Browse Source

feat(perf-issues): Account for multiple file-io spans (#42115)

- Updates the FileIOMainThreadDetector to account for multiple spans
with the same parent. If the total span time exceeds the threshold then
make all of them part of the performance issue
- For now just joining all of the call stacks together as the
fingerprint. This has the benefit of the original fingerprints being
unchanged, but may not be sufficient for the multiple span case
- Closes #42074
William Mak 2 years ago

+ 477 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+  "event_id": "c119e45a9d724b1891df4651ebf9e6db",
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+  "release": "",
+  "dist": "2",
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+  "message": "",
+  "datetime": "2022-11-21T11:57:38.806589+00:00",
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+      "id:0f38dda2-6ef7-4d9a-b7f4-6bcc80b85b2e"
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+      "transaction",
+      "MainActivity.add_attachment"
+    ]
+  ],
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+    "bytes.stored.event": 4851
+  },
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+        }
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+          "view.class": "androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton",
+          "": "add_attachment"
+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "breakdowns": {
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+      "total.time": {
+        "value": 94.411134,
+        "unit": "millisecond"
+      }
+    }
+  },
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+      "type": "os"
+    },
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+      "status": "ok",
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+      "hash": "1ff9a18d6a6b09a8",
+      "type": "trace"
+    }
+  },
+  "culprit": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
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+    "location": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+    "title": "MainActivity.add_attachment"
+  },
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+  },
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+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
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+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          },
+          {
+            "filename": "",
+            "function": "lambda$onCreate$5$io-sentry-samples-android-MainActivity",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 93,
+            "module": "",
+            "native": false
+          }
+        ],
+        "file.path": "/data/user/0/",
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+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a52ef2"
+    },
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+      "data": {
+        "blocked_main_thread": true,
+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
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+            "lineno": 2,
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+          }
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+      },
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+      "status": "ok",
+      "data": {
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+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          }
+        ],
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+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    },
+    {
+      "timestamp": 0.005,
+      "start_timestamp": 0.0025,
+      "exclusive_time": 1,
+      "description": "1669031858721_file.txt (4.0 kB)",
+      "op": "file.write",
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+      "data": {
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+          {
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+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          }
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+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    },
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+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          }
+        ],
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+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    },
+    {
+      "timestamp": 0.0075,
+      "start_timestamp": 0.0065,
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+      "data": {
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+          {
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+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          }
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+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    },
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+      "data": {
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+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
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+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
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+          }
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+      },
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+    },
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+      "data": {
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+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
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+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          }
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+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    }
+  ],
+  "start_timestamp": 1669031858.677,
+  "timestamp": 1669031858.806589,
+  "title": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+  "transaction": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+  "transaction_info": {
+    "source": "component"
+  },
+  "type": "transaction",
+  "user": {
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+    "geo": {
+      "country_code": "AT",
+      "city": "Enns",
+      "region": "Austria"
+    }
+  },
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+ 329 - 0

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+  "datetime": "2022-11-21T11:57:38.806589+00:00",
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+        }
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+        }
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+        }
+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+        "value": 94.411134,
+        "unit": "millisecond"
+      }
+    }
+  },
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+      ],
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+      "type": "os"
+    },
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+      "hash": "1ff9a18d6a6b09a8",
+      "type": "trace"
+    }
+  },
+  "culprit": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
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+    "location": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+    "title": "MainActivity.add_attachment"
+  },
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+      }
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+      "description": "1669031858711_file.txt (4.0 kB)",
+      "op": "file.write",
+      "span_id": "054ba3a374d543eb",
+      "parent_span_id": "b93d2be92cd64fd5",
+      "trace_id": "b2a33f3f79fe4a7c8de3426725a045cb",
+      "status": "ok",
+      "data": {
+        "blocked_main_thread": true,
+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          },
+          {
+            "filename": "",
+            "function": "lambda$onCreate$5$io-sentry-samples-android-MainActivity",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 93,
+            "module": "",
+            "native": false
+          }
+        ],
+        "file.path": "/data/user/0/",
+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a52ef2"
+    },
+    {
+      "timestamp": 1669031858.016,
+      "start_timestamp": 1669031858.004,
+      "exclusive_time": 12,
+      "description": "1669031858721_file.txt (4.0 kB)",
+      "op": "file.write",
+      "span_id": "054ba3a3a4d543ab",
+      "parent_span_id": "b93d2be92cd64fd5",
+      "trace_id": "b2a33f3f79fe4a7c8de3426725a045cb",
+      "status": "ok",
+      "data": {
+        "blocked_main_thread": true,
+        "call_stack": [
+          {
+            "function": "onClick",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 2,
+            "module": "$$ExternalSyntheticLambda6",
+            "native": false
+          },
+          {
+            "filename": "",
+            "function": "lambda$onCreate$5$io-sentry-samples-android-MainActivity",
+            "in_app": true,
+            "lineno": 93,
+            "module": "",
+            "native": false
+          }
+        ],
+        "file.path": "/data/user/0/",
+        "file.size": 4010
+      },
+      "hash": "8add714f71a5aaaa"
+    }
+  ],
+  "start_timestamp": 1669031858.677,
+  "timestamp": 1669031858.806589,
+  "title": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+  "transaction": "MainActivity.add_attachment",
+  "transaction_info": {
+    "source": "component"
+  },
+  "type": "transaction",
+  "user": {
+    "id": "0f38dda2-6ef7-4d9a-b7f4-6bcc80b85b2e",
+    "ip_address": "",
+    "geo": {
+      "country_code": "AT",
+      "city": "Enns",
+      "region": "Austria"
+    }
+  },
+  "version": "7"

