@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import AsyncComponent from 'app/components/asyncComponent';
+import Avatar from 'app/components/avatar';
+import {t} from 'app/locale';
+import {Organization, Project} from 'app/types';
+import withOrganizations from 'app/utils/withOrganizations';
+import {ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATION_FIELDS} from 'app/views/settings/account/notifications/fields';
+import {NOTIFICATION_SETTING_FIELDS} from 'app/views/settings/account/notifications/fields2';
+import {
+ backfillMissingProvidersWithFallback,
+ getChoiceString,
+ getFallBackValue,
+ groupByOrganization,
+ isGroupedByProject,
+ providerListToString,
+} from 'app/views/settings/account/notifications/utils';
+import Form from 'app/views/settings/components/forms/form';
+import JsonForm from 'app/views/settings/components/forms/jsonForm';
+import {FieldObject} from 'app/views/settings/components/forms/type';
+import SettingsPageHeader from 'app/views/settings/components/settingsPageHeader';
+import TextBlock from 'app/views/settings/components/text/textBlock';
+type Props = {
+ notificationType: string;
+ organizations: Organization[];
+} & AsyncComponent['props'];
+type State = {
+ notificationSettings: {
+ [key: string]: {[key: string]: {[key: string]: {[key: string]: string}}};
+ };
+ projects: Project[];
+} & AsyncComponent['state'];
+class NotificationSettings extends AsyncComponent<Props, State> {
+ getDefaultState(): State {
+ return {
+ ...super.getDefaultState(),
+ notificationSettings: {},
+ projects: [],
+ };
+ }
+ getEndpoints(): ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> {
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const query = {type: notificationType};
+ const endpoints: ReturnType<AsyncComponent['getEndpoints']> = [
+ ['notificationSettings', `/users/me/notification-settings/`, {query}],
+ ];
+ if (this.isGroupedByProject()) {
+ endpoints.push(['projects', '/projects/']);
+ }
+ return endpoints;
+ }
+ isGroupedByProject() {
+ /** We can infer the parent type by the `notificationType` key. */
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ return isGroupedByProject(notificationType);
+ }
+ getParents(): Organization[] | Project[] {
+ /** Use the `notificationType` key to decide which parent objects to use */
+ const {organizations} = this.props;
+ const {projects} = this.state;
+ return this.isGroupedByProject() ? projects : organizations;
+ }
+ getUserDefaultValues = (): {[key: string]: string} => {
+ /**
+ * Get the mapping of providers to values that describe a user's parent-
+ * independent notification preferences. The data from the API uses the user
+ * ID rather than "me" so we assume the first ID is the user's.
+ */
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const {notificationSettings} = this.state;
+ return (
+ Object.values(notificationSettings[notificationType]?.user || {}).pop() || {
+ email: getFallBackValue(notificationType),
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ getParentData = (): {[key: string]: string} => {
+ return Object.fromEntries(
+ this.getParents().map(parent => [
+ parent.id,
+ Object.values(this.getParentValues(parent.id))[0],
+ ])
+ );
+ };
+ getStateToPutForProvider = changedData => {
+ /**
+ * I don't need to update the provider for EVERY once of the user's projects
+ * and organizations, just the user and parents that have explicit settings.
+ */
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const {notificationSettings} = this.state;
+ const providerList: string[] = changedData.provider.split('+');
+ const fallbackValue = getFallBackValue(notificationType);
+ let updatedNotificationSettings;
+ if (Object.keys(notificationSettings).length) {
+ updatedNotificationSettings = {
+ [notificationType]: Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.entries(
+ notificationSettings[notificationType]
+ ).map(([scopeType, scopeTypeData]) => [
+ scopeType,
+ Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.entries(scopeTypeData).map(([scopeId, scopeIdData]) => [
+ scopeId,
+ backfillMissingProvidersWithFallback(
+ scopeIdData,
+ providerList,
+ fallbackValue
+ ),
+ ])
+ ),
+ ])
+ ),
+ };
+ } else {
+ // If the user has no settings, we need to create them.
