@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+import {createRef, Fragment, useEffect} from 'react';
+import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
+import * as DividerHandlerManager from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/dividerHandlerManager';
+import MeasurementsPanel from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/measurementsPanel';
+import TraceViewHeader from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/newTraceDetailsHeader';
+import * as ScrollbarManager from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/scrollbarManager';
+import {
+ boundsGenerator,
+ getMeasurements,
+} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/utils';
+import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel';
+import {MessageRow} from 'sentry/components/performance/waterfall/messageRow';
+import {
+ DividerSpacer,
+ ScrollbarContainer,
+ VirtualScrollbar,
+ VirtualScrollbarGrip,
+} from 'sentry/components/performance/waterfall/miniHeader';
+import {pickBarColor} from 'sentry/components/performance/waterfall/utils';
+import {tct} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {EventTransaction, Organization} from 'sentry/types';
+import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
+import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
+import toPercent from 'sentry/utils/number/toPercent';
+import {
+ TraceError,
+ TraceFullDetailed,
+ TraceMeta,
+} from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types';
+import {
+ TraceDetailBody,
+ TraceViewContainer,
+ TraceViewHeaderContainer,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/styles';
+import TransactionGroup from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/transactionGroup';
+import {TraceInfo, TreeDepth} from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/types';
+import {
+ getTraceInfo,
+ hasTraceData,
+ isRootTransaction,
+} from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/utils';
+import LimitExceededMessage from './limitExceededMessage';
+import {TraceType} from './newTraceDetailsContent';
+import TraceNotFound from './traceNotFound';
+type AccType = {
+ lastIndex: number;
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: number;
+ renderedChildren: React.ReactNode[];
+type Props = Pick<RouteComponentProps<{}, {}>, 'location'> & {
+ meta: TraceMeta | null;
+ organization: Organization;
+ rootEvent: EventTransaction | undefined;
+ traceEventView: EventView;
+ traceSlug: string;
+ traceType: TraceType;
+ traces: TraceFullDetailed[];
+ filteredEventIds?: Set<string>;
+ handleLimitChange?: (newLimit: number) => void;
+ orphanErrors?: TraceError[];
+ traceInfo?: TraceInfo;
+function TraceHiddenMessage({
+ isVisible,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove,
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove,
+}: {
+ isVisible: boolean;
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove: number;
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: number;
+}) {
+ if (
+ !isVisible ||
+ (numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove < 1 && numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove < 1)
+ ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const numOfTransaction = <strong>{numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove}</strong>;
+ const numOfErrors = <strong>{numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove}</strong>;
+ const hiddenTransactionsMessage =
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove < 1
+ ? ''
+ : numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove === 1
+ ? tct('[numOfTransaction] hidden transaction', {
+ numOfTransaction,
+ })
+ : tct('[numOfTransaction] hidden transactions', {
+ numOfTransaction,
+ });
+ const hiddenErrorsMessage =
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove < 1
+ ? ''
+ : numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove === 1
+ ? tct('[numOfErrors] hidden error', {
+ numOfErrors,
+ })
+ : tct('[numOfErrors] hidden errors', {
+ numOfErrors,
+ });
+ return (
+ <MessageRow>
+ <span key="trace-info-message">
+ {hiddenTransactionsMessage}
+ {hiddenErrorsMessage && hiddenTransactionsMessage && ', '}
+ {hiddenErrorsMessage}
+ </span>
+ </MessageRow>
+ );
+function isRowVisible(
+ row: TraceFullDetailed | TraceError,
+ filteredEventIds?: Set<string>
+): boolean {
+ return filteredEventIds ? filteredEventIds.has(row.event_id) : true;
+function generateBounds(traceInfo: TraceInfo) {
+ return boundsGenerator({
+ traceStartTimestamp: traceInfo.startTimestamp,
+ traceEndTimestamp: traceInfo.endTimestamp,
+ viewStart: 0,
+ viewEnd: 1,
+ });
+export default function NewTraceView({
+ location,
+ meta,
+ organization,
+ traces,
+ traceSlug,
+ traceEventView,
+ filteredEventIds,
+ orphanErrors,
+ traceType,
+ handleLimitChange,
+ ...props
