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ref: Run Symbolicator snapshot tests twice to be forward compatible (#34218)

Arpad Borsos 2 лет назад

+ 3349 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3349 @@
+created: '2022-05-04T14:29:34.800765Z'
+creator: sentry
+source: tests/symbolicator/test_unreal_full.py
+  device:
+    arch: x86_64
+    memory_size: 6896832512
+    type: device
+  gpu:
+    name: Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM)
+    type: gpu
+  os:
+    name: Windows 10
+    type: os
+    version: 10.0.17134
+  unreal:
+    app_default_locate: en-US
+    base_dir: //Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/YetAnother/Binaries/Win64/
+    build_configuration: Development
+    build_version: ++UE4+Release-4.20-CL-4369336
+    crash_guid: UE4CC-Windows-63456D684167A2659DE73EA3517BEDC4_0000
+    crash_type: Crash
+    custom:
+      CommandLine: ''
+      CrashDumpMode: '0'
+      CrashVersion: '3'
+      DeploymentName: ''
+      EngineModeEx: Unset
+      GameSessionID: ''
+      IsPerforceBuild: 'false'
+      MemoryStats.AvailablePhysical: '0'
+      MemoryStats.AvailableVirtual: '0'
+      MemoryStats.OOMAllocationAlignment: '0'
+      MemoryStats.OOMAllocationSize: '0'
+      MemoryStats.PeakUsedPhysical: '0'
+      MemoryStats.PeakUsedVirtual: '0'
+      MemoryStats.UsedPhysical: '0'
+      MemoryStats.UsedVirtual: '0'
+      MemoryStats.bIsOOM: '0'
+      PlatformFullName: Win64 [Windows 10  64b]
+      PlatformNameIni: Windows
+      SourceContext: ''
+      UserActivityHint: ''
+    engine_mode: Game
+    engine_version: 4.20.3-4369336+++UE4+Release-4.20
+    executable_name: YetAnother
+    game_name: UE4-YetAnother
+    is_assert: false
+    is_ensure: false
+    is_internal_build: false
+    is_source_distribution: false
+    is_ue4_release: false
+    language_lcid: 1033
+    legacy_call_stack: 'YetAnother!AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
+      YetAnother!AActor::Destroy()
+      YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTickHelper<<lambda_e8384def656dc646af48282ce274db64>
+      >()
+      YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTick()
+      YetAnother!FTickFunctionTask::DoTask()
+      YetAnother!TGraphTask<FTickFunctionTask>::ExecuteTask()
+      YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread()
+      YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilIdle()
+      YetAnother!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup()
+      YetAnother!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup()
+      YetAnother!UWorld::RunTickGroup()
+      YetAnother!UWorld::Tick()
+      YetAnother!UGameEngine::Tick()
+      YetAnother!FEngineLoop::Tick()
+      YetAnother!GuardedMain()
+      YetAnother!GuardedMainWrapper()
+      YetAnother!WinMain()
+      YetAnother!__scrt_common_main_seh() [f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
+      kernel32
+      ntdll'
+    login_id: 9776d4844cc893f55395dbbefb0eb6d7
+    machine_id: 9776D4844CC893F55395DBBEFB0EB6D7
+    memory_stats_page_size: 4096
+    memory_stats_total_phsysical_gb: 7
+    memory_stats_total_virtual: 140737488224256
+    misc_cpu_brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz
+    misc_cpu_vendor: GenuineIntel
+    misc_number_of_cores: 6
+    misc_number_of_cores_inc_hyperthread: 6
+    platform_name: WindowsNoEditor
+    portable_call_stack: YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 703394 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 281f2ee YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2a26dd3 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 2a4f984 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 355e77e YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 3576186 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 8acc56 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 8acf00 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 35c121d YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 35cfb58 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2eb082f YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 2eb984f YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 2d1cd39 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 325258 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 334e4c YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 334eaa YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000 + 3429e6 YetAnother 0x00000000544e0000
+      + 44e73c6 KERNEL32 0x000000000fd40000 + 13034 ntdll 0x0000000010060000 + 71471
+    process_id: 9444
+    root_dir: /Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/
+    seconds_since_start: 8
+    time_of_crash: 636783112433190000
+    type: unreal
+  values:
+  - mechanism:
+      handled: false
+      synthetic: true
+      type: minidump
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7548229e5'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814ea9'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814e4b'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75480faff'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754802a17'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754808327'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0c94e265'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0c94e4ac'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754805257'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75483137f'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7548149a7'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75480facf'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7548221de'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75480faef'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75481f05c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: AActor::IsPendingKillPending
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754be3394'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
+        symbol: AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x23d82c75ab0'
+        r12: '0x23d82c7d000'
+        r13: '0x3'
+        r14: '0x23df8f48bc0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a35d48'
+        r8: '0x8c3f2cd401'
+        r9: '0x7ffe03a9c86e'
+        rax: '0x64'
+        rbp: '0x8c3f2cd650'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x0'
+        rdi: '0x1'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ff754be3394'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c3f2cd4c0'
+    thread_id: 6900
+extra: null
+  name: unreal.crashreporter
+  version: '1.0'
+stacktrace: null
+  values:
+  - id: 248
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7548229e5'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814ea9'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10066c86'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fed3d'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814ea9'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814ea9'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe03a9bf10'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff7544e0000'
+        r11: '0x7ff7589ca88b'
+        r12: '0x7ff7544e0000'
+        r13: '0x8c3f2cf910'
+        r14: '0x26c'
+        r15: '0x8c3f2cc670'
+        r8: '0x8c3f2cccc0'
