@@ -1,34 +1,18 @@
from typing import List, Union
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_str
from drf_spectacular.utils import extend_schema
-from packaging.version import Version
-from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, ParseError
+from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
-from sentry import eventstore
from sentry.api.base import region_silo_endpoint
from sentry.api.bases.project import ProjectEndpoint
-from sentry.api.endpoints.project_release_files import ArtifactSource
+from sentry.api.helpers.source_map_helper import source_map_debug
from sentry.apidocs.parameters import EventParams, GlobalParams
from sentry.apidocs.utils import inline_sentry_response_serializer
-from sentry.models import Distribution, Project, Release, ReleaseFile, SourceMapProcessingIssue
-from sentry.models.releasefile import read_artifact_index
-from sentry.utils.javascript import find_sourcemap
-from sentry.utils.urls import non_standard_url_join
- "sentry.javascript.react-native",
- "sentry.javascript.remix",
- "sentry.javascript.nextjs",
+from sentry.models import Project, SourceMapProcessingIssue
class SourceMapProcessingIssueResponse(TypedDict):
@@ -81,96 +65,10 @@ class SourceMapDebugEndpoint(ProjectEndpoint):
exception_idx = int(exception_idx)
- event = eventstore.backend.get_event_by_id(project.id, event_id)
- if event is None:
- raise NotFound(detail="Event not found")
- try:
- if "exception" not in event.interfaces:
- raise ParseError(detail="Event does not contain an exception")
- exception = event.interfaces["exception"].values[exception_idx]
- except IndexError:
- raise ParseError(detail="Query parameter 'exception_idx' is out of bounds")
- frame, filename, abs_path = self._get_frame_filename_and_path(exception, frame_idx)
- if frame.data and "sourcemap" in frame.data:
- return self._create_response()
- sdk_info = event.data.get("sdk")
- can_use_debug_id = (
- sdk_info
- and Version(sdk_info["version"]) >= Version(JS_VERSION_FOR_DEBUG_ID)
- and sdk_info["name"] not in NO_DEBUG_ID_FRAMEWORKS
- )
- release = None
- if not can_use_debug_id:
- try:
- release = self._extract_release(event, project)
- except (SourceMapException, Release.DoesNotExist):
- return self._create_response(issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.MISSING_RELEASE)
- num_artifacts = release.count_artifacts()
- if num_artifacts == 0:
- return self._create_response(issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.MISSING_SOURCEMAPS)
- urlparts = urlparse(abs_path)
- if not (urlparts.scheme and urlparts.path):
- return self._create_response(
- issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.URL_NOT_VALID, data={"absPath": abs_path}
- )
- if release:
- release_artifacts = self._get_releasefiles(release, project.organization.id)
- try:
- artifact = self._find_matching_artifact(
- release_artifacts, urlparts, abs_path, filename, release, event
- )
- sourcemap_url = self._discover_sourcemap_url(artifact, filename)
- except SourceMapException as e:
- return self._create_response(issue=e.issue, data=e.data)
+ debug_response = source_map_debug(project, event_id, exception_idx, frame_idx)
+ issue, data = debug_response.issue, debug_response.data
- if not sourcemap_url:
- return self._create_response(
- issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.SOURCEMAP_NOT_FOUND,
- data={
- "filename": filename,
- },
- )
- sourcemap_url = non_standard_url_join(abs_path, sourcemap_url)
- try:
- sourcemap_artifact = self._find_matching_artifact(
- release_artifacts,
- urlparse(sourcemap_url),
- sourcemap_url,
- filename,
- release,
- event,
- )
- except SourceMapException as e:
- return self._create_response(issue=e.issue, data=e.data)
- if not sourcemap_artifact.file.getfile().read():
- return self._create_response(
- issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.SOURCEMAP_NOT_FOUND,
- data={"filename": filename},
- )
- if can_use_debug_id:
- return self._create_response(issue=SourceMapProcessingIssue.NOT_PART_OF_PIPELINE)
- return self._create_response()
+ return self._create_response(issue, data)
def _create_response(self, issue=None, data=None):
errors_list = []
@@ -178,176 +76,3 @@ class SourceMapDebugEndpoint(ProjectEndpoint):
response = SourceMapProcessingIssue(issue, data=data).get_api_context()
return Response({"errors": errors_list})
- def _get_frame_filename_and_path(self, exception, frame_idx):
- frame_list = exception.stacktrace.frames
- try:
- frame = frame_list[frame_idx]
- except IndexError:
- raise ParseError(detail="Query parameter 'frame_idx' is out of bounds")
- filename = frame.filename
- abs_path = frame.abs_path
- return frame, filename, abs_path
- def _find_matches(self, release_artifacts, abs_path, unified_path, filename, release, event):
- full_matches = [
- artifact
