@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-import {t} from 'app/locale';
-import {IconOpen} from 'app/icons';
-import ExternalLink from 'app/components/links/externalLink';
-const help = {
- 'base-uri': t(
- `The <code>base-uri</code> directive defines the URIs that a user agent
-may use as the document base URL. If this value is absent, then any URI
-is allowed. If this directive is absent, the user agent will use the
-value in the <code><base></code> element.`
- ),
- 'child-src': t(
- `The <code>child-src</code> directive defines the valid sources for
-web workers and nested browsing contexts loaded using elements such as
-<code><frame></code> and <code><iframe></code>.`
- ),
- 'connect-src': t(
- `The <code>connect-src</code> directive defines valid sources for fetch,
-<code>XMLHttpRequest</code>, <code>WebSocket</code>, and
-<code>EventSource</code> connections.`
- ),
- 'font-src': t(
- `The <code>font-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for fonts
-loaded using <code>@font-face</code>.`
- ),
- 'form-action': t(
- `The <code>form-action</code> directive specifies valid endpoints for
-<code><form></code> submissions.`
- ),
- 'frame-ancestors': t(
- `The <code>frame-ancestors</code> directive specifies valid parents that
-may embed a page using the <code><frame></code> and
-<code><iframe></code> elements.`
- ),
- 'img-src': t(
- `The <code>img-src</code> directive specifies valid sources of images and
- ),
- 'prefetch-src': t(
- `The <code>prefetch-src</code> directive restricts the URLs
- from which resources may be prefetched or prerendered.`
- ),
- 'manifest-src': t(
- `The <code>manifest-src</code> directive specifies which manifest can be
-applied to the resource.`
- ),
- 'media-src': t(
- `The <code>media-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for loading
-media using the <code><audio></code> and <code><video></code>
- ),
- 'object-src': t(
- `The <code>object-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for the
-<code><object></code>, <code><embed></code>, and
-<code><applet></code> elements.`
- ),
- 'plugin-types': t(
- `The <code>plugin-types</code> directive specifies the valid plugins that
-the user agent may invoke.`
- ),
- referrer: t(
- `The <code>referrer</code> directive specifies information in the
-<code>Referer</code> header for links away from a page.`
- ),
- 'script-src': t(
- `The <code>script-src</code> directive specifies valid sources
-for JavaScript. When either the <code>script-src</code> or the
-<code>default-src</code> directive is included, inline script and
-<code>eval()</code> are disabled unless you specify 'unsafe-inline'
-and 'unsafe-eval', respectively.`
- ),
- 'script-src-elem': t(
- `The <code>script-src-elem</code> directive applies to all script requests
- and element contents. It does not apply to scripts defined in attributes.`
- ),
- 'script-src-attr': t(
- `The <code>script-src-attr</code> directive applies to event handlers and, if present,
- it will override the <code>script-src</code> directive for relevant checks.`
- ),
- 'style-src': t(
- `The <code>style-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for
-stylesheets. This includes both externally-loaded stylesheets and inline
-use of the <code><style></code> element and HTML style attributes.
-Stylesheets from sources that aren't included in the source list are not
-requested or loaded. When either the <code>style-src</code> or the
-<code>default-src</code> directive is included, inline use of the
-<code><style></code> element and HTML style attributes are disabled
-unless you specify 'unsafe-inline'.`
- ),
- 'style-src-elem': t(
- `The <code>style-src-elem</code> directive applies to all styles except
- those defined in inline attributes.`
- ),
- 'style-src-attr': t(
- `The <code>style-src-attr</code> directive applies to inline style attributes and, if present,
- it will override the <code>style-src</code> directive for relevant checks.`
- ),
- 'frame-src': t(
- `The <code>frame-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for nested
-browsing contexts loading using elements such as
-<code><frame></code> and <code><iframe></code>.`
- ),
- 'worker-src': t(
- `The <code>worker-src</code> directive specifies valid sources for
-<code>Worker<code>, <code>SharedWorker</code>, or
-<code>ServiceWorker</code> scripts.`
- ),
-const linkOverrides = {
- 'script-src': 'script-src_2',
-function getHelp(key) {
- return {
- __html: help[key],
- };
-function getLinkHref(key) {
- let link = key;
- if (key in linkOverrides) {
- link = linkOverrides[key];
- }
- return `https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/CSP/CSP_policy_directives#${link}`;
-function getLink(key) {
- const href = getLinkHref(key);
- return (
- <span>
- <ExternalLink href={href}>developer.mozilla.org</ExternalLink>
- <ExternalLink href={href} className="external-icon">
- <IconOpen size="xs" />
- </ExternalLink>
- </span>
- );
-class CSPHelp extends React.Component {
- static propTypes = {
- data: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- };
- render() {
- const {data} = this.props;
- const key = data.effective_directive;
- return (
- <div>
- <h4>
- <code>{key}</code>
- </h4>
- <blockquote dangerouslySetInnerHTML={getHelp(key)} />
- <p style={{textAlign: 'right'}}>— MDN ({getLink(key)})</p>
- </div>
- );
- }
-export default CSPHelp;