+        r9: '0x8c3f2cc670'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c3f2cf910'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x26c'
+        rdi: '0x26c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c3f2cc448'
+        rsp: '0x8c3f2cc418'
+  - id: 9772
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe1007f856'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x6c'
+        r11: '0x8c3f79f140'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df7323810'
+        r14: '0x7ffe10080a60'
+        r15: '0x7ffe10081350'
+        r8: '0x8c3f79f3a0'
+        r9: '0x23df732ca30'
+        rax: '0x1cb'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x23df7325070'
+        rcx: '0x50'
+        rdi: '0x10'
+        rdx: '0x23df7325070'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        rsi: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        rsp: '0x8c3f79fb48'
+  - id: 8188
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe1007f856'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23d833cc5b0'
+        r11: '0x23d833ce4b0'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df7323810'
+        r14: '0x7ffe10080a60'
+        r15: '0x7ffe10081350'
+        r8: '0x8'
+        r9: '0x1'
+        rax: '0x1cb'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x23df7326fd0'
+        rcx: '0x50'
+        rdi: '0x10'
+        rdx: '0x23df7326fd0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        rsi: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        rsp: '0x8c3fc6f838'
+  - id: 10188
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe1007f856'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7290cc0'
+        r11: '0x7ffe10178b20'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df7323810'
+        r14: '0x7ffe10080a60'
+        r15: '0x7ffe10081350'
+        r8: '0x23d83413970'
+        r9: '0x1b0'
+        rax: '0x1cb'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x23df7327370'
+        rcx: '0x50'
+        rdi: '0x10'
+        rdx: '0x23df7327370'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        rsi: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        rsp: '0x8c4013f6b8'
+  - crashed: true
+    id: 6900
+  - id: 5200
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19f20'
+        r14: '0x2a0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1'
+        r9: '0x8c3ebbf410'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c3ebbf5a9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2a0'
+        rdi: '0x2a0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c3ebbf438'
+  - id: 9648
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19f60'
+        r14: '0x2a4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4068f738'
+        r9: '0x8c4068f8a9'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4068f8a9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2a4'
+        rdi: '0x2a4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4068f738'
+  - id: 4372
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x23d8e930000'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19800'
+        r14: '0x2a8'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x10000'
+        r9: '0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4070f8e9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2a8'
+        rdi: '0x2a8'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4070f778'
+  - id: 10628
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff758ce10a8'
+        r11: '0x23d8d30edc0'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d197a0'
+        r14: '0x2ac'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1240'
+        r9: '0xdddddddddddddddd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4078f9c9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2ac'
+        rdi: '0x2ac'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4078f858'
+  - id: 11280
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff758ce10a8'
+        r11: '0x23d8d48edc0'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d197e0'
+        r14: '0x2b0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1240'
+        r9: '0xdddddddddddddddd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4080f5d9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2b0'
+        rdi: '0x2b0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4080f468'
+  - id: 2432
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df732f648'
+        r11: '0x23df732f638'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19860'
+        r14: '0x2b4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4088f979'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2b4'
+        rdi: '0x2b4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4088f808'
+  - id: 6680
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7346090'
+        r11: '0x23d829847a0'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19cc0'
+        r14: '0x2b8'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0x1'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4090fac9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2b8'
+        rdi: '0x2b8'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4090f958'
+  - id: 6492
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x23d8d180000'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19c80'
+        r14: '0x2bc'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x60000'
+        r9: '0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4098fbd9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2bc'
+        rdi: '0x2bc'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4098fa68'
+  - id: 6080
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x23d8d180000'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19c40'
+        r14: '0x2c0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x23d8d077638'
+        r9: '0x40'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40a0f469'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2c0'
+        rdi: '0x2c0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40a0f2f8'
+  - id: 6984
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19c00'
+        r14: '0x2c4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x23df8f10000'
+        r9: '0x10000'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40a8f9d9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2c4'
+        rdi: '0x2c4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40a8f868'
+  - id: 10192
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7346090'
+        r11: '0x8c40b0eef0'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19bc0'
+        r14: '0x2c8'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x2'
+        r9: '0x2'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40b0f739'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2c8'
+        rdi: '0x2c8'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40b0f5c8'
+  - id: 11120
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x23d82351d80'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19b80'
+        r14: '0x2cc'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1'
+        r9: '0x18'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40b8fbe9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2cc'
+        rdi: '0x2cc'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40b8fa78'
+  - id: 4872
