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fix(tests): Fix symbolicator tests (#21705)

Fixes a number of issues with the symbolicator integration test suite:

- Updates to `nightly` tags, which was missed in
- Updates unreal test snapshots for
- Removes abandoned snapshot files from the native test suite.

Co-authored-by: Jan Michael Auer <>
Dan Fuller 4 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ jobs:
         if: steps.changes.outputs.backend == 'true'
         run: |
           # pull relay we'll run and kill it for each test
-          docker pull
+          docker pull
           docker ps -a
       - name: Run test

+ 1 - 1

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ jobs:
             -v $PWD/config/symbolicator/:/etc/symbolicator \
             --network host \
             --name symbolicator \
-   \
+   \
             run -c /etc/symbolicator/config.yml
           docker ps -a

+ 2 - 2

@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ matrix:
         - *base_install
         - *start_snuba
-        - docker run -d -v $PWD/config/symbolicator/:/etc/symbolicator --network host --name symbolicator run -c /etc/symbolicator/config.yml
+        - docker run -d -v $PWD/config/symbolicator/:/etc/symbolicator --network host --name symbolicator run -c /etc/symbolicator/config.yml
         - docker ps -a
     - <<: *postgres_default
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ matrix:
         - *base_install
         - *start_snuba
-        - docker pull # pull relay we'll run and kill it for each test
+        - docker pull # pull relay we'll run and kill it for each test
         - docker ps -a
     - python: 2.7

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-created: '2020-02-07T13:54:33.527768Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/sentry/lang/native/
-  device:
-    memory_size: 6896832512
-  gpu:
-    name: Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM)
-  os:
-    name: Windows 10
-  unreal:
-    app_default_locate: en-US
-    base_dir: //Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/YetAnother/Binaries/Win64/
-    build_configuration: Development
-    build_version: ++UE4+Release-4.20-CL-4369336
-    crash_guid: UE4CC-Windows-63456D684167A2659DE73EA3517BEDC4_0000
-    crash_reporter_client_version: '1.0'
-    crash_type: Crash
-    engine_mode: Game
-    engine_version: 4.20.3-4369336+++UE4+Release-4.20
-    executable_name: YetAnother
-    game_name: UE4-YetAnother
-    is_assert: false
-    is_ensure: false
-    is_internal_build: false
-    is_source_distribution: false
-    is_ue4_release: false
-    language_lcid: 1033
-    legacy_call_stack: 'YetAnother!AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
-      YetAnother!AActor::Destroy()
-      YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTickHelper<<lambda_e8384def656dc646af48282ce274db64>
-      >()
-      YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTick()
-      YetAnother!FTickFunctionTask::DoTask()
-      YetAnother!TGraphTask<FTickFunctionTask>::ExecuteTask()
-      YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread()
-      YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilIdle()
-      YetAnother!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup()
-      YetAnother!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup()
-      YetAnother!UWorld::RunTickGroup()
-      YetAnother!UWorld::Tick()
-      YetAnother!UGameEngine::Tick()
-      YetAnother!FEngineLoop::Tick()
-      YetAnother!GuardedMain()
-      YetAnother!GuardedMainWrapper()
-      YetAnother!WinMain()
-      YetAnother!__scrt_common_main_seh() [f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
-      kernel32
-      ntdll'
-    login_id: 9776d4844cc893f55395dbbefb0eb6d7
-    machine_id: 9776D4844CC893F55395DBBEFB0EB6D7
-    memory_stats_page_size: 4096
-    memory_stats_total_phsysical_gb: 7
-    memory_stats_total_virtual: 140737488224256
-    misc_cpu_brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz
-    misc_cpu_vendor: GenuineIntel
-    misc_number_of_cores: 6
-    misc_number_of_cores_inc_hyperthread: 6
-    misc_primary_gpu_brand: Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM)
-    platform_name: WindowsNoEditor
-    portable_call_stack: YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 703394 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 281f2ee YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2a26dd3 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 2a4f984 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 355e77e YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 3576186 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 8acc56 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 8acf00 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 35c121d YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 35cfb58 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2eb082f YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 2eb984f YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2d1cd39 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 325258 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 334e4c YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 334eaa YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 3429e6 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
-      + 44e73c6 KERNEL32 0x000000000fd40000 + 13034 ntdll 0x0000000010060000 + 71471
-    process_id: 9444
-    root_dir: /Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/
-    seconds_since_start: 8
-    time_of_crash: 636783112433190000
-    type: unreal
-environment: Production
-event_id: 12852a74acc943a790c8f1cd23907caa
-message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
-  name: sentry.unreal.crashreporter
-  version: '1.0'
-  epic_account_id: 2e7d369327054a448be6c8d3601213cb
-  machine_id: C52DC39D-DAF3-5E36-A8D3-BF5F53A5D38F
-  id: ebff51ef3c4878627823eebd9ff40eb4
-  username: bruno