+ updatedNotificationSettings = {
+ [notificationType]: {
+ user: {
+ me: Object.fromEntries(
+ providerList.map(provider => [provider, fallbackValue])
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ this.setState({notificationSettings: updatedNotificationSettings});
+ return updatedNotificationSettings;
+ };
+ getParentValues = (parentId: string): {[key: string]: string} => {
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const {notificationSettings} = this.state;
+ const parentKey = this.isGroupedByProject() ? 'project' : 'organization';
+ return (
+ notificationSettings[notificationType]?.[parentKey]?.[parentId] || {
+ email: 'default',
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ getStateToPutForDefault = (changedData: {[key: string]: string}) => {
+ /** This always updates "user:me". */
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const newValue = Object.values(changedData)[0];
+ const previousData = this.getUserDefaultValues();
+ const notificationSettings = {
+ [notificationType]: {
+ user: {
+ me: Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.keys(previousData).map(provider => [provider, newValue])
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ this.setState({notificationSettings});
+ return notificationSettings;
+ };
+ getStateToPutForParent = (changedData: {[key: string]: string}, parentId: string) => {
+ /** Get the diff of the Notification Settings for this parent ID. */
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const parentKey = this.isGroupedByProject() ? 'project' : 'organization';
+ const newValue = Object.values(changedData)[0];
+ const previousData = this.getParentValues(parentId);
+ const notificationSettings = {
+ [notificationType]: {
+ [parentKey]: {
+ [parentId]: Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.entries(previousData).map(([provider, _]) => [provider, newValue])
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ this.setState({notificationSettings});
+ return notificationSettings;
+ };
+ getGroupedParents = (): {[key: string]: Organization[] | Project[]} => {
+ /**
+ * The UI expects projects to be grouped by organization but can also use
+ * this function to make a single group with all organizations.
+ */
+ const {organizations} = this.props;
+ const {projects: stateProjects} = this.state;
+ return this.isGroupedByProject()
+ ? Object.fromEntries(
+ Object.values(
+ groupByOrganization(stateProjects)
+ ).map(({organization, projects}) => [`${organization.name} Projects`, projects])
+ )
+ : {organizations};
+ };
+ getParentField = (parent: Organization | Project): FieldObject => {
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const defaultFields = NOTIFICATION_SETTING_FIELDS[notificationType];
+ const currentDefault = Object.values(this.getUserDefaultValues())[0];
+ return Object.assign({}, defaultFields, {
+ label: (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <Avatar
+ {...{[this.isGroupedByProject() ? 'project' : 'organization']: parent}}
+ />
+ {parent.slug}
+ </React.Fragment>
+ ),
+ getData: data => this.getStateToPutForParent(data, parent.id),
+ name: parent.id,
+ choices: defaultFields.choices?.concat([
+ [
+ 'default',
+ `${getChoiceString(defaultFields.choices, currentDefault)} (${t('default')})`,
+ ],
+ ]),
+ defaultValue: 'default',
+ }) as any;
+ };
+ getDefaultSettings = (): [string, FieldObject[]] => {
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const title = this.isGroupedByProject() ? t('All Projects') : t('All Organizations');
+ const fields = [
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ help: t('This is the default for all projects.'),
+ getData: data => this.getStateToPutForDefault(data),
+ },
+ ),
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ help: t('Where personal notifications will be sent.'),
+ getData: data => this.getStateToPutForProvider(data),
+ },
+ ),
+ ] as FieldObject[];
+ return [title, fields];
+ };
+ renderBody() {
+ const {notificationType} = this.props;
+ const {title, description} = ACCOUNT_NOTIFICATION_FIELDS[notificationType];
+ const groupedParents = this.getGroupedParents();
+ const userData = this.getUserDefaultValues();
+ const parentData = this.getParentData();
+ const [formTitle, fields] = this.getDefaultSettings();
+ return (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <SettingsPageHeader title={title} />
+ {description && <TextBlock>{description}</TextBlock>}
+ <Form
+ saveOnBlur
+ apiMethod="PUT"
+ apiEndpoint="/users/me/notification-settings/"
+ initialData={{
+ [notificationType]: Object.values(userData)[0],
+ provider: providerListToString(Object.keys(userData)),
+ }}
+ >
+ <JsonForm title={formTitle} fields={fields} />
+ </Form>
+ <Form
+ saveOnBlur
+ apiMethod="PUT"
+ apiEndpoint="/users/me/notification-settings/"
+ initialData={parentData}
+ >
+ {Object.entries(groupedParents).map(([groupTitle, parents]) => (
+ <JsonForm
+ key={groupTitle}
+ title={groupTitle}
+ fields={parents.map(parent => this.getParentField(parent))}
+ />
+ ))}
+ </Form>
+ </React.Fragment>
+ );
+ }
+export default withOrganizations(NotificationSettings);