@@ -1047,6 +1047,10 @@ class QueryFilter(QueryFields):
ERROR_HANDLED_ALIAS: self._error_handled_filter_converter,
ERROR_UNHANDLED_ALIAS: self._error_unhandled_filter_converter,
TEAM_KEY_TRANSACTION_ALIAS: self._key_transaction_filter_converter,
+ RELEASE_STAGE_ALIAS: self._release_stage_filter_converter,
+ SEMVER_ALIAS: self._semver_filter_converter,
+ SEMVER_PACKAGE_ALIAS: self._semver_package_filter_converter,
+ SEMVER_BUILD_ALIAS: self._semver_build_filter_converter,
def parse_query(self, query: Optional[str]) -> ParsedTerms:
@@ -1600,3 +1604,156 @@ class QueryFilter(QueryFields):
raise InvalidSearchQuery(
"Invalid value for key_transaction condition. Accepted values are 1, 0"
+ def _release_stage_filter_converter(self, search_filter: SearchFilter) -> Optional[WhereType]:
+ """
+ Parses a release stage search and returns a snuba condition to filter to the
+ requested releases.
+ """
+ # TODO: Filter by project here as well. It's done elsewhere, but could critcally limit versions
+ # for orgs with thousands of projects, each with their own releases (potentailly drowning out ones we care about)
+ if "organization_id" not in self.params:
+ raise ValueError("organization_id is a required param")
+ organization_id: int = self.params["organization_id"]
+ project_ids: Optional[list[int]] = self.params.get("project_id")
+ qs = (
+ Release.objects.filter_by_stage(
+ organization_id,
+ search_filter.operator,
+ search_filter.value.value,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ )
+ .values_list("version", flat=True)
+ .order_by("date_added")[:MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES]
+ )
+ versions = list(qs)
+ if not versions:
+ # XXX: Just return a filter that will return no results if we have no versions
+ return Condition(self.column("release"), Op.IN, versions)
+ def _semver_filter_converter(self, search_filter: SearchFilter) -> Optional[WhereType]:
+ """
+ Parses a semver query search and returns a snuba condition to filter to the
+ requested releases.
+ Since we only have semver information available in Postgres currently, we query
+ Postgres and return a list of versions to include/exclude. For most customers this
+ will work well, however some have extremely large numbers of releases, and we can't
+ pass them all to Snuba. To try and serve reasonable results, we:
+ - Attempt to query based on the initial semver query. If this returns
+ MAX_SEMVER_SEARCH_RELEASES results, we invert the query and see if it returns
+ fewer results. If so, we use a `NOT IN` snuba condition instead of an `IN`.
+ - Order the results such that the versions we return are semantically closest to
+ the passed filter. This means that when searching for `>= 1.0.0`, we'll return
+ version 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0 before 9.x.x.
+ """
+ if "organization_id" not in self.params:
+ raise ValueError("organization_id is a required param")
+ organization_id: int = self.params["organization_id"]
+ project_ids: Optional[list[int]] = self.params.get("project_id")
+ # We explicitly use `raw_value` here to avoid converting wildcards to shell values
+ version: str = search_filter.value.raw_value
+ operator: str = search_filter.operator
+ # Note that we sort this such that if we end up fetching more than
+ # MAX_SEMVER_SEARCH_RELEASES, we will return the releases that are closest to
+ # the passed filter.
+ order_by = Release.SEMVER_COLS
+ if operator.startswith("<"):
+ order_by = list(map(_flip_field_sort, order_by))
+ qs = (
+ Release.objects.filter_by_semver(
+ organization_id,
+ parse_semver(version, operator),
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ )
+ .values_list("version", flat=True)
+ .order_by(*order_by)[:MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES]
+ )
+ versions = list(qs)
+ final_operator = Op.IN
+ if len(versions) == MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES:
+ # We want to limit how many versions we pass through to Snuba. If we've hit
+ # the limit, make an extra query and see whether the inverse has fewer ids.
+ # If so, we can do a NOT IN query with these ids instead. Otherwise, we just
+ # do our best.
+ operator = OPERATOR_NEGATION_MAP[operator]
+ # Note that the `order_by` here is important for index usage. Postgres seems
+ # to seq scan with this query if the `order_by` isn't included, so we
+ # include it even though we don't really care about order for this query
+ qs_flipped = (
+ Release.objects.filter_by_semver(organization_id, parse_semver(version, operator))
+ .order_by(*map(_flip_field_sort, order_by))
+ .values_list("version", flat=True)[:MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES]
+ )
+ exclude_versions = list(qs_flipped)
+ if exclude_versions and len(exclude_versions) < len(versions):
+ # Do a negative search instead
+ final_operator = Op.NOT_IN
+ versions = exclude_versions
+ if not versions:
+ # XXX: Just return a filter that will return no results if we have no versions
+ return Condition(self.column("release"), final_operator, versions)
+ def _semver_package_filter_converter(self, search_filter: SearchFilter) -> Optional[WhereType]:
+ """
+ Applies a semver package filter to the search. Note that if the query returns more than
+ `MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES` here we arbitrarily return a subset of the releases.
+ """
+ if "organization_id" not in self.params:
+ raise ValueError("organization_id is a required param")
+ organization_id: int = self.params["organization_id"]
+ project_ids: Optional[list[int]] = self.params.get("project_id")
+ package: str = search_filter.value.raw_value
+ versions = list(
+ Release.objects.filter_by_semver(
+ organization_id,
+ SemverFilter("exact", [], package),
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ ).values_list("version", flat=True)[:MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES]
+ )
+ if not versions:
+ # XXX: Just return a filter that will return no results if we have no versions
+ return Condition(self.column("release"), Op.IN, versions)
+ def _semver_build_filter_converter(self, search_filter: SearchFilter) -> Optional[WhereType]:
+ """
+ Applies a semver build filter to the search. Note that if the query returns more than
+ `MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES` here we arbitrarily return a subset of the releases.
+ """
+ if "organization_id" not in self.params:
+ raise ValueError("organization_id is a required param")
+ organization_id: int = self.params["organization_id"]
+ project_ids: Optional[list[int]] = self.params.get("project_id")
+ build: str = search_filter.value.raw_value
+ versions = list(
+ Release.objects.filter_by_semver_build(
+ organization_id,
+ OPERATOR_TO_DJANGO[search_filter.operator],
+ build,
+ project_ids=project_ids,
+ ).values_list("version", flat=True)[:MAX_SEARCH_RELEASES]
+ )
+ if not versions:
+ # XXX: Just return a filter that will return no results if we have no versions
+ return Condition(self.column("release"), Op.IN, versions)