@@ -4,196 +4,194 @@ exports[`ProjectAlertSettings render() renders 1`] = `
title="Project Alert Settings - Sentry"
- <React.Fragment>
- <SettingsPageHeading
- action={
- <Tooltip
- disabled={true}
- title="You do not have permission to edit alert rules."
+ <SettingsPageHeading
+ action={
+ <Tooltip
+ disabled={true}
+ title="You do not have permission to edit alert rules."
+ >
+ <Button
+ disabled={false}
+ icon="icon-circle-add"
+ priority="primary"
+ size="small"
+ to="rules/new/"
- <Button
- disabled={false}
- icon="icon-circle-add"
- priority="primary"
- size="small"
- to="rules/new/"
- >
- New Alert Rule
- </Button>
- </Tooltip>
- }
- tabs={
- <ul
- className="nav nav-tabs"
- style={
- Object {
- "borderBottom": "1px solid #ddd",
- }
+ New Alert Rule
+ </Button>
+ </Tooltip>
+ }
+ tabs={
+ <ul
+ className="nav nav-tabs"
+ style={
+ Object {
+ "borderBottom": "1px solid #ddd",
- >
- <ListLink
- activeClassName="active"
- index={true}
- to=""
- >
- Settings
- </ListLink>
- <ListLink
- activeClassName="active"
- index={false}
- to="rules/"
- >
- Rules
- </ListLink>
- </ul>
- }
- title="Alerts"
- />
- <AlertLink
- icon="icon-mail"
- priority="warning"
- to="/settings/account/notifications/"
- >
- Looking to fine-tune your personal notification preferences? Visit your Account Settings
- </AlertLink>
- <Form
- allowUndo={true}
- apiEndpoint="/projects/org-slug/project-slug/"
- apiMethod="PUT"
- cancelLabel="Cancel"
- className="form-stacked"
- footerClass="form-actions align-right"
- initialData={
- Object {
- "digestsMaxDelay": 60,
- "digestsMinDelay": 5,
- "subjectTemplate": "[$project] \${tag:level}: $title",
+ >
+ <ListLink
+ activeClassName="active"
+ index={true}
+ to=""
+ >
+ Settings
+ </ListLink>
+ <ListLink
+ activeClassName="active"
+ index={false}
+ to="rules/"
+ >
+ Rules
+ </ListLink>
+ </ul>
+ }
+ title="Alerts"
+ />
+ <AlertLink
+ icon="icon-mail"
+ priority="warning"
+ to="/settings/account/notifications/"
+ >
+ Looking to fine-tune your personal notification preferences? Visit your Account Settings
+ </AlertLink>
+ <Form
+ allowUndo={true}
+ apiEndpoint="/projects/org-slug/project-slug/"
+ apiMethod="PUT"
+ cancelLabel="Cancel"
+ className="form-stacked"
+ footerClass="form-actions align-right"
+ initialData={
+ Object {
+ "digestsMaxDelay": 60,
+ "digestsMinDelay": 5,
+ "subjectTemplate": "[$project] \${tag:level}: $title",
- onSubmitError={[Function]}
- onSubmitSuccess={[Function]}
- requireChanges={false}
- saveOnBlur={true}
- submitDisabled={false}
- submitLabel="Save Changes"
- submitPriority="primary"
- >
- <JsonForm
- additionalFieldProps={Object {}}
- fields={
- Array [
- Object {
- "help": "The email subject to use (excluding the prefix) for individual alerts. Usable variables include: $title, $shortID, $projectID, $orgID, and \${tag:key}, such as \${tag:environment} or \${tag:release}.",
- "label": "Subject Template",
- "name": "subjectTemplate",
- "placeholder": "e.g. $shortID - $title",
- "type": "string",
- },
- ]
- }
- title="Email Settings"
- />
- <JsonForm
- additionalFieldProps={Object {}}
- fields={
- Array [
- Object {
- "defaultValue": 300,
- "formatLabel": [Function],
- "help": "Notifications will be delivered at most this often.",
- "label": "Minimum delivery interval",
- "max": 3600,
- "min": 60,
- "name": "digestsMinDelay",
- "step": 60,
- "type": "range",
- },
- Object {
- "defaultValue": 300,
- "formatLabel": [Function],
- "help": "Notifications will be delivered at least this often.",
- "label": "Maximum delivery interval",
- "max": 3600,
- "min": 60,
- "name": "digestsMaxDelay",
- "step": 60,
- "type": "range",
- },
- ]
- }
- renderHeader={[Function]}
- title="Digests"
- />
- </Form>
- <PluginList
- onDisablePlugin={[Function]}
- onEnablePlugin={[Function]}
- organization={
- Object {
- "access": Array [
- "org:read",
- "org:write",
- "org:admin",
- "project:read",
- "project:write",
