@@ -283,6 +283,10 @@ describe('Dashboards > Detail', function () {
method: 'GET',
body: [],
+ MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events-geo/',
+ body: {data: [], meta: {}},
+ });
afterEach(function () {
@@ -918,5 +922,97 @@ describe('Dashboards > Detail', function () {
+ it('saves a new dashboard with the page filters', async () => {
+ const mockPOST = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: '/organizations/org-slug/dashboards/',
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: [],
+ });
+ render(
+ <CreateDashboard
+ organization={{
+ ...initialData.organization,
+ features: [
+ ...initialData.organization.features,
+ 'dashboards-top-level-filter',
+ ],
+ }}
+ params={{orgId: 'org-slug'}}
+ router={initialData.router}
+ location={{
+ ...initialData.router.location,
+ query: {
+ ...initialData.router.location.query,
+ statsPeriod: '7d',
+ project: [2],
+ environment: ['alpha', 'beta'],
+ },
+ }}
+ />,
+ {
+ context: initialData.routerContext,
+ organization: initialData.organization,
+ }
+ );
+ userEvent.click(await screen.findByText('Save and Finish'));
+ expect(mockPOST).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ '/organizations/org-slug/dashboards/',
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ data: expect.objectContaining({
+ projects: [2],
+ environment: ['alpha', 'beta'],
+ period: '7d',
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ it('saves a template with the page filters', async () => {
+ const mockPOST = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
+ url: '/organizations/org-slug/dashboards/',
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: [],
+ });
+ render(
+ <CreateDashboard
+ organization={{
+ ...initialData.organization,
+ features: [
+ ...initialData.organization.features,
+ 'dashboards-top-level-filter',
+ ],
+ }}
+ params={{orgId: 'org-slug', templateId: 'default-template'}}
+ router={initialData.router}
+ location={{
+ ...initialData.router.location,
+ query: {
+ ...initialData.router.location.query,
+ statsPeriod: '7d',
+ project: [2],
+ environment: ['alpha', 'beta'],
+ },
+ }}
+ />,
+ {
+ context: initialData.routerContext,
+ organization: initialData.organization,
+ }
+ );
+ userEvent.click(await screen.findByText('Add Dashboard'));
+ expect(mockPOST).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ '/organizations/org-slug/dashboards/',
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ data: expect.objectContaining({
+ projects: [2],
+ environment: ['alpha', 'beta'],
+ period: '7d',
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ });