@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import {Link} from 'react-router';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import ClippedBox, {ClipFade} from 'sentry/components/clippedBox';
+import {CopyToClipboardButton} from 'sentry/components/copyToClipboardButton';
+import {Hovercard} from 'sentry/components/hovercard';
+import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder';
+import TextOverflow from 'sentry/components/textOverflow';
+import {t, tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import {DebugIdBundleAssociation} from 'sentry/types/sourceMaps';
+import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
+function AssociationsBody({associations}: {associations: DebugIdBundleAssociation[]}) {
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ return (
+ <ClippedBoxWithoutPadding
+ clipHeight={210}
+ btnText={t('+ %s more', associations.length - associations.slice(0, 4).length)}
+ buttonProps={{
+ priority: 'default',
+ borderless: true,
+ }}
+ >
+ <NumericList>
+ {associations.map(({release, dist}) => (
+ <li key={release}>
+ <ReleaseContent>
+ <ReleaseLink
+ to={`/organizations/${organization.slug}/releases/${release}/`}
+ >
+ <TextOverflow>{release}</TextOverflow>
+ </ReleaseLink>
+ <CopyToClipboardButton
+ text={release}
+ borderless
+ size="zero"
+ iconSize="sm"
+ />
+ </ReleaseContent>
+ {!dist?.length ? (
+ <NoAssociations>
+ {t('No dists associated with this release')}
+ </NoAssociations>
+ ) : (
+ tct('Dist: [dist]', {
+ dist: typeof dist === 'string' ? dist : dist.join(', '),
+ })
+ )}
+ </li>
+ ))}
+ </NumericList>
+ </ClippedBoxWithoutPadding>
+ );
+type Props = {
+ associations?: DebugIdBundleAssociation[];
+ loading?: boolean;
+export function Associations({associations = [], loading}: Props) {
+ if (loading) {
+ return <Placeholder width="200px" height="20px" />;
+ }
+ if (!associations.length) {
+ return (
+ <NoAssociations>{t('No releases associated with this bundle')}</NoAssociations>
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <WiderHovercard
+ position="right"
+ body={<AssociationsBody associations={associations} />}
+ header={t('Releases')}
+ displayTimeout={0}
+ showUnderline
+ >
+ {tn('%s Release', '%s Releases', associations.length)}
+ </WiderHovercard>{' '}
+ {t('associated')}
+ </div>
+ );
+const NoAssociations = styled('div')`
+ color: ${p => p.theme.disabled};
+const ReleaseContent = styled('div')`
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: 1fr max-content;
+ gap: ${space(1)};
+ align-items: center;
+const ReleaseLink = styled(Link)`
+ overflow: hidden;
+// TODO(ui): Add a native numeric list to the List component
+const NumericList = styled('ol')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: ${space(0.5)};
+ margin: 0;
+const WiderHovercard = styled(Hovercard)`
+ width: 320px;
+const ClippedBoxWithoutPadding = styled(ClippedBox)`
+ padding: 0;
+ ${ClipFade} {
+ background: ${p => p.theme.background};
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ }