@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+import {forwardRef, useCallback, useImperativeHandle, useMemo, useRef} from 'react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {useNumberFormatter} from '@react-aria/i18n';
+import {AriaSliderProps, AriaSliderThumbOptions, useSlider} from '@react-aria/slider';
+import {useSliderState} from '@react-stately/slider';
+import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import {SliderThumb} from './thumb';
+export interface SliderProps
+ extends Omit<AriaSliderProps, 'minValue' | 'maxValue' | 'isDisabled'>,
+ Pick<AriaSliderThumbOptions, 'autoFocus' | 'onFocus' | 'onBlur' | 'onFocusChange'> {
+ /**
+ * (This prop is now deprecated - slider ranges need to have consistent, evenly
+ * spaced values. Use `min`/`max`/`step` instead.)
+ *
+ * Custom array of selectable values on the track. If specified, the `min`/`max`/`step`
+ * props will be ignored. Make sure the array is sorted.
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ allowedValues?: number[];
+ className?: string;
+ disabled?: boolean;
+ disabledReason?: React.ReactNode;
+ error?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Apply custom formatting to output/tick labels. If only units are needed, use the
+ * `formatOptions` prop instead.
+ */
+ formatLabel?: (value: number | '') => React.ReactNode;
+ formatOptions?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions;
+ max?: AriaSliderProps['maxValue'];
+ min?: AriaSliderProps['minValue'];
+ required?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether to show value labels above the slider's thumbs. Note: if `label` is defined,
+ * then thumb labels will be hidden in favor of the trailing output label.
+ */
+ showThumbLabels?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether to show labels below track ticks.
+ */
+ showTickLabels?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The values to display tick marks at, e.g. [2, 4] means there will be ticks at 2 & 4.
+ *
+ * See also: ticks, ticksInterval. The order of precedence is: ticks — ticksInterval —
+ * tickValues. E.g. if tickValues is defined, both ticks & ticksEvery will be ignored.
+ */
+ tickValues?: number[];
+ /**
+ * Number of tick marks (including the outer min/max ticks) to display on the track.
+ *
+ * See also: ticksInterval, tickValues. The order of precedence is: ticks —
+ * ticksInterval — tickValues. E.g. if tickValues is defined, both ticks & ticksEvery
+ * will be ignored.
+ */
+ ticks?: number;
+ /**
+ * Interval between tick marks. This number should evenly divide the slider's range.
+ *
+ * See also: ticks, tickValues. The order of precedence is: ticks — ticksInterval —
+ * tickValues. E.g. if tickValues is defined, both ticks & ticksEvery will be ignored.
+ */
+ ticksInterval?: number;
+function BaseSlider(
+ {
+ // Slider/track props
+ min = 0,
+ max = 100,
+ step = 1,
+ disabled = false,
+ disabledReason,
+ error = false,
+ required = false,
+ ticks,
+ ticksInterval,
+ tickValues,
+ showTickLabels = false,
+ showThumbLabels = false,
+ formatLabel,
+ formatOptions,
+ allowedValues,
+ className,
+ // Thumb props
+ autoFocus,
+ onFocus,
+ onBlur,
+ onFocusChange,
+ ...props
+ }: SliderProps,
+ forwardedRef: React.ForwardedRef<HTMLInputElement | HTMLInputElement[]>
+) {
+ const {label, value, defaultValue, onChange, onChangeEnd} = props;
+ const ariaProps: AriaSliderProps = {
+ ...props,
+ step,
+ minValue: min,
+ maxValue: max,
+ isDisabled: disabled,
+ // Backward compatibility support for `allowedValues` prop. Since range sliders only
+ // accept evenly spaced values (specified with `min`/`max`/`step`), we need to create
+ // a custom set of internal values that act as indices for the `allowedValues` array.
+ // For example, if `allowedValues` is [1, 2, 4, 8], then the corresponding internal
+ // values are [0, 1, 2, 3]. If the first value (index 0) is selected, then onChange()
+ // will be called with `onChange(allowedValues[0])`, i.e. `onChange(1)`.
+ ...(allowedValues && {
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: allowedValues.length - 1,
+ step: 1,
+ value: Array.isArray(value)
+ ? value.map(allowedValues.indexOf)
+ : allowedValues.indexOf(value ?? 0),
+ defaultValue: Array.isArray(defaultValue)
+ ? defaultValue.map(allowedValues.indexOf)
+ : allowedValues.indexOf(defaultValue ?? 0),
+ onChange: indexValue =>
+ onChange?.(
+ Array.isArray(indexValue)
+ ? indexValue.map(i => allowedValues[i])
+ : allowedValues[indexValue]
+ ),
+ onChangeEnd: indexValue =>
+ onChangeEnd?.(
+ Array.isArray(indexValue)
+ ? indexValue.map(i => allowedValues[i])
+ : allowedValues[indexValue]
+ ),
+ }),
+ };
+ const trackRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+ const numberFormatter = useNumberFormatter(formatOptions);
+ const state = useSliderState({...ariaProps, numberFormatter});
+ const {groupProps, trackProps, labelProps, outputProps} = useSlider(
+ ariaProps,
+ state,
+ trackRef
+ );
+ const allTickValues = useMemo(() => {
+ if (tickValues) {
+ return tickValues;
+ }
+ if (ticksInterval) {
+ const result: number[] = [];
+ let current = min;
+ while (current <= max) {
+ result.push(current);
+ current += ticksInterval;
+ }
+ return result.concat([max]);
+ }
+ if (ticks) {
+ const range = max - min;
+ return [...new Array(ticks)].map((_, i) => min + i * (range / (ticks - 1)));
+ }
+ return [];
+ }, [ticks, ticksInterval, tickValues, min, max]);
+ const nThumbs = state.values.length;
+ const refs = useRef<Array<HTMLInputElement>>([]);
+ useImperativeHandle(
+ forwardedRef,
+ () => {
+ if (nThumbs > 1) {
+ return refs.current;
+ }
+ return refs.current[0];
+ },
+ [nThumbs]
+ );
+ const getFormattedValue = useCallback(
+ (val: number) => {
+ // Special formatting when `allowedValues` is specified, in which case `val` acts
+ // like an index for `allowedValues`.
