@@ -234,6 +234,25 @@ class OrganizationDashboardDetailsDeleteTest(OrganizationDashboardDetailsTestCas
+ def test_disallow_delete_when_no_project_access(self):
+ # disable Open Membership
+ self.organization.flags.allow_joinleave = False
+ self.organization.save()
+ # assign a project to a dashboard
+ self.dashboard.projects.set([self.project])
+ # user has no access to the above project
+ user_no_team = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.create_member(
+ user=user_no_team, organization=self.organization, role="member", teams=[]
+ )
+ self.login_as(user_no_team)
+ response = self.do_request("delete", self.url(self.dashboard.id))
+ assert response.status_code == 403
+ assert response.data == {"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."}
def test_dashboard_does_not_exist(self):
response = self.do_request("delete", self.url(1234567890))
assert response.status_code == 404
@@ -338,6 +357,27 @@ class OrganizationDashboardDetailsPutTest(OrganizationDashboardDetailsTestCase):
assert response.status_code == 409, response.data
assert list(response.data) == ["Dashboard with that title already exists."]
+ def test_disallow_put_when_no_project_access(self):
+ # disable Open Membership
+ self.organization.flags.allow_joinleave = False
+ self.organization.save()
+ # assign a project to a dashboard
+ self.dashboard.projects.set([self.project])
+ # user has no access to the above project
+ user_no_team = self.create_user(is_superuser=False)
+ self.create_member(
+ user=user_no_team, organization=self.organization, role="member", teams=[]
+ )
+ self.login_as(user_no_team)
+ response = self.do_request(
+ "put", self.url(self.dashboard.id), data={"title": "Dashboard Hello"}
+ )
+ assert response.status_code == 403, response.data
+ assert response.data == {"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."}
def test_add_widget(self):
data: dict[str, Any] = {
"title": "First dashboard",