@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sentry exec
+from __future__ import annotations
+import abc
+import json # noqa - I want the `indent` param
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+import django.apps
+import django.urls
+def audit_mode_limits(format="json"):
+ """Lists which classes have had server mode decorators applied."""
+ from sentry.runner import configure
+ configure()
+ model_table = create_model_table()
+ view_table = create_view_table()
+ if format == "json":
+ json_repr = {
+ "models": ModelPresentation().as_json_repr(model_table),
+ "views": ViewPresentation().as_json_repr(view_table),
+ }
+ json.dump(json_repr, sys.stdout, indent=4)
+ elif format == "markdown":
+ ModelPresentation().print_markdown(model_table)
+ ViewPresentation().print_markdown(view_table)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+def create_model_table():
+ table = defaultdict(list)
+ for model_class in django.apps.apps.get_models():
+ if model_class._meta.app_label != "sentry":
+ continue
+ limit = getattr(model_class._meta, "_ModelAvailableOn__mode_limit", None)
+ key = (limit.modes, limit.read_only) if limit else None
+ table[key].append(model_class)
+ return table
+def create_view_table():
+ from sentry.api.base import Endpoint
+ def is_endpoint(view_function, bindings):
+ view_class = getattr(view_function, "view_class", None)
+ return view_class and issubclass(view_class, Endpoint)
+ def get_view_classes():
+ url_mappings = list(django.urls.get_resolver().reverse_dict.items())
+ for (view_function, bindings) in url_mappings:
+ if is_endpoint(view_function, bindings):
+ yield view_function.view_class
+ table = defaultdict(list)
+ for view_class in get_view_classes():
+ limit = getattr(view_class, "__mode_limit", None)
+ key = limit.modes if limit else None
+ table[key].append(view_class)
+ return table
+class ConsolePresentation(abc.ABC):
+ @property
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def table_label(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def order(self, group):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_group_label(self, key):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_key_repr(self, key):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_mode_set(modes):
+ if modes is None:
+ return None
+ return sorted(str(x) for x in modes)
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_value(value):
+ return f"{value.__module__}.{value.__name__}"
+ def normalize_table(self, table):
+ return {
+ key: sorted({self.format_value(value) for value in group})
+ for (key, group) in (sorted(table.items(), key=self.order))
+ }
+ def as_json_repr(self, table):
+ table = self.normalize_table(table)
+ return {
+ "total_count": sum(len(group) for group in table.values()),
+ "decorators": [
+ {
+ "decorator": self.get_key_repr(group_key),
+ "count": len(group),
+ "values": group,
+ }
+ for group_key, group in table.items()
+ ],
+ }
+ def print_markdown(self, table):
+ table = self.normalize_table(table)
+ total_count = sum(len(group) for group in table.values())
+ table_header = f"{self.table_label} ({total_count})"
+ print("\n" + table_header) # noqa
+ print("=" * len(table_header), end="\n\n") # noqa
+ for (group_key, group) in table.items():
+ group_label = self.get_group_label(group_key)
+ group_header = f"{group_label} ({len(group)})"
+ print(group_header) # noqa
+ print("-" * len(group_header), end="\n\n") # noqa
+ for value in group:
+ print(" - " + value) # noqa
+ print() # noqa
+class ModelPresentation(ConsolePresentation):
+ @property
+ def table_label(self):
+ return "MODELS"
+ def order(self, group):
+ group_key, _model_group = group
+ if group_key is None:
+ return ()
+ write_modes, read_modes = group_key
+ return (
+ len(write_modes),
+ len(read_modes),
+ self.format_mode_set(write_modes),
+ self.format_mode_set(read_modes),
+ )
+ def get_key_repr(self, key):
+ if key is None:
+ return None
+ write_modes, read_modes = key
+ return {
+ "write_modes": self.format_mode_set(write_modes),
+ "read_modes": self.format_mode_set(read_modes),
+ }
+ def get_group_label(self, key):
+ if key is None:
+ return "No decorator"
+ write_modes, read_modes = key
+ if read_modes:
+ return (
+ f"{self.format_mode_set(write_modes)}, read_only={self.format_mode_set(read_modes)}"
+ )
+ else:
+ return self.format_mode_set(write_modes)
+class ViewPresentation(ConsolePresentation):
+ @property
+ def table_label(self):
+ return "VIEWS"
+ def order(self, group):
+ mode_set, _view_group = group
+ return len(mode_set or ()), self.format_mode_set(mode_set)
+ def get_group_label(self, key):
+ return self.format_mode_set(key) if key else "No decorator"
+ def get_key_repr(self, key):
+ return self.format_mode_set(key)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ audit_mode_limits()