@@ -35,32 +35,6 @@
color: '3C74DD'
description: Automatically applied to PRs that change frontend components
-# Status for use with stalebot and routing/triage
-- name: 'Status: Backlog'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will ignore
-- name: 'Status: In Progress'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will ignore
-- name: 'Status: Invalid'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: ''
-- name: 'Status: Investigating'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: ''
-- name: 'Status: Needs More Information'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will close after four weeks of inactivity
-- name: 'Status: Stale'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will close after another week of inactivity
-- name: 'Status: Unrouted'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will close after four weeks of inactivity
-- name: 'Status: Untriaged'
- color: '8D5494'
- description: stalebot will close after four weeks of inactivity
# Issue type
- name: 'Type: Bug'
color: '584774'