@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from sentry.models import (
+ ProjectOwnership,
@@ -38,6 +39,9 @@ from sentry.notifications.types import (
+from sentry.ownership.grammar import Matcher, Owner
+from sentry.ownership.grammar import Rule as GrammarRule
+from sentry.ownership.grammar import dump_schema
from sentry.plugins.base import Notification
from sentry.tasks.digests import deliver_digest
from sentry.testutils import TestCase
@@ -569,6 +573,96 @@ class SlackActivityNotificationTest(ActivityTestCase, TestCase):
== f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/account/notifications/alerts/?referrer=AlertRuleSlack|Notification Settings>"
+ @responses.activate
+ @mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
+ def test_issue_alert_team_issue_owners(self, mock_func):
+ """Test that issue alerts are sent to a team in Slack via an Issue Owners rule action."""
+ # add a second user to the team so we can be sure it's only
+ # sent once (to the team, and not to each individual user)
+ user2 = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.create_member(teams=[self.team], user=user2, organization=self.organization)
+ self.idp = IdentityProvider.objects.create(type="slack", external_id="TXXXXXXX2", config={})
+ self.identity = Identity.objects.create(
+ external_id="UXXXXXXX2",
+ idp=self.idp,
+ user=user2,
+ status=IdentityStatus.VALID,
+ scopes=[],
+ )
+ NotificationSetting.objects.update_settings(
+ ExternalProviders.SLACK,
+ NotificationSettingTypes.ISSUE_ALERTS,
+ NotificationSettingOptionValues.ALWAYS,
+ user=user2,
+ )
+ # update the team's notification settings
+ ExternalActor.objects.create(
+ actor=self.team.actor,
+ organization=self.organization,
+ integration=self.integration,
+ provider=ExternalProviders.SLACK.value,
+ external_name="goma",
+ external_id="CXXXXXXX2",
+ )
+ NotificationSetting.objects.update_settings(
+ ExternalProviders.SLACK,
+ NotificationSettingTypes.ISSUE_ALERTS,
+ NotificationSettingOptionValues.ALWAYS,
+ team=self.team,
+ )
+ rule = GrammarRule(Matcher("path", "*"), [Owner("team", self.team.slug)])
+ ProjectOwnership.objects.create(
+ project_id=self.project.id, schema=dump_schema([rule]), fallthrough=True
+ )
+ event = self.store_event(
+ data={
+ "message": "Hello world",
+ "level": "error",
+ "stacktrace": {"frames": [{"filename": "foo.py"}]},
+ },
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ )
+ action_data = {
+ "id": "sentry.mail.actions.NotifyEmailAction",
+ "targetType": "IssueOwners",
+ "targetIdentifier": "",
+ }
+ rule = Rule.objects.create(
+ project=self.project,
+ label="ja rule",
+ data={
+ "match": "all",
+ "actions": [action_data],
+ },
+ )
+ notification = AlertRuleNotification(
+ Notification(event=event, rule=rule), ActionTargetType.ISSUE_OWNERS, self.team.id
+ )
+ with self.tasks():
+ notification.send()
+ # check that only one was sent out - more would mean each user is being notified
+ # rather than the team
+ assert len(responses.calls) == 1
+ # check that the team got a notification
+ data = parse_qs(responses.calls[0].request.body)
+ assert data["channel"] == ["CXXXXXXX2"]
+ assert "attachments" in data
+ attachments = json.loads(data["attachments"][0])
+ assert len(attachments) == 1
+ assert attachments[0]["title"] == "Hello world"
+ assert (
+ attachments[0]["footer"]
+ == f"{self.project.slug} | <http://testserver/settings/{self.organization.slug}/teams/{self.team.slug}/notifications/?referrer=AlertRuleSlack|Notification Settings>"
+ )
@mock.patch("sentry.notifications.notify.notify", side_effect=send_notification)
def test_issue_alert_team(self, mock_func):