+ 0 - 161

@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-05-06T08:50:02.253818Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86_64
-  os:
-    build: '#1 SMP Mon Nov 6 16:00:12 UTC 2017'
-    name: Linux
-    type: os
-    version: 4.9.60-linuxkit-aufs
-  images:
-  - code_file: /work/linux/build/crash
-    code_id: f1c3bcc0279865fe3058404b2831d9e64135386c
-    debug_file: /work/linux/build/crash
-    debug_id: c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6
-    image_addr: '0x400000'
-    image_size: 106496
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: dfb85de42daffd09640c8fe377d572de3e168920
-    debug_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: e45db8df-af2d-09fd-640c-8fe377d572de
-    image_addr: '0x7f513fe54000'
-    image_size: 1081344
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: b5381a457906d279073822a5ceb24c4bfef94ddb
-    debug_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: 451a38b5-0679-79d2-0738-22a5ceb24c4b
-    image_addr: '0x7f514015d000'
-    image_size: 1835008
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: 68220ae2c65d65c1b6aaa12fa6765a6ec2f5f434
-    debug_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: e20a2268-5dc6-c165-b6aa-a12fa6765a6e
-    image_addr: '0x7f5140527000'
-    image_size: 90112
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: cb93c881929b523c01acef171b52d5261f026029
-    debug_file: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: 81c893cb-9b92-3c52-01ac-ef171b52d526
-    image_addr: '0x7f514073d000'
-    image_size: 1515520
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: ce17e023542265fc11d9bc8f534bb4f070493d30
-    debug_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: 23e017ce-2254-fc65-11d9-bc8f534bb4f0
-    image_addr: '0x7f5140abf000'
-    image_size: 98304
-    type: elf
-  - code_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    code_id: 5d7b6259552275a3c17bd4c3fd05f5a6bf40caa5
-    debug_file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-    debug_id: 59627b5d-2255-a375-c17b-d4c3fd05f5a6
-    image_addr: '0x7f5140cdc000'
-    image_size: 155648
-    type: elf
-  - code_file:
-    code_id: 6c5f1875b9048fb4b8dfd832e74ad31a9aafb38f
-    debug_file:
-    debug_id: 75185f6c-04b9-b48f-b8df-d832e74ad31a
-    image_addr: '0x7fff5aef1000'
-    image_size: 8192
-    type: elf
-  values:
-  - mechanism:
-      handled: false
-      synthetic: true
-      type: minidump
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401dc0'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7f5140cdc000'
-        package: null
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x400040'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7fff5aef1000'
-        package: null
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401de9'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401dc0'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x414ca0'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401c70'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401dc0'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401c70'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7f514017d830'
-        package: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x414c30'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401ec0'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7f5140cebac6'
-        package: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x400000'
-        package: null
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7f51401e4800'
-        package: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7f514025002e'
-        package: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x401d72'
-        package: /work/linux/build/crash
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x0000000000000131'
-        r11: '0x00007f5140aca4c0'
-        r12: '0x0000000000401dc0'
-        r13: '0x00007fff5ae4ac90'
-        r14: '0x00007fff5ae4aab0'
-        r15: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r8: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r9: '0x0000000000000000'
-        rax: '0xffffffffffffffff'
-        rbp: '0x00007fff5ae4abb0'
-        rbx: '0x00007fff5ae4aa20'
-        rcx: '0x00007f5140521b20'
-        rdi: '0x00007fff5ae4aab0'
-        rdx: '0x00007f5140efc000'
-        rip: '0x0000000000401d72'
-        rsi: '0x0000000000000000'
-        rsp: '0x00007fff5ae4aa20'
-    thread_id: 1304
-    type: SIGSEGV /0x00000000
-    value: 'Fatal Error: SIGSEGV /0x00000000'
-level: fatal
-platform: native
-release: test-1.0.0
-- crashed: true
-  id: 1304
-timestamp: 1522061032.0

