@@ -365,7 +365,9 @@ class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
owner: User,
member: User,
other_members: list[User] | None = None,
- invites: dict[User, str] | None = None,
+ pending_invites: dict[User, str] | None = None,
+ # A dictionary of a user to the other users they invited
+ accepted_invites: dict[User, list[User]] | None = None,
) -> Organization:
org = self.create_organization(name=slug, owner=owner)
owner_id: BoundedBigAutoField = owner.id
@@ -373,8 +375,8 @@ class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
if other_members:
for user in other_members:
self.create_member(organization=org, user=user, role="member")
- if invites:
- for inviter, email in invites.items():
+ if pending_invites:
+ for inviter, email in pending_invites.items():
@@ -382,6 +384,12 @@ class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
+ if accepted_invites:
+ for inviter, users in accepted_invites.items():
+ for user in users:
+ self.create_member(
+ organization=org, user=user, role="member", inviter_id=inviter.id
+ )
organization=org, key="sentry:account-rate-limit", value=0
@@ -644,15 +652,9 @@ class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
def create_exhaustive_global_configs(self, owner: User):
+ self.create_exhaustive_api_keys_for_user(owner)
ControlOption.objects.create(key="bar", value="b")
- ApiAuthorization.objects.create(user=owner)
- ApiToken.objects.create(
- user=owner,
- expires_at=None,
- name="create_exhaustive_global_configs",
- token_type=AuthTokenType.USER,
- )
def create_exhaustive_global_configs_regional(self):
@@ -669,14 +671,39 @@ class BackupTestCase(TransactionTestCase):
extensions, and all global flags set.
- owner = self.create_exhaustive_user(
- "owner", is_admin=is_superadmin, is_superuser=is_superadmin, is_staff=is_superadmin
+ superadmin = self.create_exhaustive_user(
+ "superadmin", is_admin=is_superadmin, is_superuser=is_superadmin, is_staff=is_superadmin
+ owner = self.create_exhaustive_user("owner")
member = self.create_exhaustive_user("member")
- org = self.create_exhaustive_organization("test-org", owner, member)
+ org = self.create_exhaustive_organization(
+ "test-org",
+ owner,
+ member,
+ pending_invites={
+ superadmin: "invited-by-superadmin-not-in-org@example.com",
+ owner: "invited-by-org-owner@example.com",
+ member: "invited-by-org-member@example.com",
+ },
+ accepted_invites={
+ superadmin: [self.create_exhaustive_user("added-by-superadmin-not-in-org")],
+ owner: [self.create_exhaustive_user("added-by-org-owner")],
+ member: [self.create_exhaustive_user("added-by-org-member")],
+ },
+ )
self.create_exhaustive_sentry_app("test app", owner, org)
+ @assume_test_silo_mode(SiloMode.CONTROL)
+ def create_exhaustive_api_keys_for_user(self, user: User):
+ ApiAuthorization.objects.create(user=user)
+ ApiToken.objects.create(
+ user=user,
+ expires_at=None,
+ name=f"create_exhaustive_global_configs_for_{user.name}",
+ token_type=AuthTokenType.USER,
+ )
def import_export_then_validate(self, out_name, *, reset_pks: bool = True) -> Any:
return import_export_then_validate(out_name, reset_pks=reset_pks)