@@ -2,22 +2,11 @@ import {Flex, Box} from 'grid-emotion';
import {Link} from 'react-router';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
-import classNames from 'classnames';
-import styled from 'react-emotion';
+import styled, {css} from 'react-emotion';
import ExternalLink from 'app/components/externalLink';
import InlineSvg from 'app/components/inlineSvg';
-import 'app/../less/components/button.less';
-const Icon = styled(Box)`
- margin-right: ${p => (p.size === 'small' ? '6px' : '8px')};
- margin-left: -2px;
-const StyledInlineSvg = styled(InlineSvg)`
- display: block;
+import Tooltip from 'app/components/tooltip';
class Button extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
@@ -33,6 +22,9 @@ class Button extends React.Component {
* Use this prop if button should use a normal (non-react-router) link
href: PropTypes.string,
+ /**
+ * Path to an icon svg that will be displayed to left of button label
+ */
icon: PropTypes.string,
* Tooltip text
@@ -42,7 +34,16 @@ class Button extends React.Component {
* Is an external link? (Will open in new tab)
external: PropTypes.bool,
+ /**
+ * Button with a border
+ */
borderless: PropTypes.bool,
+ /**
+ * Label for screen-readers (`aria-label`).
+ * `children` will be used by default (only if it is a string), but this property takes priority.
+ */
+ label: PropTypes.string,
onClick: PropTypes.func,
@@ -62,26 +63,21 @@ class Button extends React.Component {
- getUrl = () => {
- let {disabled, to, href} = this.props;
+ getUrl = prop => {
+ let {disabled} = this.props;
if (disabled) return null;
- return to || href;
+ return prop;
render() {
let {
- priority,
- children,
- className,
- disabled,
- busy,
- borderless,
- external,
+ children,
+ label,
// destructure from `buttonProps`
// not necessary, but just in case someone re-orders props
@@ -90,70 +86,177 @@ class Button extends React.Component {
} = this.props;
- let isPrimary = priority === 'primary' && !disabled;
- let isDanger = priority === 'danger' && !disabled;
- let isSuccess = priority === 'success' && !disabled;
- let isLink = priority === 'link';
- let cx = classNames(className, 'button', {
- tip: !!title,
- 'button-no-border': borderless,
- 'button-primary': isPrimary,
- 'button-danger': isDanger,
- 'button-success': isSuccess,
- 'button-link': isLink && !isPrimary && !isDanger,
- 'button-default': !isLink && !isPrimary && !isDanger,
- 'button-zero': size === 'zero',
- 'button-sm': size === 'small',
- 'button-xs': size === 'xsmall',
- 'button-lg': size === 'large',
- 'button-busy': busy,
- 'button-disabled': disabled,
- });
- let childContainer = (
- <Flex align="center" className="button-label">
- {icon && (
- <Icon size={size}>
- <StyledInlineSvg src={icon} size={size === 'small' ? '12px' : '16px'} />
- </Icon>
- )}
- {children}
- </Flex>
+ // For `aria-label`
+ let screenReaderLabel = label || typeof children === 'string' ? children : undefined;
+ // Buttons come in 4 flavors: <Link>, <ExternalLink>, <a>, and <button>.
+ // Let's use props to determine which to serve up, so we don't have to think about it.
+ // *Note* you must still handle tabindex manually.
+ let button = (
+ <StyledButton
+ aria-label={screenReaderLabel}
+ to={this.getUrl(to)}
+ href={this.getUrl(href)}
+ size={size}
+ {...buttonProps}
+ onClick={this.handleClick}
+ role="button"
+ >
+ <ButtonLabel size={size}>
+ {icon && (
+ <Icon size={size} hasChildren={!!children}>
+ <StyledInlineSvg src={icon} size={size === 'small' ? '12px' : '16px'} />
+ </Icon>
+ )}
+ {children}
+ </ButtonLabel>
+ </StyledButton>
- // Buttons come in 3 flavors: Link, anchor, and regular buttons. Let's
- // use props to determine which to serve up, so we don't have to think
- // about it. As a bonus, let's ensure all buttons appear as a button
- // control to screen readers. Note: you must still handle tabindex manually.