- "project:admin",
- "team:read",
- "team:write",
- "team:admin",
- ],
- "features": Array [],
- "id": "3",
- "name": "Organization Name",
- "onboardingTasks": Array [],
- "projects": Array [],
- "scrapeJavaScript": true,
- "slug": "org-slug",
- "status": Object {
- "id": "active",
- "name": "active",
+ }
+ onSubmitError={[Function]}
+ onSubmitSuccess={[Function]}
+ requireChanges={false}
+ saveOnBlur={true}
+ submitDisabled={false}
+ submitLabel="Save Changes"
+ submitPriority="primary"
+ >
+ <JsonForm
+ additionalFieldProps={Object {}}
+ fields={
+ Array [
+ Object {
+ "help": "The email subject to use (excluding the prefix) for individual alerts. Usable variables include: $title, $shortID, $projectID, $orgID, and \${tag:key}, such as \${tag:environment} or \${tag:release}.",
+ "label": "Subject Template",
+ "name": "subjectTemplate",
+ "placeholder": "e.g. $shortID - $title",
+ "type": "string",
- "teams": Array [],
- }
+ ]
- pluginList={Array []}
- project={
- Object {
- "allowedDomains": Array [
- "example.com",
- "https://example.com",
- ],
- "dataScrubber": false,
- "dataScrubberDefaults": false,
- "digestsMaxDelay": 60,
- "digestsMinDelay": 5,
- "features": Array [],
- "hasAccess": true,
- "id": "2",
- "isBookmarked": false,
- "isMember": true,
- "name": "Project Name",
- "resolveAge": 48,
- "safeFields": Array [
- "business-email",
- "company",
- ],
- "scrapeJavaScript": true,
- "scrubIPAddresses": false,
- "securityToken": "security-token",
- "securityTokenHeader": "x-security-header",
- "sensitiveFields": Array [
- "creditcard",
- "ssn",
- ],
- "slug": "project-slug",
- "storeCrashReports": false,
- "subjectPrefix": "[my-org]",
- "subjectTemplate": "[$project] \${tag:level}: $title",
- "teams": Array [],
- "verifySSL": true,
- }
+ title="Email Settings"
+ />
+ <JsonForm
+ additionalFieldProps={Object {}}
+ fields={
+ Array [
+ Object {
+ "defaultValue": 300,
+ "formatLabel": [Function],
+ "help": "Notifications will be delivered at most this often.",
+ "label": "Minimum delivery interval",
+ "max": 3600,
+ "min": 60,
+ "name": "digestsMinDelay",
+ "step": 60,
+ "type": "range",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "defaultValue": 300,
+ "formatLabel": [Function],
+ "help": "Notifications will be delivered at least this often.",
+ "label": "Maximum delivery interval",
+ "max": 3600,
+ "min": 60,
+ "name": "digestsMaxDelay",
+ "step": 60,
+ "type": "range",
+ },
+ ]
+ renderHeader={[Function]}
+ title="Digests"
- </React.Fragment>
+ </Form>
+ <PluginList
+ onDisablePlugin={[Function]}
+ onEnablePlugin={[Function]}
+ organization={
+ Object {
+ "access": Array [
+ "org:read",
+ "org:write",
+ "org:admin",
+ "project:read",
+ "project:write",
+ "project:admin",
+ "team:read",
+ "team:write",
+ "team:admin",
+ ],
+ "features": Array [],
+ "id": "3",
+ "name": "Organization Name",
+ "onboardingTasks": Array [],
+ "projects": Array [],
+ "scrapeJavaScript": true,
+ "slug": "org-slug",
+ "status": Object {
+ "id": "active",
+ "name": "active",
+ },
+ "teams": Array [],
+ }
+ }
+ pluginList={Array []}
+ project={
+ Object {
+ "allowedDomains": Array [
+ "example.com",
+ "https://example.com",
+ ],
+ "dataScrubber": false,
+ "dataScrubberDefaults": false,
+ "digestsMaxDelay": 60,
+ "digestsMinDelay": 5,
+ "features": Array [],
+ "hasAccess": true,
+ "id": "2",
+ "isBookmarked": false,
+ "isMember": true,
+ "name": "Project Name",
+ "resolveAge": 48,
+ "safeFields": Array [
+ "business-email",
+ "company",
+ ],
+ "scrapeJavaScript": true,
+ "scrubIPAddresses": false,
+ "securityToken": "security-token",
+ "securityTokenHeader": "x-security-header",
+ "sensitiveFields": Array [
+ "creditcard",
+ "ssn",
+ ],
+ "slug": "project-slug",
+ "storeCrashReports": false,
+ "subjectPrefix": "[my-org]",
+ "subjectTemplate": "[$project] \${tag:level}: $title",
+ "teams": Array [],
+ "verifySSL": true,
+ }
+ }
+ />