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff758ce10a8'
+        r11: '0x8c40c0f4a8'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d1a380'
+        r14: '0x2d0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x6'
+        r9: '0x8'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40c0fbe9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2d0'
+        rdi: '0x2d0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40c0fa78'
+  - id: 4160
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff758ce10a8'
+        r11: '0x8c40c8f268'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d1a340'
+        r14: '0x2d4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x23df8fb6b80'
+        r9: '0x2'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40c8f9a9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2d4'
+        rdi: '0x2d4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40c8f838'
+  - id: 11048
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1450'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ff758ce10a8'
+        r11: '0x23d8d490080'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d1a300'
+        r14: '0x2d8'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1240'
+        r9: '0xdddddddddddddddd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40d0fa19'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x2d8'
+        rdi: '0x2d8'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40d0f8a8'
+  - id: 7512
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0cab443b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x23d8e630000'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19840'
+        r14: '0x6c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x10000'
+        r9: '0xdddddddddddddddd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40d8fb69'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x6c'
+        rdi: '0x6c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c40d8f9f8'
+  - id: 8684
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918ca40'
+        r14: '0x308'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c3ebdfa88'
+        r9: '0x8c3ebdfbf9'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c3ebdfbf9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x308'
+        rdi: '0x308'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c3ebdfab8'
+        rsp: '0x8c3ebdfa88'
+  - id: 5444
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918cac0'
+        r14: '0x310'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c3ebff458'
+        r9: '0x8c3ebff5c9'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c3ebff5c9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x310'
+        rdi: '0x310'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c3ebff488'
+        rsp: '0x8c3ebff458'
+  - id: 12064
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75482017a'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918cbc0'
+        r14: '0x318'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40dafc69'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x318'
+        rdi: '0x318'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c40dafb28'
+        rsp: '0x8c40dafaf8'
+  - id: 468
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75482017a'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918cba0'
+        r14: '0x320'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40dcf809'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x320'
+        rdi: '0x320'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c40dcf6c8'
+        rsp: '0x8c40dcf698'
+  - id: 8276
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75482017a'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x8c40def4b8'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918cc40'
+        r14: '0x328'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40def589'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x328'
+        rdi: '0x328'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c40def448'
+        rsp: '0x8c40def418'
+  - id: 7604
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918cb00'
+        r14: '0x330'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40e0f6c9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x330'
+        rdi: '0x330'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c40e0f588'
+        rsp: '0x8c40e0f558'
+  - id: 8056
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x8c40e2f8d8'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df918ccc0'
+        r14: '0x338'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c40e2f9a9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x338'
+        rdi: '0x338'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c40e2f868'
+        rsp: '0x8c40e2f838'
+  - id: 7540
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5e9a'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x0'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x0'
+        r8: '0x8c412ff828'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x34'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x0'
+        rdi: '0xa'
+        rdx: '0x8c412ff850'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c412ff828'
+  - id: 9920
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5e9a'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x0'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x0'
+        r8: '0x8c4131fd08'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x34'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x0'
+        rdi: '0x21'
+        rdx: '0x8c4131fd30'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4131fd08'
+  - id: 4264
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754b6efc5'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df90dfa80'
+        r14: '0x3d4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4133f6f8'
+        r9: '0x8c4133f869'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4133f869'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x3d4'
+        rdi: '0x3d4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4133f728'
+        rsp: '0x8c4133f6f8'
+  - id: 2548
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x23d8e5b0000'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df90decc0'
+        r14: '0x460'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x10000'
+        r9: '0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4135fcd9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x460'
+        rdi: '0x460'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4135fb98'
+        rsp: '0x8c4135fb68'
+  - id: 3060
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x8c4137fa88'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df90deee0'
+        r14: '0x46c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4137fa18'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4137fb59'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x46c'
+        rdi: '0x46c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4137fa18'
+        rsp: '0x8c4137f9e8'
+  - id: 664
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df90dd3e0'
+        r14: '0x474'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4139fa83'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4139fb79'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x474'
+        rdi: '0x474'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4139fa38'
