@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {Fragment, useState} from 'react';
import range from 'lodash/range';
import JSXNode from 'sentry/components/stories/jsxNode';
-import Matrix from 'sentry/components/stories/matrix';
+import Matrix, {type PropMatrix} from 'sentry/components/stories/matrix';
import SideBySide from 'sentry/components/stories/sideBySide';
import SizingWindow from 'sentry/components/stories/sizingWindow';
import type {TabListProps, TabsProps} from 'sentry/components/tabs';
@@ -188,43 +188,89 @@ export default storyBook(Tabs, story => {
- story('Variants', () => (
- <div>
- <p>
- Use the variant prop to control which tab design to use. The default, "flat", is
- used in the above examples, but you can also use "filled" variant, as shown below.
- Note that the "filled" variant does not work when the oritentation is vertical
- </p>
- <SizingWindow>
- <Tabs>
- <TabList variant={'filled'}>
- {TABS.map(tab => (
- <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
- ))}
- </TabList>
- <TabPanels>
- {TABS.map(tab => (
- <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
- ))}
- </TabPanels>
- </Tabs>
- </SizingWindow>
- <br />
- <p>You can also use the "floating" variant, which is used below</p>
- <SizingWindow>
- <Tabs>
- <TabList variant="floating" hideBorder>
- {TABS.map(tab => (
- <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
- ))}
- </TabList>
- <TabPanels>
- {TABS.map(tab => (
- <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
- ))}
- </TabPanels>
- </Tabs>
- </SizingWindow>
- </div>
- ));
+ story('Variants', () => {
+ const propMatrix: PropMatrix<TabsProps<string> & TabListProps> = {
+ hideBorder: [undefined, false, true],
+ orientation: [undefined, 'horizontal', 'vertical'],
+ variant: [undefined, 'flat', 'filled', 'floating'],
+ };
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <p>
+ Use the variant prop to control which tab design to use. The default, "flat", is
+ used in the above examples, but you can also use "filled" variant, as shown
+ below. Note that the "filled" variant does not work when the oritentation is
+ vertical
+ </p>
+ <SizingWindow>
+ <Tabs>
+ <TabList variant={'filled'}>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabList>
+ <TabPanels>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabPanels>
+ </Tabs>
+ </SizingWindow>
+ <br />
+ <p>You can also use the "floating" variant, which is used below</p>
+ <SizingWindow>
+ <Tabs>
+ <TabList variant="floating" hideBorder>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabList>
+ <TabPanels>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabPanels>
+ </Tabs>
+ </SizingWindow>
+ <br />
+ <Matrix<TabsProps<string> & TabListProps>
+ render={props => (
+ <Tabs orientation={props.orientation}>
+ <TabList variant={props.variant}>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabList>
+ <TabPanels>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabPanels>
+ </Tabs>
+ )}
+ propMatrix={propMatrix}
+ selectedProps={['orientation', 'variant']}
+ />
+ <br />
+ <Matrix<TabsProps<string> & TabListProps>
+ render={props => (
+ <Tabs>
+ <TabList variant={props.variant} hideBorder={props.hideBorder}>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabList.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.label}</TabList.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabList>
+ <TabPanels>
+ {TABS.map(tab => (
+ <TabPanels.Item key={tab.key}>{tab.content}</TabPanels.Item>
+ ))}
+ </TabPanels>
+ </Tabs>
+ )}
+ propMatrix={propMatrix}
+ selectedProps={['hideBorder', 'variant']}
+ />
+ </div>
+ );
+ });