+ 0 - 364

@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-05-06T08:50:02.285689Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86_64
-  os:
-    build: 16G29
-    name: macOS
-    type: os
-    version: 10.12.6
-  images:
-  - code_file: /Users/travis/build/getsentry/breakpad-tools/macos/build/./crash
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: crash
-    debug_id: 67e9247c-814e-392b-a027-dbde6748fcbf
-    image_addr: '0x109b9b000'
-    image_size: 69632
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: CoreFoundation
-    debug_id: 36385a3a-60d3-32db-bf55-c6d8931a7aa6
-    image_addr: '0x7fffd229c000'
-    image_size: 4800512
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
-    debug_id: 84a04d24-0e60-3810-a8c0-90a65e2df61a
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe668e000'
-    image_size: 8192
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libSystem.B.dylib
-    debug_id: f18ac1e7-c6f1-34b1-8069-be571b3231d4
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe68cd000'
-    image_size: 8192
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libc++.1.dylib
-    debug_id: 0b43bb5d-e6eb-3464-8de9-b41ac8ed9d1c
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe6a80000'
-    image_size: 356352
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libc++abi.dylib
-    debug_id: bc271ad3-831b-362a-9da7-e8c51f285fe4
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe6ad7000'
-    image_size: 172032
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libicucore.A.dylib
-    debug_id: ccd2ed24-3071-383b-925d-8d763bb12a6f
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7041000'
-    image_size: 2252800
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libobjc.A.dylib
-    debug_id: 4df3c25c-52c2-3f01-a3ef-0d9d53a73c1c
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe75f5000'
-    image_size: 4022272
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libz.1.dylib
-    debug_id: 46e3ffa2-4328-327a-8d34-a03e20bffb8e
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7def000'
-    image_size: 73728
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libcache.dylib
-    debug_id: 093a4dab-8385-3d47-a350-e20cb7ccf7bf
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7e0f000'
-    image_size: 20480
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libcommonCrypto.dylib
-    debug_id: 8a64d1b0-c70e-385c-92f0-e669079fda90
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7e14000'
-    image_size: 45056
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libcompiler_rt.dylib
-    debug_id: 55d47421-772a-32ab-b529-1a46c2f43b4d
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7e1f000'
-    image_size: 32768
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libcopyfile.dylib
-    debug_id: 819bea3c-df11-3e3d-a1a1-5a51c5bf1961
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7e27000'
-    image_size: 36864
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libcorecrypto.dylib
-    debug_id: 65d7165e-2e71-335d-a2d6-33f78e2df0c1
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7e30000'
-    image_size: 540672
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libdispatch.dylib
-    debug_id: 6582bad6-ed27-3b30-b620-90b1c5a4ae3c
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7eb4000'
-    image_size: 204800
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libdyld.dylib
-    debug_id: 9b2ac56d-107c-3541-a127-9094a751f2c9
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7ee6000'
-    image_size: 24576
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libkeymgr.dylib
-    debug_id: 7aa011a9-dc21-3488-bf73-3b5b14d1fdd6
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7eec000'
-    image_size: 4096
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: liblaunch.dylib
-    debug_id: b856abd2-896e-3de0-b2c8-146a6af8e2a7
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7efa000'
-    image_size: 4096
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libmacho.dylib
-    debug_id: 17d5d855-f6c3-3b04-b680-e9bf02ef8aed
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7efb000'
-    image_size: 24576
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libquarantine.dylib
-    debug_id: 12448cc2-378e-35f3-be33-9dc395a5b970
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7f01000'
-    image_size: 12288
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libremovefile.dylib
-    debug_id: 38d4cb9c-10cd-30d3-8b7b-a515ec75fe85
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7f04000'
-    image_size: 8192
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_asl.dylib
-    debug_id: 096e4228-3b7c-30a6-8b13-ec909a64499a
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7f06000'
-    image_size: 102400
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_blocks.dylib
-    debug_id: 10dc5404-73ab-35b3-a277-a8afecb476eb
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7f1f000'
-    image_size: 4096
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_c.dylib
-    debug_id: e5ae5244-7d0c-36ac-8bb6-c7ae7ea52a4b
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7f20000'
-    image_size: 581632
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_configuration.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_configuration.dylib
-    debug_id: becc01a2-ca8d-31e6-bcdf-d452965fa976
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7fae000'
-    image_size: 16384
