@@ -2,22 +2,18 @@ import {useEffect} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart';
-import {generateOrderOptions} from 'sentry/components/dashboards/widgetQueriesForm';
import Field from 'sentry/components/forms/field';
import SelectControl from 'sentry/components/forms/selectControl';
import {t, tn} from 'sentry/locale';
import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
import {Organization, SelectValue, TagCollection} from 'sentry/types';
+import {getDatasetConfig} from 'sentry/views/dashboardsV2/datasetConfig/base';
import {DisplayType, WidgetQuery, WidgetType} from 'sentry/views/dashboardsV2/types';
-import {generateIssueWidgetOrderOptions} from 'sentry/views/dashboardsV2/widgetBuilder/issueWidget/utils';
import {
- filterPrimaryOptions as filterReleaseSortOptions,
} from 'sentry/views/dashboardsV2/widgetBuilder/utils';
-import {FieldValueKind} from 'sentry/views/eventsV2/table/types';
-import {IssueSortOptions} from 'sentry/views/issueList/utils';
import {BuildStep} from '../buildStep';
@@ -43,30 +39,21 @@ export function SortByStep({
- dataSet,
- widgetBuilderNewDesign,
- organization,
}: Props) {
- const fields = queries[0].columns;
+ const datasetConfig = getDatasetConfig(widgetType);
- let disabledSort = false;
- let disabledSortDirection = false;
- let disabledReason: string | undefined = undefined;
+ let disableSort = false;
+ let disableSortDirection = false;
+ let disableSortReason: string | undefined = undefined;
- if (widgetType === WidgetType.RELEASE && fields.includes('session.status')) {
- disabledSort = true;
- disabledSortDirection = true;
- disabledReason = t('Sorting currently not supported with session.status');
- }
- if (widgetType === WidgetType.ISSUE) {
- disabledSortDirection = true;
- disabledReason = t('Issues dataset does not yet support descending order');
+ if (datasetConfig.disableSortOptions) {
+ ({disableSort, disableSortDirection, disableSortReason} =
+ datasetConfig.disableSortOptions(queries[0]));
const orderBy = queries[0].orderby;
@@ -88,140 +75,55 @@ export function SortByStep({
}, [limit, maxLimit, onLimitChange]);
- const columnSet = new Set(queries[0].columns);
- const filterDiscoverOptions = option => {
- if (
- option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.FUNCTION ||
- option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.EQUATION
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- return (
- columnSet.has(option.value.meta.name) ||
- option.value.meta.name === CUSTOM_EQUATION_VALUE
- );
- };
- const filterReleaseOptions = option => {
- if (['count_healthy', 'count_errored'].includes(option.value.meta.name)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.FIELD) {
- // Only allow sorting by release tag
- return (
- columnSet.has(option.value.meta.name) && option.value.meta.name === 'release'
- );
- }
- return filterReleaseSortOptions({
- option,
- widgetType,
- displayType: DisplayType.TABLE,
- });
- };
- if (widgetBuilderNewDesign) {
- return (
- <BuildStep
- title={
- displayType === DisplayType.TABLE
- ? t('Sort by a column')
- : t('Sort by a y-axis')
- }
- description={
- displayType === DisplayType.TABLE
- ? t("Choose one of the columns you've created to sort by.")
- : t("Choose one of the y-axis you've created to sort by.")
- }
- >
- <Field inline={false} error={error} flexibleControlStateSize stacked>
- {[DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.BAR, DisplayType.LINE].includes(displayType) &&
- limit && (
- <ResultsLimitSelector
- name="resultsLimit"
- menuPlacement="auto"
- options={[...Array(maxLimit).keys()].map(resultLimit => {
- const value = resultLimit + 1;
- return {
- label: tn('Limit to %s result', 'Limit to %s results', value),
- value,
- };
- })}
- value={limit}
- onChange={(option: SelectValue<number>) => {
- onLimitChange(option.value);
- }}
- />
- )}
- <SortBySelectors
- displayType={displayType}
- widgetType={widgetType}
- hasGroupBy={isTimeseriesChart && !!queries[0].columns.length}
- disabledReason={disabledReason}
- disabledSort={disabledSort}
- disabledSortDirection={disabledSortDirection}
- sortByOptions={
- dataSet === DataSet.ISSUES
- ? generateIssueWidgetOrderOptions(
- organization.features.includes('issue-list-trend-sort')
- )
- : generateOrderOptions({
- widgetType,
- widgetBuilderNewDesign: true,
- columns: queries[0].columns,
- aggregates: queries[0].aggregates,
- })
- }
- values={{
- sortDirection:
- orderBy[0] === '-'
- ? SortDirection.HIGH_TO_LOW
- : SortDirection.LOW_TO_HIGH,
- sortBy: strippedOrderBy,
- }}
- onChange={({sortDirection, sortBy}) => {
- const newOrderBy =
- sortDirection === SortDirection.HIGH_TO_LOW ? `-${sortBy}` : sortBy;
- onSortByChange(newOrderBy);
- }}
- tags={tags}
- filterPrimaryOptions={
- dataSet === DataSet.RELEASES ? filterReleaseOptions : filterDiscoverOptions
- }
- />
- </Field>
- </BuildStep>
- );
- }
return (
- title={t('Sort by a column')}
- description={t("Choose one of the columns you've created to sort by.")}
+ title={
+ displayType === DisplayType.TABLE ? t('Sort by a column') : t('Sort by a y-axis')
+ }
+ description={
+ displayType === DisplayType.TABLE
+ ? t("Choose one of the columns you've created to sort by.")
+ : t("Choose one of the y-axis you've created to sort by.")
+ }
<Field inline={false} error={error} flexibleControlStateSize stacked>
- <SelectControl
- menuPlacement="auto"
- value={
- dataSet === DataSet.EVENTS
- ? queries[0].orderby
- : queries[0].orderby || IssueSortOptions.DATE
- }
- name="orderby"
- options={
- dataSet === DataSet.EVENTS
- ? generateOrderOptions({
- widgetType,
- columns: queries[0].columns,
- aggregates: queries[0].aggregates,
- })
- : generateIssueWidgetOrderOptions(
- organization.features.includes('issue-list-trend-sort')
- )
- }
- onChange={(option: SelectValue<string>) => {
- onSortByChange(option.value);
+ {[DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.BAR, DisplayType.LINE].includes(displayType) &&
+ limit && (
+ <ResultsLimitSelector
+ name="resultsLimit"
+ menuPlacement="auto"
+ options={[...Array(maxLimit).keys()].map(resultLimit => {
+ const value = resultLimit + 1;
+ return {
+ label: tn('Limit to %s result', 'Limit to %s results', value),
+ value,
+ };
+ })}
+ value={limit}
+ onChange={(option: SelectValue<number>) => {
+ onLimitChange(option.value);
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ <SortBySelectors
+ displayType={displayType}
+ widgetType={widgetType}
+ hasGroupBy={isTimeseriesChart && !!queries[0].columns.length}
+ disableSortReason={disableSortReason}
+ disableSort={disableSort}
+ disableSortDirection={disableSortDirection}
+ widgetQuery={queries[0]}
+ values={{
+ sortDirection:
+ orderBy[0] === '-' ? SortDirection.HIGH_TO_LOW : SortDirection.LOW_TO_HIGH,
+ sortBy: strippedOrderBy,
+ }}
+ onChange={({sortDirection, sortBy}) => {
+ const newOrderBy =
+ sortDirection === SortDirection.HIGH_TO_LOW ? `-${sortBy}` : sortBy;
+ onSortByChange(newOrderBy);
+ tags={tags}