+ 51 - 14

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import os
 import random
 import re
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from collections import defaultdict
 from dataclasses import dataclass
 from datetime import timedelta
 from enum import Enum
@@ -501,6 +502,29 @@ def contains_complete_query(span: Span, is_source: Optional[bool] = False) -> bo
         return query and not query.endswith("...")
+def total_span_time(span_list: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> float:
+    """Return the total non-overlapping span time in milliseconds for all the spans in the list"""
+    # Sort the spans so that when iterating the next span in the list is either within the current, or afterwards
+    sorted_span_list = sorted(span_list, key=lambda span: span["start_timestamp"])
+    total_duration = 0
+    first_item = sorted_span_list[0]
+    current_min = first_item["start_timestamp"]
+    current_max = first_item["timestamp"]
+    for span in sorted_span_list[1:]:
+        # If the start is contained within the current, check if the max extends the current duration
+        if current_min <= span["start_timestamp"] <= current_max:
+            current_max = max(span["timestamp"], current_max)
+        # If not within current min&max then there's a gap between spans, so add to total_duration and start a new
+        # min/max
+        else:
+            total_duration += current_max - current_min
+            current_min = span["start_timestamp"]
+            current_max = span["timestamp"]
+    # Add the remaining duration
+    total_duration += current_max - current_min
+    return total_duration * 1000
 class PerformanceDetector(ABC):
     Classes of this type have their visit functions called as the event is walked once and will store a performance issue if one is detected.
@@ -1327,6 +1351,7 @@ class FileIOMainThreadDetector(PerformanceDetector):
         self.most_recent_hash = {}
         self.stored_problems = {}
         self.mapper = None
+        self.parent_to_blocked_span = defaultdict(list)
     def _prepare_deobfuscation(self):
@@ -1374,30 +1399,42 @@ class FileIOMainThreadDetector(PerformanceDetector):
     def visit_span(self, span: Span):
         if self._is_file_io_on_main_thread(span):
-            settings_for_span = self.settings_for_span(span)
+            parent_span_id = span.get("parent_span_id")
+            self.parent_to_blocked_span[parent_span_id].append(span)
+    def on_complete(self):
+        for parent_span_id, span_list in self.parent_to_blocked_span.items():
+            span_list = [
+                span for span in span_list if "start_timestamp" in span and "timestamp" in span
+            ]
+            total_duration = total_span_time(span_list)
+            settings_for_span = self.settings_for_span(span_list[0])
             if not settings_for_span:
-            op, span_id, op_prefix, span_duration, settings = settings_for_span
-            if span_duration.total_seconds() * 1000 > settings["duration_threshold"]:
-                fingerprint = self._fingerprint(span)
+            _, _, _, _, settings = settings_for_span
+            if total_duration >= settings["duration_threshold"]:
+                fingerprint = self._fingerprint(span_list)
                 self.stored_problems[fingerprint] = PerformanceProblem(
-                    op=span.get("op"),
-                    desc=span.get("description", ""),
-                    parent_span_ids=[span.get("parent_span_id")],
+                    op=span_list[0].get("op"),
+                    desc=span_list[0].get("description", ""),
+                    parent_span_ids=[parent_span_id],
-                    offender_span_ids=[span.get("span_id", None)],
+                    offender_span_ids=[span["span_id"] for span in span_list if "span_id" in span],
-    def _fingerprint(self, span) -> str:
+    def _fingerprint(self, span_list) -> str:
         call_stack_strings = []
-        for item in span.get("data", {}).get("call_stack", []):
-            module = self._deobfuscate_module(item.get("module", ""))
-            function = self._deobfuscate_function(item)
-            call_stack_strings.append(f"{module}.{function}")
-        call_stack = ".".join(call_stack_strings).encode("utf8")
+        overall_stack = []
+        for span in span_list:
+            for item in span.get("data", {}).get("call_stack", []):
+                module = self._deobfuscate_module(item.get("module", ""))
+                function = self._deobfuscate_function(item)
+                call_stack_strings.append(f"{module}.{function}")
+            overall_stack.append(".".join(call_stack_strings))
+        call_stack = "-".join(overall_stack).encode("utf8")
         hashed_stack = hashlib.sha1(call_stack).hexdigest()
         return f"1-{GroupType.PERFORMANCE_FILE_IO_MAIN_THREAD}-{hashed_stack}"

