@@ -36,19 +36,21 @@ const maxSize: Modifier<'maxSize', PreventOverflowOptions> = {
const flippedWidthSide = basePlacement === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
const flippedHeightSide = basePlacement === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top';
- // If there is enough space on the other side, then allow the popper to flip
- // without constraining its size
- const maxHeight = Math.max(
- height - overflow[heightSide] - y,
- -overflow[flippedHeightSide]
- );
+ const maxHeight = ['left', 'right'].includes(basePlacement)
+ ? // If the main axis is horizontal, then maxHeight = the boundary's height
+ height - overflow.top - overflow.bottom
+ : // Otherwise, set max height unless there is enough space on the other side to
+ // flip the popper to
+ Math.max(height - overflow[heightSide] - y, -overflow[flippedHeightSide]);
// If there is enough space on the other side, then allow the popper to flip
// without constraining its size
- const maxWidth = Math.max(
- width - overflow[widthSide] - x,
- -overflow[flippedWidthSide]
- );
+ const maxWidth = ['top', 'bottom'].includes(basePlacement)
+ ? // If the main axis is vertical, then maxWidth = the boundary's width
+ width - overflow.left - overflow.right
+ : // Otherwise, set max width unless there is enough space on the other side to
+ // flip the popper to
+ Math.max(width - overflow[widthSide] - x, -overflow[flippedWidthSide]);
state.modifiersData[name] = {
width: maxWidth,
@@ -149,6 +151,13 @@ function useOverlay({
padding: 4,
+ {
+ name: 'flip',
+ options: {
+ // Only flip on main axis
+ flipVariations: false,
+ },
+ },
name: 'offset',
options: {
@@ -229,6 +238,7 @@ function useOverlay({
return {
isOpen: openState.isOpen,
state: openState,
+ update: popperUpdate,
triggerProps: {
ref: setTriggerElement,