+}: Props) {
+ const sentryTransaction = Sentry.getCurrentHub().getScope()?.getTransaction();
+ const sentrySpan = sentryTransaction?.startChild({
+ op: 'trace.render',
+ description: 'trace-view-content',
+ });
+ const hasOrphanErrors = orphanErrors && orphanErrors.length > 0;
+ const onlyOrphanErrors = hasOrphanErrors && (!traces || traces.length === 0);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ trackAnalytics('performance_views.trace_view.view', {
+ organization,
+ });
+ }, [organization]);
+ function renderTransaction(
+ transaction: TraceFullDetailed,
+ {
+ continuingDepths,
+ isOrphan,
+ isLast,
+ index,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove,
+ traceInfo,
+ hasGuideAnchor,
+ }: {
+ continuingDepths: TreeDepth[];
+ hasGuideAnchor: boolean;
+ index: number;
+ isLast: boolean;
+ isOrphan: boolean;
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: number;
+ traceInfo: TraceInfo;
+ }
+ ) {
+ const {children, event_id: eventId} = transaction;
+ // Add 1 to the generation to make room for the "root trace"
+ const generation = transaction.generation + 1;
+ const isVisible = isRowVisible(transaction, filteredEventIds);
+ const accumulated: AccType = children.reduce(
+ (acc: AccType, child: TraceFullDetailed, idx: number) => {
+ const isLastChild = idx === children.length - 1;
+ const hasChildren = child.children.length > 0;
+ const result = renderTransaction(child, {
+ continuingDepths:
+ !isLastChild && hasChildren
+ ? [...continuingDepths, {depth: generation, isOrphanDepth: isOrphan}]
+ : continuingDepths,
+ isOrphan,
+ isLast: isLastChild,
+ index: acc.lastIndex + 1,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: acc.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove,
+ traceInfo,
+ hasGuideAnchor: false,
+ });
+ acc.lastIndex = result.lastIndex;
+ acc.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove = result.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove;
+ acc.renderedChildren.push(result.transactionGroup);
+ return acc;
+ },
+ {
+ renderedChildren: [],
+ lastIndex: index,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: isVisible
+ ? 0
+ : numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove + 1,
+ }
+ );
+ return {
+ transactionGroup: (
+ <Fragment key={eventId}>
+ <TraceHiddenMessage
+ isVisible={isVisible}
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove={numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove}
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove={0}
+ />
+ <TransactionGroup
+ location={location}
+ traceViewRef={traceViewRef}
+ organization={organization}
+ traceInfo={traceInfo}
+ transaction={{
+ ...transaction,
+ generation,
+ }}
+ measurements={
+ traces && traces.length > 0
+ ? getMeasurements(traces[0], generateBounds(traceInfo))
+ : undefined
+ }
+ generateBounds={generateBounds(traceInfo)}
+ continuingDepths={continuingDepths}
+ isOrphan={isOrphan}
+ isLast={isLast}
+ index={index}
+ isVisible={isVisible}
+ hasGuideAnchor={hasGuideAnchor}
+ renderedChildren={accumulated.renderedChildren}
+ barColor={pickBarColor(transaction['transaction.op'])}
+ />
+ </Fragment>
+ ),
+ lastIndex: accumulated.lastIndex,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: accumulated.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove,
+ };
+ }
+ const traceViewRef = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+ const virtualScrollbarContainerRef = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
+ if (!hasTraceData(traces, orphanErrors)) {
+ return (
+ <TraceNotFound
+ meta={meta}
+ traceEventView={traceEventView}
+ traceSlug={traceSlug}
+ location={location}
+ organization={organization}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ const traceInfo = props.traceInfo || getTraceInfo(traces);
+ const accumulator: {
+ index: number;
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: number;
+ traceInfo: TraceInfo;
+ transactionGroups: React.ReactNode[];
+ } = {
+ index: 1,
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove: 0,
+ traceInfo,
+ transactionGroups: [],
+ };
+ let lastIndex: number = 0;
+ const {transactionGroups, numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove} = traces.reduce(
+ (acc, trace, index) => {
+ const isLastTransaction = index === traces.length - 1;
+ const hasChildren = trace.children.length > 0;
+ const isNextChildOrphaned =
+ !isLastTransaction && traces[index + 1].parent_span_id !== null;
+ const result = renderTransaction(trace, {
+ ...acc,
+ // if the root of a subtrace has a parent_span_id, then it must be an orphan
+ isOrphan: !isRootTransaction(trace),
+ isLast: isLastTransaction && !hasOrphanErrors,
+ continuingDepths:
+ (!isLastTransaction && hasChildren) || hasOrphanErrors
+ ? [{depth: 0, isOrphanDepth: isNextChildOrphaned || Boolean(hasOrphanErrors)}]
+ : [],