+ 33 - 0

@@ -66,3 +66,36 @@ class NPlusOneAPICallsDetectorTest(TestCase):
             problem.fingerprint == f"1-{GroupType.PERFORMANCE_FILE_IO_MAIN_THREAD}-{hashed_stack}"
         assert problem.title == "File IO on Main Thread"
+    def test_parallel_spans(self):
+        event = EVENTS["file-io-on-main-thread-with-parallel-spans"]
+        detector = FileIOMainThreadDetector(self.settings, event)
+        run_detector_on_data(detector, event)
+        problem = list(detector.stored_problems.values())[0]
+        assert problem.offender_span_ids == ["054ba3a374d543eb", "054ba3a3a4d543ab"]
+    def test_parallel_spans_not_detected_when_total_too_short(self):
+        event = EVENTS["file-io-on-main-thread-with-parallel-spans"]
+        event["spans"][1]["timestamp"] = 1669031858.015
+        detector = FileIOMainThreadDetector(self.settings, event)
+        run_detector_on_data(detector, event)
+        assert len(detector.stored_problems) == 0
+    def test_complicated_structure(self):
+        event = EVENTS["file-io-on-main-thread-with-complicated-structure"]
+        detector = FileIOMainThreadDetector(self.settings, event)
+        run_detector_on_data(detector, event)
+        problem = list(detector.stored_problems.values())[0]
+        assert problem.offender_span_ids == [
+            "054ba3a374d543eb",
+            "054ba3a3a4d543ab",
+            "054ba3a3a4d543cd",
+            "054ba3a3a4d543ef",
+            "054ba3a3a4d54ab1",
+            "054ba3a3a4d54ab2",
+            "054ba3a3a4d54ab3",
+            "054ba3a3a4d54ab4",
+        ]

+ 119 - 0

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from sentry.utils.performance_issues.performance_detection import (
+    total_span_time,
 from sentry.utils.performance_issues.performance_span_issue import PerformanceSpanProblem
@@ -1112,3 +1113,121 @@ class EventPerformanceProblemTest(TestCase):
         assert [r.problem if r else None for r in result] == [
             problem for _, problem in all_event_problems
         ] + [None]
+    "spans, duration",
+    [
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                }
+            ],
+            11,
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+            ],
+            11,
+            id="parallel spans",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 1.0,
+                    "timestamp": 1.011,
+                },
+            ],
+            22,
+            id="separate spans",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.005,
+                    "timestamp": 0.016,
+                },
+            ],
+            16,
+            id="overlapping spans",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.005,
+                    "timestamp": 0.016,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.015,
+                    "timestamp": 0.032,
+                },
+            ],
+            32,
+            id="multiple overlapping spans",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.011,
+                    "timestamp": 0.022,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.022,
+                    "timestamp": 0.033,
+                },
+            ],
+            33,
+            id="multiple overlapping touching spans",
+        ),
+        pytest.param(
+            [
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0,
+                    "timestamp": 0.011,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.005,
+                    "timestamp": 0.022,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.033,
+                    "timestamp": 0.045,
+                },
+                {
+                    "start_timestamp": 0.045,
+                    "timestamp": 0.055,
+                },
+            ],
+            44,
+            id="multiple overlapping spans with gaps",
+        ),
+    ],
+def test_total_span_time(spans, duration):
+    assert total_span_time(spans) == pytest.approx(duration, 0.01)