+        rsp: '0x8c4139fa08'
+  - id: 3028
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df90df340'
+        r14: '0x47c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c413bf8c8'
+        r9: '0x8c413bfa39'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c413bfa39'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x47c'
+        rdi: '0x47c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c413bf8f8'
+        rsp: '0x8c413bf8c8'
+  - id: 964
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe1007f856'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7327fc8'
+        r11: '0x7ffe10178b20'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df7320b30'
+        r14: '0x7ffe10080a60'
+        r15: '0x7ffe10081350'
+        r8: '0x1'
+        r9: '0x23d83380000'
+        rax: '0x1cb'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x23dfa7338e0'
+        rcx: '0x10'
+        rdi: '0x10'
+        rdx: '0x23dfa7338e0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        rsi: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        rsp: '0x8c4223f9f8'
+  - id: 9124
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d8235b880'
+        r14: '0x694'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c418bfb83'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c418bfd49'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x694'
+        rdi: '0x694'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c418bfc08'
+        rsp: '0x8c418bfbd8'
+  - id: 9264
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d821716c0'
+        r14: '0x4f4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4270fc08'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4270fb89'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x4f4'
+        rdi: '0x4f4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4270fa48'
+        rsp: '0x8c4270fa18'
+  - id: 7528
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe1007f856'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x7ffe00d599b6'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df7320b30'
+        r14: '0x7ffe10080a60'
+        r15: '0x7ffe10081350'
+        r8: '0x50'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x1cb'
+        rbp: '0x0'
+        rbx: '0x23d833a5830'
+        rcx: '0x10'
+        rdi: '0x10'
+        rdx: '0x23d833a5830'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fd854'
+        rsi: '0x7ffe10083140'
+        rsp: '0x8c42bdfa78'
+  - id: 4136
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e526d4c'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e4f102e'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e491671'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e4b8b37'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e48dff0'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10072b55'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99be3'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100a70e0'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10073755'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100795c8'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10077f34'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe101ba460'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10078044'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100793e8'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0e494217'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa75f9'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10072b55'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100a70e0'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d305b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d311e'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10091b96'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10091b76'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe07679bf0'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\RTWorkQ.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe10091bae'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe07679bf0'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\RTWorkQ.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa6099'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100faa54'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x0'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x8c430af960'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x0'
+        r8: '0x97'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x5b'
+        rbp: '0x650'
+        rbx: '0x1'
+        rcx: '0x1'
+        rdi: '0x1'
+        rdx: '0x8c430af960'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100faa54'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c430af608'
+  - id: 10520
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d8235c4e0'
+        r14: '0x5a0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c418df683'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c418df7c9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x5a0'
+        rdi: '0x5a0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c418df688'
+        rsp: '0x8c418df658'
+  - id: 10828
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d823598a0'
+        r14: '0x4e0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c418ff983'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c418ffad9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x4e0'
+        rdi: '0x4e0'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c418ff998'
+        rsp: '0x8c418ff968'
+  - id: 6428
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d82359820'
+        r14: '0x4d4'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4191f683'
+        r9: '0x8c4191f7b9'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4191f7b9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x4d4'
+        rdi: '0x4d4'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4191f678'
+        rsp: '0x8c4191f648'
+  - id: 11276
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d823597e0'
+        r14: '0x64c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4193f788'
+        r9: '0x8c4193f8f9'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4193f8f9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x64c'
+        rdi: '0x64c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4193f7b8'
+        rsp: '0x8c4193f788'
+  - id: 11076
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x8c4195f7a8'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d823597a0'
+        r14: '0x804'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4195f879'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x804'
+        rdi: '0x804'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4195f738'
+        rsp: '0x8c4195f708'
+  - id: 9748
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d82359000'
+        r14: '0x80c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4197f9c8'
+        r9: '0x8c4197fb39'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4197fb39'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x80c'
+        rdi: '0x80c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4197f9f8'
+        rsp: '0x8c4197f9c8'
+  - id: 6820
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d82359760'