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coreservices.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_coreservices.dylib
-    debug_id: 7d26de79-b424-3450-85e1-f7fab32714ab
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7fb2000'
-    image_size: 16384
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coretls.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_coretls.dylib
-    debug_id: ec6fcf07-dcfb-3a03-9cc9-6dd3709974c6
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7fb6000'
-    image_size: 102400
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_dnssd.dylib
-    debug_id: cc960215-0b1b-3822-a13a-3dde96fa796f
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7fcf000'
-    image_size: 28672
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_info.dylib
-    debug_id: 611db84c-bf70-3f92-8702-b9f28a900920
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe7fd6000'
-    image_size: 172032
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_kernel.dylib
-    debug_id: 34b1f16c-bc9c-3c5f-9045-0cae91cb5914
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8000000'
-    image_size: 143360
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_m.dylib
-    debug_id: 86d499b5-bbdc-3d3b-8a4e-97ae8e6672a4
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8023000'
-    image_size: 294912
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_malloc.dylib
-    debug_id: a3d15f17-99a6-3367-8c7e-4280e8619c95
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe806b000'
-    image_size: 126976
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_network.dylib
-    debug_id: 369d0221-56ca-3c3e-9ede-94b41cae77b7
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe808a000'
-    image_size: 368640
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_networkextension.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_networkextension.dylib
-    debug_id: b021f2b3-8a75-3633-abb0-fc012b8e9b0c
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe80e4000'
-    image_size: 40960
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_notify.dylib
-    debug_id: b8160190-a069-3b3a-bdf6-2aa408221fae
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe80ee000'
-    image_size: 40960
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_platform.dylib
-    debug_id: 897462fd-b318-321b-a554-e61982630f7e
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe80f8000'
-    image_size: 36864
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_pthread.dylib
-    debug_id: b8fb5e20-3295-39e2-b5eb-b464d1d4b104
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8101000'
-    image_size: 45056
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_sandbox.dylib
-    debug_id: 4b92ec49-acd0-36ae-b07a-a2b8152eaf9d
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe810c000'
-    image_size: 16384
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_secinit.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_secinit.dylib
-    debug_id: f78b847b-3565-3e4b-98a6-f7ad40392e2d
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8110000'
-    image_size: 8192
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_symptoms.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_symptoms.dylib
-    debug_id: 3390e07c-c1ce-348f-adbd-2c5440b45eaa
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8112000'
-    image_size: 32768
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libsystem_trace.dylib
-    debug_id: ac63a7fe-50d9-3a30-96e6-f6b7ff16e465
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe811a000'
-    image_size: 81920
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libunwind.dylib
-    debug_id: 3d50d8a8-c460-334d-a519-2da841102c6b
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe812e000'
-    image_size: 24576
-    type: macho
-  - code_file: /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
-    code_id: null
-    debug_file: libxpc.dylib
-    debug_id: bf896df0-d8e9-31a8-a4b3-01120bfeee52
-    image_addr: '0x7fffe8134000'
-    image_size: 172032
-    type: macho
-  values:
-  - mechanism:
-      handled: false
-      synthetic: true
-      type: minidump
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7fffe7eeb235'
-        package: /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7fffe7eeb235'
-        package: /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x109ba8c70'
-        package: /Users/travis/build/getsentry/breakpad-tools/macos/build/./crash
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x109ba8c15'
-        package: /Users/travis/build/getsentry/breakpad-tools/macos/build/./crash
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x000000000000002e'
-        r11: '0x00007fffe8105171'
-        r12: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r13: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r14: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r15: '0x0000000000000000'
-        r8: '0x000000000c0008ff'
-        r9: '0x0000000000000000'
-        rax: '0x0000000000000001'
-        rbp: '0x00007fff56064258'
-        rbx: '0x00007fff56064120'
-        rcx: '0x0000000000000000'
-        rdi: '0x00007fff56064120'
-        rdx: '0x0000000000000000'
-        rip: '0x0000000109ba8c15'
-        rsi: '0x00007fff56064140'
-        rsp: '0x00007fff56064110'
-    thread_id: 775
-    value: 'Fatal Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS'
-level: fatal
-platform: native
-release: test-1.0.0
-- crashed: true
-  id: 775
-timestamp: 1521713398.0