- // Props common to all elements
- let componentProps = {
- disabled,
- ...buttonProps,
- onClick: this.handleClick,
- className: cx,
- role: 'button',
- children: childContainer,
- };
- // Handle react-router Links
- if (to) {
- return <Link to={this.getUrl()} {...componentProps} />;
+ // Doing this instead of using `Tooltip`'s `disabled` prop so that we can minimize snapshot nesting
+ if (title) {
+ return <Tooltip title={title}>{button}</Tooltip>;
- if (href && external) {
- return <ExternalLink href={this.getUrl()} {...componentProps} />;
- }
+ return button;
+ }
+export default Button;
+const getFontSize = ({size, theme}) => {
+ switch (size) {
+ case 'xsmall':
+ case 'small':
+ return theme.fontSizeSmall;
+ case 'large':
+ return theme.fontSizeLarge;
+ default:
+ return theme.fontSizeMedium;
+ }
+const getFontWeight = ({priority}) => `font-weight: ${priority === 'link' ? 400 : 600};`;
+const getBoxShadow = active => ({priority, borderless, disabled}) => {
+ if (disabled || borderless || priority === 'link') {
+ return 'box-shadow: none';
+ }
+ return `box-shadow: ${active ? 'inset' : ''} 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)`;
+const getColors = ({priority, disabled, theme}) => {
+ let themeName = disabled ? 'disabled' : priority || 'default';
+ let {
+ color,
+ colorActive,
+ background,
+ backgroundActive,
+ border,
+ borderActive,
+ } = theme.button[themeName];
+ return css`
+ color: ${color};
+ background-color: ${background};
+ border: 1px solid ${border || 'transparent'};
- // Handle traditional links
- if (href) {
- return <a href={this.getUrl()} {...componentProps} />;
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &:active {
+ ${colorActive ? 'color: ${colorActive};' : ''};
+ background: ${backgroundActive};
+ border: 1px solid ${borderActive || border || 'transparent'};
+ `;
- // Otherwise, fall back to basic button element
- return <button {...componentProps} />;
+const StyledButton = styled(({busy, external, borderless, ...props}) => {
+ // Get component to use based on existance of `to` or `href` properties
+ // Can be react-router `Link`, `a`, or `button`
+ if (props.to) {
+ return <Link {...props} />;
-export default Button;
+ if (!props.href) {
+ return <button {...props} />;
+ }
+ if (external) {
+ return <ExternalLink {...props} />;
+ }
+ return <a {...props} />;
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: 1;
+ border-radius: ${p => p.theme.button.borderRadius};
+ padding: 0;
+ text-transform: none;
+ ${getFontWeight};
+ font-size: ${getFontSize};
+ ${getColors};
+ ${getBoxShadow(false)};
+ cursor: ${p => (p.disabled ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer')};
+ opacity: ${p => (p.busy || p.disabled) && '0.65'};
+ &:active {
+ ${getBoxShadow(true)};
+ }
+ &:focus {
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ ${p => p.borderless && 'border-color: transparent'};
+ * Get label padding determined by size
+ */
+const getLabelPadding = ({size, priority}) => {
+ if (priority === 'link') {
+ return '0';
+ }
+ switch (size) {
+ case 'zero':
+ return '0';
+ case 'xsmall':
+ return '6px 10px';
+ case 'small':
+ return '8px 12px;';
+ case 'large':
+ return '14px 20px';
+ default:
+ return '12px 16px;';
+ }
+const ButtonLabel = styled(props => <Flex align="center" {...props} />)`
+ padding: ${getLabelPadding};
+ .icon {
+ margin-right: 2px;
+ }
+const getIconMargin = ({size, hasChildren}) => {
+ // If button is only an icon, then it shouldn't have margin
+ if (!hasChildren) {
+ return '0';
+ }
+ return size === 'small' ? '6px' : '8px';
+const Icon = styled(({hasChildren, ...props}) => <Box {...props} />)`
+ margin-right: ${getIconMargin};
+ margin-left: -2px;
+const StyledInlineSvg = styled(InlineSvg)`
+ display: block;