@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+Task for sending notifications when custom rules have gathered enough samples.
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from typing import Any, Dict, List
+from django.http import QueryDict
+from sentry.constants import ObjectStatus
+from sentry.dynamic_sampling.tasks.common import TimedIterator, to_context_iterator
+from sentry.dynamic_sampling.tasks.constants import MAX_TASK_SECONDS
+from sentry.dynamic_sampling.tasks.task_context import DynamicSamplingLogState, TaskContext
+from sentry.dynamic_sampling.tasks.utils import dynamic_sampling_task_with_context
+from sentry.models.dynamicsampling import CustomDynamicSamplingRule
+from sentry.models.user import User
+from sentry.silo import SiloMode
+from sentry.snuba import discover
+from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
+from sentry.utils.email import MessageBuilder
+ name="sentry.dynamic_sampling.tasks.custom_rule_notifications",
+ queue="dynamicsampling",
+ default_retry_delay=5,
+ max_retries=5,
+ soft_time_limit=2 * 60 * 60, # 2hours
+ time_limit=2 * 60 * 60 + 5,
+ silo_mode=SiloMode.REGION,
+def custom_rule_notifications(context: TaskContext) -> None:
+ """
+ Iterates through all active CustomRules and sends a notification to the rule creator
+ whenever enough samples have been collected.
+ """
+ log_state = DynamicSamplingLogState()
+ cur_org_id = None
+ now = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
+ # just for protection filter out rules that are outside the time range (in case the
+ # task that deactivates rules is not working)
+ custom_active_rules = (
+ CustomDynamicSamplingRule.objects.filter(
+ is_active=True,
+ notification_sent=False,
+ start_date__lte=now,
+ end_date__gte=now,
+ )
+ .order_by("organization_id")
+ .iterator()
+ )
+ custom_active_rules = to_context_iterator(custom_active_rules)
+ for rule in TimedIterator(context, custom_active_rules, name="custom_rule_notifications"):
+ if rule.organization_id != cur_org_id:
+ cur_org_id = rule.organization_id
+ log_state.num_orgs += 1
+ log_state.num_rows_total += 1
+ num_samples = get_num_samples(rule)
+ send_notification(rule, num_samples)
+ rule.notification_sent = True
+ rule.save()
+def get_num_samples(rule: CustomDynamicSamplingRule) -> int:
+ """
+ Returns the number of samples accumulated for the given rule.
+ """
+ projects = rule.projects.all()
+ if not projects:
+ # org rule get all projects for org
+ projects = rule.organization.project_set.filter(status=ObjectStatus.ACTIVE)
+ params: Dict[str, Any] = {
+ "start": rule.start_date,
+ "end": rule.end_date,
+ "project_id": [p.id for p in projects],
+ "project_objects": projects,
+ "organization_id": rule.organization.id,
+ }
+ result = discover.query(
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ params=params,
+ query=rule.query,
+ referrer="dynamic_sampling.tasks.custom_rule_notifications",
+ )
+ return result["data"][0]["count"]
+def send_notification(rule: CustomDynamicSamplingRule, num_samples: int) -> None:
+ """
+ Notifies the rule creator that samples have been gathered.
+ """
+ subject_template = "We've collected {num_samples} samples for the query: {query} you made"
+ user_id = rule.created_by_id
+ if not user_id:
+ return
+ projects = rule.projects.all()
+ project_ids = [p.id for p in projects]
+ creator = User.objects.get_from_cache(id=user_id)
+ params = {
+ "query": rule.query,
+ "num_samples": num_samples,
+ "start_date": rule.start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ "end_date": rule.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
+ "name": creator.name,
+ "email": creator.email,
+ "user_name": creator.username,
+ "display_name": creator.get_display_name(),
+ "discover_link": create_discover_link(rule, project_ids),
+ }
+ subject = subject_template.format(**params)
+ msg = MessageBuilder(
+ subject=subject,
+ template="sentry/emails/dyn-sampling-custom-rule-fulfilled.txt",
+ html_template="sentry/emails/dyn-sampling-custom-rule-fulfilled.html",
+ context=params,
+ )
+ msg.send_async([creator.email])
+def create_discover_link(rule: CustomDynamicSamplingRule, projects: List[int]) -> str:
+ """
+ Creates a discover link for the given rule.
+ It will point to a discover query using the same query as the rule
+ and the same time range as the rule.
+ """
+ if len(projects) == 0:
+ projects = [-1]
+ project_ids = [str(p) for p in projects]
+ q = QueryDict(mutable=True)
+ q["start"] = rule.start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ q["end"] = rule.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ q.setlist("field", ["title", "event.type", "project", "user.display", "timestamp"])
+ q.setlist("project", project_ids)
+ q["name"] = "All Events"
+ q["query"] = rule.query if rule.query else ""
+ q["utc"] = "true"
+ q["yAxis"] = "count()"
+ q["sort"] = "-timestamp"
+ query_string = q.urlencode()
+ discover_url = rule.organization.absolute_url(
+ f"/organizations/{rule.organization.slug}/discover/results/", query=query_string
+ )
+ return discover_url