+ 0 - 271

@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-05-06T08:50:02.313593Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86
-  os:
-    build: ''
-    name: Windows
-    type: os
-    version: 10.0.14393
-  images:
-  - code_file: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-    code_id: 5AB380779000
-    debug_file: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.pdb
-    debug_id: 3249d99d-0c40-4931-8610-f4e4fb0b6936-1
-    image_addr: '0x2a0000'
-    image_size: 36864
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\dbghelp.dll
-    code_id: 57898E12145000
-    debug_file: dbghelp.pdb
-    debug_id: 9c2a902b-6fdf-40ad-8308-588a41d572a0-1
-    image_addr: '0x70850000'
-    image_size: 1331200
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\msvcp140.dll
-    code_id: 589ABC846c000
-    debug_file: msvcp140.i386.pdb
-    debug_id: bf5257f7-8c26-43dd-9bb7-901625e1136a-1
-    image_addr: '0x709a0000'
-    image_size: 442368
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll
-    code_id: 57898EEB92000
-    debug_file: apphelp.pdb
-    debug_id: 8daf7773-372f-460a-af38-944e193f7e33-1
-    image_addr: '0x70a10000'
-    image_size: 598016
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\dbgcore.dll
-    code_id: 57898DAB25000
-    debug_file: dbgcore.pdb
-    debug_id: aec7ef2f-df4b-4642-a471-4c3e5fe8760a-1
-    image_addr: '0x70b70000'
-    image_size: 151552
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
-    code_id: 589ABC7714000
-    debug_file: vcruntime140.i386.pdb
-    debug_id: 0ed80a50-ecda-472b-86a4-eb6c833f8e1b-1
-    image_addr: '0x70c60000'
-    image_size: 81920
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\CRYPTBASE.dll
-    code_id: 57899141a000
-    debug_file: cryptbase.pdb
-    debug_id: 147c51fb-7ca1-408f-85b5-285f2ad6f9c5-1
-    image_addr: '0x73ba0000'
-    image_size: 40960
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\sspicli.dll
-    code_id: 59BF30E31f000
-    debug_file: wsspicli.pdb
-    debug_id: 51e432b1-0450-4b19-8ed1-6d4335f9f543-1
-    image_addr: '0x73bb0000'
-    image_size: 126976
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll
-    code_id: 5A49BB7677000
-    debug_file: advapi32.pdb
-    debug_id: 0c799483-b549-417d-8433-4331852031fe-1
-    image_addr: '0x73c70000'
-    image_size: 487424
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
-    code_id: 57899155be000
-    debug_file: msvcrt.pdb
-    debug_id: 6f6409b3-d520-43c7-9b2f-62e00bfe761c-1
-    image_addr: '0x73cf0000'
-    image_size: 778240
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll
-    code_id: 598942C741000
-    debug_file: sechost.pdb
-    debug_id: 6f6a05dd-0a80-478b-a419-9b88703bf75b-1
-    image_addr: '0x74450000'
-    image_size: 266240
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-    code_id: 590285E9e0000
-    debug_file: wkernel32.pdb
-    debug_id: d3474559-96f7-47d6-bf43-c176b2171e68-1
-    image_addr: '0x75050000'
-    image_size: 917504
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
-    code_id: 59B0DF8F5a000
-    debug_file: bcryptprimitives.pdb
-    debug_id: 287b19c3-9209-4a2b-bb8f-bcc37f411b11-1
-    image_addr: '0x75130000'
-    image_size: 368640
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll
-    code_id: 5A49BB75c1000
-    debug_file: wrpcrt4.pdb
-    debug_id: ae131c67-27a7-4fa1-9916-b5a4aef41190-1
-    image_addr: '0x75810000'
-    image_size: 790528
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
-    code_id: 59BF2B5Ae0000
-    debug_file: ucrtbase.pdb
-    debug_id: 6bedcbce-0a3a-40e9-8040-81c2c8c6cc2f-1
-    image_addr: '0x758f0000'
-    image_size: 917504
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
-    code_id: 59BF2BCF1a1000
-    debug_file: wkernelbase.pdb
-    debug_id: 8462294a-c645-402d-ac82-a4e95f61ddf9-1
-    image_addr: '0x76db0000'
-    image_size: 1708032
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-    code_id: 59B0D8F3183000
-    debug_file: wntdll.pdb
-    debug_id: 971f98e5-ce60-41ff-b2d7-235bbeb34578-1
-    image_addr: '0x77170000'
-    image_size: 1585152
-    type: pe
-  values:
-  - mechanism:
-      handled: false
-      synthetic: true
-      type: minidump
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - instruction_addr: '0x2a2d97'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x2a3435'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7584e9c0'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x75810000'
-        package: null
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x70b7ae40'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\dbgcore.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x70850000'
-        package: null
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x7584e9c0'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - instruction_addr: '0x2a28d0'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: fp
-      - instruction_addr: '0x2a2a3d'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x00000000'
-        ebp: '0x010ff670'
-        ebx: '0x00fe5000'
-        ecx: '0x010ff670'
-        edi: '0x013bfd78'
-        edx: '0x00000007'
-        eflags: '0x00010246'
-        eip: '0x002a2a3d'
-        esi: '0x759c6314'
-        esp: '0x010ff644'
-    thread_id: 1636
-level: fatal
-platform: native
-release: test-1.0.0
-- crashed: true
-  id: 1636
-- crashed: false
-  id: 3580
-  stacktrace:
-    frames:
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: context
-    registers:
-      eax: '0x00000000'
-      ebp: '0x0159faa4'
-      ebx: '0x013b0990'
-      ecx: '0x00000000'
-      edi: '0x013b4af0'
-      edx: '0x00000000'
-      eflags: '0x00000216'
-      eip: '0x771e016c'
-      esi: '0x013b4930'
-      esp: '0x0159f900'
-- crashed: false
-  id: 2600
-  stacktrace:
-    frames:
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-      trust: fp
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: context
-    registers:
-      eax: '0x00000000'
-      ebp: '0x0169fb98'
-      ebx: '0x013b0990'
-      ecx: '0x00000000'
-      edi: '0x013b7c28'
-      edx: '0x00000000'
-      eflags: '0x00000202'
-      eip: '0x771e016c'
-      esi: '0x013b7a68'
-      esp: '0x0169f9f4'
-- crashed: false
-  id: 2920
-  stacktrace:
-    frames:
-    - instruction_addr: '0x771df3dc'
-      package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-      trust: context
-    registers:
-      eax: '0x00000000'
-      ebp: '0x0179f2b8'
-      ebx: '0x017b1aa0'
-      ecx: '0x00000000'
-      edi: '0x017b1a90'
-      edx: '0x00000000'
-      eflags: '0x00000206'
-      eip: '0x771df3dc'
-      esi: '0x000002cc'
-      esp: '0x0179f2ac'
-timestamp: 1521713273.0

