@@ -1170,64 +1170,37 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
span_space: [number, number],
text: string
): [number, number] {
- const text_left = span_space[0] > this.to_origin + this.trace_space.width * 0.8;
- const width = this.text_measurer.measure(text);
- const has_profiles = node && node.profiles.length > 0;
- const has_error_icons =
- node &&
- (node.profiles.length > 0 ||
- node.errors.size > 0 ||
- node.performance_issues.size > 0);
+ const TEXT_PADDING = 2;
- const has_icons = has_profiles || has_error_icons;
+ const icon_width_config_space = (18 * this.span_to_px[0]) / 2;
+ const text_anchor_left =
+ span_space[0] > this.to_origin + this.trace_space.width * 0.8;
+ const text_width = this.text_measurer.measure(text);
- const node_width = span_space[1] / this.span_to_px[0];
- const TEXT_PADDING = 2;
- // This is inaccurate in the case of left anchored text. In order to determine a true overlap, we would need to compute
- // the distance between the min timestamp of an icon and beginning of the span. Once we determine the distance, we can compute
- // the width and see if there is an actual overlap. Since this is a rare case which only happens in the case where we anchor the text
- // to the left (20% of the time) and the node may have many errors, this could be computationally expensive to do on every frame.
- // We'll live with the inaccuracy for now as it is purely visual and just make sure to handle a single error case as it will be easy
- // to determine if there is an overlap.
- const TEXT_PADDING_LEFT = text_left && has_icons ? 10 : TEXT_PADDING;
- !text_left && has_icons
- ? node_width < 10
- ? // If the node is too small, we need to make sure the text is anchored to the right edge of the icon.
- // We take the distance from the right edge of the node to the right edge of the icon and subtract it from
- // the base width (10) and the base padding when (expanded) to get the correct padding. If we take only 10px
- // as our padding, the text can be anchored directly to the right edge of our icon - we want to preserve
- // a min padding of 2px.
- 12 - node_width
+ const timestamps = getIconTimestamps(node, span_space, icon_width_config_space);
+ const text_left = Math.min(span_space[0], timestamps[0]);
+ const text_right = Math.max(span_space[0] + span_space[1], timestamps[1]);
// precompute all anchor points aot, so we make the control flow more readable.
- // this wastes some cycles, but it's not a big deal as computers go brrrr when it comes to simple arithmetic.
/// |---| text
- const right_outside =
- this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0] + span_space[1]) +
- /// text |---|
- const left_outside =
- this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0]) - TEXT_PADDING_LEFT - width;
- // | text|
+ const right_outside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(text_right) + TEXT_PADDING;
+ // |---text|
const right_inside =
this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0] + span_space[1]) -
- width -
+ text_width -
- // |text |
+ // |text---|
const left_inside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0]) + TEXT_PADDING;
+ /// text |---|
+ const left_outside =
+ this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(text_left) - TEXT_PADDING - text_width;
// Right edge of the window (when span extends beyond the view)
const window_right =
this.to_origin + this.trace_view.left + this.trace_view.width
) -
- width -
+ text_width -
const window_left =
this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(this.to_origin + this.trace_view.left) +
@@ -1244,22 +1217,22 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
// Span is completely outside of the view on the left side
if (span_right < this.trace_view.x) {
- return text_left ? [1, right_inside] : [0, right_outside];
+ return text_anchor_left ? [1, right_inside] : [0, right_outside];
// Span is completely outside of the view on the right side
if (span_left > this.trace_view.right) {
- return text_left ? [0, left_outside] : [1, left_inside];
+ return text_anchor_left ? [0, left_outside] : [1, left_inside];
// Span "spans" the entire view
if (span_left <= this.trace_view.x && span_right >= this.trace_view.right) {
- return text_left ? [1, window_left] : [1, window_right];
+ return text_anchor_left ? [1, window_left] : [1, window_right];
const full_span_px_width = span_space[1] / this.span_to_px[0];
- if (text_left) {
+ if (text_anchor_left) {
// While we have space on the left, place the text there
if (space_left > 0) {
return [0, left_outside];
@@ -1270,7 +1243,7 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
// If the text fits inside the visible portion of the span, anchor it to the left
// side of the window so that it is visible while the user pans the view
- if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= width) {
+ if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= text_width) {
return [1, window_left];
@@ -1292,7 +1265,7 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
// origin and check if it fits into the distance of space right edge - span right edge. In practice
// however, it seems that a magical number works just fine.
span_right > this.trace_space.right * 0.9 &&
- space_right / this.span_to_px[0] < width
+ space_right / this.span_to_px[0] < text_width
) {
return [1, right_inside];
@@ -1300,14 +1273,14 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
// If text fits inside the span
- if (full_span_px_width > width) {
+ if (full_span_px_width > text_width) {
const distance = span_right - this.trace_view.right;
const visible_width =
(span_space[1] - distance) / this.span_to_px[0] - TEXT_PADDING;
// If the text fits inside the visible portion of the span, anchor it to the right
// side of the window so that it is visible while the user pans the view
- if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= width) {
+ if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= text_width) {
return [1, window_right];
@@ -1704,6 +1677,50 @@ export class VirtualizedViewManager {
+// Computes a min and max icon timestamp. This effectively extends or reduces the hitbox
+// of the span to include the icon. We need this because when the icon is close to the edge
+// it can extend it and cause overlaps with duration labels
+function getIconTimestamps(
+ node: TraceTreeNode<any>,
+ span_space: [number, number],
+ icon_width: number
+) {
+ let min_icon_timestamp = span_space[0];
+ let max_icon_timestamp = span_space[0] + span_space[1];
+ if (!node.errors.size && !node.performance_issues.size) {
+ return [min_icon_timestamp, max_icon_timestamp];
+ }
+ for (const issue of node.performance_issues) {
+ // Perf issues render icons at the start timestamp
+ if (typeof issue.start === 'number') {
+ min_icon_timestamp = Math.min(min_icon_timestamp, issue.start * 1e3 - icon_width);
+ max_icon_timestamp = Math.max(max_icon_timestamp, issue.start * 1e3 + icon_width);
+ }
+ }
+ for (const err of node.errors) {
+ if (typeof err.timestamp === 'number') {
+ min_icon_timestamp = Math.min(min_icon_timestamp, err.timestamp * 1e3 - icon_width);
+ max_icon_timestamp = Math.max(max_icon_timestamp, err.timestamp * 1e3 + icon_width);
+ }
+ }
+ min_icon_timestamp = clamp(
+ min_icon_timestamp,
+ span_space[0] - icon_width,
+ span_space[0] + span_space[1] + icon_width
+ );
+ max_icon_timestamp = clamp(
+ max_icon_timestamp,
+ span_space[0] - icon_width,
+ span_space[0] + span_space[1] + icon_width
+ );
+ return [min_icon_timestamp, max_icon_timestamp];
// Jest does not implement scroll updates, however since we have the
// middleware to handle scroll updates, we can dispatch a scroll event ourselves
function dispatchJestScrollUpdate(container: HTMLElement) {