+ if (allowedValues) {
+ return formatLabel
+ ? formatLabel(allowedValues[val])
+ : state.getFormattedValue(allowedValues[val]);
+ }
+ return formatLabel ? formatLabel(val) : state.getFormattedValue(val);
+ },
+ [formatLabel, state, allowedValues]
+ );
+ const selectedRange =
+ nThumbs > 1
+ ? [Math.min(...state.values), Math.max(...state.values)]
+ : [min, state.values[0]];
+ return (
+ <SliderGroup {...groupProps} className={className}>
+ {label && (
+ <SliderLabelWrapper className="label-container">
+ <SliderLabel {...labelProps}>{label}</SliderLabel>
+ <SliderLabelOutput {...outputProps}>
+ {nThumbs > 1
+ ? `${getFormattedValue(selectedRange[0])}–${getFormattedValue(
+ selectedRange[1]
+ )}`
+ : getFormattedValue(selectedRange[1])}
+ </SliderLabelOutput>
+ </SliderLabelWrapper>
+ )}
+ <Tooltip
+ title={disabledReason}
+ disabled={!disabled}
+ skipWrapper
+ isHoverable
+ position="bottom"
+ offset={8}
+ >
+ <SliderTrack
+ ref={trackRef}
+ {...trackProps}
+ hasThumbLabels={showThumbLabels && !label}
+ hasTickLabels={showTickLabels && allTickValues.length > 0}
+ >
+ <SliderLowerTrack
+ role="presentation"
+ disabled={disabled}
+ error={error}
+ style={{
+ left: `${state.getValuePercent(selectedRange[0]) * 100}%`,
+ right: `${100 - state.getValuePercent(selectedRange[1]) * 100}%`,
+ }}
+ />
+ {allTickValues.map((tickValue, index) => (
+ <SliderTick
+ key={tickValue}
+ aria-hidden
+ error={error}
+ disabled={disabled}
+ inSelection={tickValue >= selectedRange[0] && tickValue <= selectedRange[1]}
+ style={{left: `${(state.getValuePercent(tickValue) * 100).toFixed(2)}%`}}
+ justifyContent={
+ index === 0
+ ? 'start'
+ : index === allTickValues.length - 1
+ ? 'end'
+ : 'center'
+ }
+ >
+ {showTickLabels && (
+ <SliderTickLabel>{getFormattedValue(tickValue)}</SliderTickLabel>
+ )}
+ </SliderTick>
+ ))}
+ {[...new Array(nThumbs)].map((_, index) => (
+ <SliderThumb
+ ref={node => {
+ if (!node) {
+ return;
+ }
+ refs.current = [
+ ...refs.current.slice(0, index),
+ node,
+ ...refs.current.slice(index + 1),
+ ];
+ }}
+ key={index}
+ index={index}
+ state={state}
+ trackRef={trackRef}
+ showLabel={showThumbLabels && !label}
+ getFormattedValue={getFormattedValue}
+ isRequired={required}
+ autoFocus={autoFocus && index === 0}
+ onFocus={onFocus}
+ onBlur={onBlur}
+ onFocusChange={onFocusChange}
+ error={error}
+ />
+ ))}
+ </SliderTrack>
+ </Tooltip>
+ </SliderGroup>
+ );
+const Slider = forwardRef(BaseSlider);
+export {Slider};
+const SliderGroup = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+const SliderLabelWrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin-bottom: ${space(1.5)};
+const SliderLabel = styled('label')`
+ font-weight: 400;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};
+const SliderLabelOutput = styled('output')`
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.subText};
+const SliderTrack = styled('div')<{hasThumbLabels: boolean; hasTickLabels: boolean}>`
+ position: relative;
+ width: calc(100% - 2px);
+ height: 3px;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ background: ${p => p.theme.border};
+ margin-left: 1px; /* to better align track with label */
+ margin-bottom: ${p => (p.hasTickLabels ? '2em' : '0.5rem')};
+ margin-top: ${p => (p.hasThumbLabels ? '2em' : '0.5rem')};
+ /* Users can click on the track to quickly jump to a value. We should extend the click
+ area to make the action easier. */
+ &::before {
+ content: '';
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 1.5rem;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ }
+const SliderLowerTrack = styled('div')<{disabled: boolean; error: boolean}>`
+ position: absolute;
+ height: inherit;
+ border-radius: inherit;
+ background: ${p => p.theme.active};
+ pointer-events: none;
+ ${p => p.error && `background: ${p.theme.error};`}
+ ${p => p.disabled && `background: ${p.theme.subText};`}
+const SliderTick = styled('div')<{
+ disabled: boolean;
+ error: boolean;
+ inSelection: boolean;
+ justifyContent: string;
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: ${p => p.justifyContent};
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+ width: 2px;
+ height: 6px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background: ${p => p.theme.translucentBorder};
+ ${p =>
+ p.inSelection &&
+ `background: ${
+ p.disabled ? p.theme.subText : p.error ? p.theme.error : p.theme.active
+ };`}
+const SliderTickLabel = styled('small')`
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: calc(100% + ${space(1)});
+ margin: 0 -1px;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.subText};
+ font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall};