,
+ )
+ response = self.do_request(
+ {
+ "field": [
+ "description",
+ "count_unique(bar)",
+ "count_unique(tags[bar])",
+ "count_unique(tags[bar,string])",
+ "count()",
+ "count(span.duration)",
+ "count(tags[foo, number])",
+ "sum(tags[foo,number])",
+ "avg(tags[foo,number])",
+ "p50(tags[foo,number])",
+ # TODO: bring p75 back once its added to the rpc
+ # "p75(tags[foo,number])",
+ "p95(tags[foo,number])",
+ "p99(tags[foo,number])",
+ "p100(tags[foo,number])",
+ "min(tags[foo,number])",
+ "max(tags[foo,number])",
+ ],
+ "query": "",
+ "orderby": "description",
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "dataset": self.dataset,
+ }
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+ assert len(response.data["data"]) == 1
+ data = response.data["data"]
+ assert data[0] == {
+ "description": "foo",
+ "count_unique(bar)": 2,
+ "count_unique(tags[bar])": 2,
+ "count_unique(tags[bar,string])": 2,
+ "count()": 2,
+ "count(span.duration)": 2,
+ "count(tags[foo, number])": 1,
+ "sum(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "avg(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "p50(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ # TODO: bring p75 back once its added to the rpc
+ # "p75(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "p95(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "p99(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "p100(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "min(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ "max(tags[foo,number])": 5.0,
+ }
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="extrapolation not implemented yet")
+ def test_margin_of_error(self):
+ super().test_margin_of_error()