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-created: '2020-08-27T15:59:42.208300Z'
+created: '2020-10-31T11:13:08.932876Z'
 creator: sentry
 source: tests/symbolicator/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ contexts:
     build_configuration: Development
     build_version: ++UE4+Release-4.21-CL-4613538
     crash_guid: UE4CC-Mac-C4D618F60F46F8E48017259A587AC54E_0000
-    crash_reporter_client_version: '1.0'
     crash_type: Crash
       CommandLine: -installed
@@ -275,6 +274,9 @@ exception:
     type: SIGSEGV
     value: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x88
 extra: null
+  name: unreal.crashreporter
+  version: '1.0'
 stacktrace: null

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-created: '2020-08-27T15:59:49.734047Z'
+created: '2020-10-31T11:13:16.442847Z'
 creator: sentry
 source: tests/symbolicator/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ contexts:
     build_configuration: Development
     build_version: ++UE4+Release-4.20-CL-4369336
     crash_guid: UE4CC-Windows-63456D684167A2659DE73EA3517BEDC4_0000
-    crash_reporter_client_version: '1.0'
     crash_type: Crash
       CommandLine: ''
@@ -159,6 +158,9 @@ exception:
 extra: null
+  name: unreal.crashreporter
+  version: '1.0'
 stacktrace: null

+ 1 - 0

@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ class SymbolicatorUnrealIntegrationTest(RelayStoreHelper, TransactionTestCase):
+                "sdk":"sdk"),