+ hasGuideAnchor: index === 0,
+ });
+ acc.index = result.lastIndex + 1;
+ lastIndex = Math.max(lastIndex, result.lastIndex);
+ acc.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove = result.numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove;
+ acc.transactionGroups.push(result.transactionGroup);
+ return acc;
+ },
+ accumulator
+ );
+ // Build transaction groups for orphan errors
+ let numOfHiddenErrorsAbove = 0;
+ let totalNumOfHiddenErrors = 0;
+ if (hasOrphanErrors) {
+ orphanErrors.forEach((error, index) => {
+ const isLastError = index === orphanErrors.length - 1;
+ const isVisible = isRowVisible(error, filteredEventIds);
+ const currentHiddenCount = numOfHiddenErrorsAbove;
+ if (!isVisible) {
+ numOfHiddenErrorsAbove += 1;
+ totalNumOfHiddenErrors += 1;
+ } else {
+ numOfHiddenErrorsAbove = 0;
+ }
+ transactionGroups.push(
+ <Fragment key={error.event_id}>
+ <TraceHiddenMessage
+ isVisible={isVisible}
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove={
+ index === 0 ? numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove : 0
+ }
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove={index > 0 ? currentHiddenCount : 0}
+ />
+ <TransactionGroup
+ location={location}
+ organization={organization}
+ traceViewRef={traceViewRef}
+ traceInfo={traceInfo}
+ transaction={{
+ ...error,
+ generation: 1,
+ }}
+ generateBounds={generateBounds(traceInfo)}
+ measurements={
+ traces && traces.length > 0
+ ? getMeasurements(traces[0], generateBounds(traceInfo))
+ : undefined
+ }
+ continuingDepths={[]}
+ isOrphan
+ isLast={isLastError}
+ index={lastIndex + index + 1}
+ isVisible={isVisible}
+ hasGuideAnchor={index === 0 && transactionGroups.length === 0}
+ renderedChildren={[]}
+ />
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ const bounds = generateBounds(traceInfo);
+ const measurements =
+ traces.length > 0 && Object.keys(traces[0].measurements ?? {}).length > 0
+ ? getMeasurements(traces[0], bounds)
+ : undefined;
+ const traceView = (
+ <TraceDetailBody>
+ <DividerHandlerManager.Provider interactiveLayerRef={traceViewRef}>
+ <DividerHandlerManager.Consumer>
+ {({dividerPosition}) => (
+ <ScrollbarManager.Provider
+ dividerPosition={dividerPosition}
+ interactiveLayerRef={virtualScrollbarContainerRef}
+ isEmbedded
+ >
+ <StyledTracePanel>
+ <TraceViewHeader
+ traceInfo={traceInfo}
+ traceType={traceType}
+ traceViewHeaderRef={traceViewRef}
+ organization={organization}
+ event={props.rootEvent}
+ />
+ <TraceViewHeaderContainer>
+ <ScrollbarManager.Consumer>
+ {({virtualScrollbarRef, scrollBarAreaRef, onDragStart, onScroll}) => {
+ return (
+ <ScrollbarContainer
+ ref={virtualScrollbarContainerRef}
+ style={{
+ // the width of this component is shrunk to compensate for half of the width of the divider line
+ width: `calc(${toPercent(dividerPosition)} - 0.5px)`,
+ }}
+ onScroll={onScroll}
+ >
+ <div
+ style={{
+ width: 0,
+ height: '1px',
+ }}
+ ref={scrollBarAreaRef}
+ />
+ <VirtualScrollbar
+ data-type="virtual-scrollbar"
+ ref={virtualScrollbarRef}
+ onMouseDown={onDragStart}
+ >
+ <VirtualScrollbarGrip />
+ </VirtualScrollbar>
+ </ScrollbarContainer>
+ );
+ }}
+ </ScrollbarManager.Consumer>
+ <DividerSpacer />
+ {measurements ? (
+ <MeasurementsPanel
+ measurements={measurements}
+ generateBounds={bounds}
+ dividerPosition={dividerPosition}
+ />
+ ) : null}
+ </TraceViewHeaderContainer>
+ <TraceViewContainer ref={traceViewRef}>
+ <TransactionGroup
+ location={location}
+ organization={organization}
+ traceInfo={traceInfo}
+ transaction={{
+ traceSlug,
+ generation: 0,
+ 'transaction.duration':
+ traceInfo.endTimestamp - traceInfo.startTimestamp,
+ children: traces,
+ start_timestamp: traceInfo.startTimestamp,
+ timestamp: traceInfo.endTimestamp,
+ }}
+ measurements={measurements}
+ generateBounds={bounds}
+ continuingDepths={[]}
+ isOrphan={false}
+ isLast={false}
+ index={0}
+ isVisible
+ hasGuideAnchor={false}
+ renderedChildren={transactionGroups}
+ barColor={pickBarColor('')}
+ onlyOrphanErrors={onlyOrphanErrors}
+ traceViewRef={traceViewRef}
+ numOfOrphanErrors={orphanErrors?.length}
+ />
+ <TraceHiddenMessage
+ isVisible
+ numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove={numberOfHiddenTransactionsAbove}
+ numberOfHiddenErrorsAbove={totalNumOfHiddenErrors}
+ />
+ <LimitExceededMessage
+ traceInfo={traceInfo}
+ organization={organization}
+ traceEventView={traceEventView}
+ meta={meta}
+ handleLimitChange={handleLimitChange}
+ />
+ </TraceViewContainer>
+ </StyledTracePanel>
+ </ScrollbarManager.Provider>
+ )}
+ </DividerHandlerManager.Consumer>
+ </DividerHandlerManager.Provider>
+ </TraceDetailBody>
+ );
+ sentrySpan?.finish();
+ return traceView;
+export const StyledTracePanel = styled(Panel)`
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow-x: visible;
+ ${TraceViewContainer} {
+ overflow-x: visible;
+ }