- for artifact in release_artifacts
- if (artifact.name == unified_path or artifact.name == abs_path)
- and self._verify_dist_matches(release, event, artifact, filename)
- ]
- partial_matches = self._find_partial_matches(unified_path, release_artifacts)
- return full_matches, partial_matches
- def _find_partial_matches(self, unified_path, artifacts):
- filename = unified_path.split("/")[-1]
- filename_matches = [
- artifact for artifact in artifacts if artifact.name.split("/")[-1] == filename
- ]
- artifact_names = [artifact.name.split("/") for artifact in filename_matches]
- while any(artifact_names):
- for i in range(len(artifact_names)):
- if unified_path.endswith("/".join(artifact_names[i])):
- return [filename_matches[i]]
- artifact_names[i] = artifact_names[i][1:]
- return []
- def _extract_release(self, event, project):
- release_version = event.get_tag("sentry:release")
- if not release_version:
- raise SourceMapException(SourceMapProcessingIssue.MISSING_RELEASE)
- return Release.objects.get(organization=project.organization, version=release_version)
- def _verify_dist_matches(self, release, event, artifact, filename):
- try:
- if event.dist is None and artifact.dist_id is None:
- return True
- dist = Distribution.objects.get(release=release, name=event.dist)
- except Distribution.DoesNotExist:
- raise SourceMapException(
- SourceMapProcessingIssue.DIST_MISMATCH,
- {"eventDist": event.dist, "filename": filename},
- )
- if artifact.dist_id != dist.id:
- raise SourceMapException(
- SourceMapProcessingIssue.DIST_MISMATCH,
- {"eventDist": dist.id, "artifactDist": artifact.dist_id, "filename": filename},
- )
- return True
- def _find_matching_artifact(
- self, release_artifacts, urlparts, abs_path, filename, release, event
- ):
- unified_path = self._unify_url(urlparts)
- full_matches, partial_matches = self._find_matches(
- release_artifacts, abs_path, unified_path, filename, release, event
- )
- artifact_names = [artifact.name for artifact in release_artifacts]
- if len(full_matches) == 0:
- if len(partial_matches) > 0:
- partial_match = partial_matches[0]
- url_prefix = self._find_url_prefix(filename, partial_match.name)
- raise SourceMapException(
- SourceMapProcessingIssue.PARTIAL_MATCH,
- {
- "absPath": abs_path,
- "partialMatchPath": partial_match.name,
- "filename": filename,
- "unifiedPath": unified_path,
- "urlPrefix": url_prefix,
- "artifactNames": artifact_names,
- },
- )
- raise SourceMapException(
- SourceMapProcessingIssue.NO_URL_MATCH,
- {
- "absPath": abs_path,
- "filename": filename,
- "unifiedPath": unified_path,
- "artifactNames": artifact_names,
- },
- )
- return full_matches[0]
- def _discover_sourcemap_url(self, artifact, filename):
- file = artifact.file
- sourcemap_header = file.headers.get("Sourcemap", file.headers.get("X-SourceMap"))
- sourcemap_header = force_bytes(sourcemap_header) if sourcemap_header is not None else None
- try:
- sourcemap = find_sourcemap(sourcemap_header, file.getfile().read())
- except AssertionError:
- raise SourceMapException(
- SourceMapProcessingIssue.SOURCEMAP_NOT_FOUND, {"filename": filename}
- )
- return force_str(sourcemap) if sourcemap is not None else None
- def _unify_url(self, urlparts):
- return "~" + urlparts.path
- def _get_releasefiles(self, release, organization_id):
- data_sources = []
- file_list = ReleaseFile.public_objects.filter(release_id=release.id).exclude(
- artifact_count=0
- )
- file_list = file_list.select_related("file").order_by("name")
- data_sources.extend(list(file_list.order_by("name")))
- dists = Distribution.objects.filter(organization_id=organization_id, release=release)
- for dist in list(dists) + [None]:
- try:
- artifact_index = read_artifact_index(release, dist, artifact_count__gt=0)
- except Exception:
- artifact_index = None
- if artifact_index is not None:
- files = artifact_index.get("files", {})
- source = ArtifactSource(dist, files, [], [])
- data_sources.extend(source[:])
- return data_sources
- def _find_url_prefix(self, filepath, artifact_name):
- idx = artifact_name.find(filepath)
- if idx != -1:
- return artifact_name[:idx]
- filepath = filepath.split("/")
- artifact_name = artifact_name.split("/")
- if len(filepath) == len(artifact_name):
- matches = [filepath[i] != artifact_name[i] for i in range(len(filepath))]
- if sum(matches) == 1:
- idx = matches.index(True)
- return artifact_name[idx] + "/" if idx != -1 else None
- if len(filepath) + 1 == len(artifact_name):
- filepath = set(filepath)
- artifact_name = set(artifact_name)
- differences = list(filepath.symmetric_difference(artifact_name))
- if len(differences) == 1:
- return "/".join(differences + [""])
-class SourceMapException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, issue, data=None):
- super().__init__(issue, data)
- self.issue = issue
- self.data = data