+        r14: '0x814'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c4199fa83'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4199fc09'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x814'
+        rdi: '0x814'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c4199fac8'
+        rsp: '0x8c4199fa98'
+  - id: 5932
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: symbolicated
+        function: truncated
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7549e3f3c'
+        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
+        raw_function: <truncated>
+        symbol: <truncated>
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d823592c0'
+        r14: '0x81c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x8c419bf683'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c419bf819'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x81c'
+        rdi: '0x81c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c419bf6d8'
+        rsp: '0x8c419bf6a8'
+  - id: 10672
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7346090'
+        r11: '0x8c419df480'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23dfc965440'
+        r14: '0x54c'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x23d82170c60'
+        r9: '0x20'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c419df769'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x54c'
+        rdi: '0x54c'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x8c419df628'
+        rsp: '0x8c419df5f8'
+  - id: 3096
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5e9a'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x0'
+        r11: '0x246'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x0'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a31050'
+        r8: '0x8c419efd38'
+        r9: '0x0'
+        rax: '0x34'
+        rbp: '0x8c419efcc9'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x0'
+        rdi: '0x3e8'
+        rdx: '0x8c419efb80'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c419efb58'
+  - id: 10944
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdd9762b8a'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\XAudio2_7.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5f8e'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdd9762891'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\XAudio2_7.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdd97635b6'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\XAudio2_7.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5f8e'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdde41bf48'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdde31468b'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca886f2'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdde314507'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca886f2'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdde41bf48'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffdde3128e1'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa6099'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100faa54'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x23d8d4b3848'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23d8d4b1088'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x0'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0x8c4357f730'
+        rax: '0x5b'
+        rbp: '0x8c4357f940'
+        rbx: '0x3'
+        rcx: '0x3'
+        rdi: '0x3'
+        rdx: '0x23d8d4b1088'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100faa54'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4357f4f8'
+  - id: 7648
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x23df7346090'
+        r11: '0x8c43a4eff0'
+        r12: '0x1'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19d60'
+        r14: '0x288'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x0'
+        r9: '0x1'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c43a4f649'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x288'
+        rdi: '0x288'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c43a4f4d8'
+  - id: 612
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x23df8d19ea0'
+        r14: '0x298'
+        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
+        r8: '0x1'
+        r9: '0x7ff75a3e20d0'
+        rax: '0x4'
+        rbp: '0x8c4188f919'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x298'
+        rdi: '0x298'
+        rdx: '0x0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4188f7a8'
+  - id: 10900
+    stacktrace:
+      frames:
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5e9a'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
+        trust: scan
+      - data:
+          orig_in_app: -1
+          symbolicator_status: missing
+        in_app: false
+        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
+        trust: context
+      registers:
+        r10: '0x7ffef000'
+        r11: '0x1'
+        r12: '0x0'
+        r13: '0x7ff758a67a48'
+        r14: '0x0'
+        r15: '0x23df9a31050'
+        r8: '0xff'
+        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
+        rax: '0x34'
+        rbp: '0x8c4189fd19'
+        rbx: '0x0'
+        rcx: '0x0'
+        rdi: '0x6'
+        rdx: '0x8c4189fbd0'
+        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
+        rsi: '0x0'
+        rsp: '0x8c4189fba8'

+ 26 - 14

@@ -80,21 +80,33 @@ class SymbolicatorUnrealIntegrationTest(RelayStoreHelper, TransactionTestCase):
             with open(filename, "rb") as f:
                 event = self.post_and_retrieve_unreal(f.read())
-        self.insta_snapshot(
-            {
-                "contexts": event.data.get("contexts"),
-                "exception": {
-                    "values": [
-                        normalize_exception(x)
-                        for x in get_path(event.data, "exception", "values") or ()
-                    ]
+        def make_snapshot(subname=None):
+            self.insta_snapshot(
+                {
+                    "contexts": event.data.get("contexts"),
+                    "exception": {
+                        "values": [
+                            normalize_exception(x)
+                            for x in get_path(event.data, "exception", "values") or ()
+                        ]
+                    },
+                    "stacktrace": event.data.get("stacktrace"),
+                    "threads": event.data.get("threads"),
+                    "extra": event.data.get("extra"),
+                    "sdk": event.data.get("sdk"),
-                "stacktrace": event.data.get("stacktrace"),
-                "threads": event.data.get("threads"),
-                "extra": event.data.get("extra"),
-                "sdk": event.data.get("sdk"),
-            }
-        )
+                subname=subname,
+            )
+        # We do snapshot tests against two different snapshots here, to be
+        # forward compatible with the upcoming changes from
+        # https://github.com/getsentry/symbolicator/pull/794
+        # This is temporary and will go away once symbolicator is merged and
+        # the docker image used in sentrys own tests is updated.
+        try:
+            make_snapshot()
+        except BaseException:
+            make_snapshot(subname="new")
         return sorted(EventAttachment.objects.filter(event_id=event.event_id), key=lambda x: x.name)