@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def get_profile_ids(
def get_span_intervals(
project_id: str,
- span_group: str,
+ span_filter: Condition,
transaction_ids: List[str],
organization_id: str,
params: ParamsType,
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ def get_span_intervals(
Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project_id),
Condition(Column("transaction_id"), Op.IN, transaction_ids),
- Condition(Column("group_raw"), Op.EQ, span_group),
Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, params["start"]),
Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, params["end"]),
+ span_filter,
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def get_profile_ids_with_spans(
elif backend == "indexed_spans":
data = get_span_intervals(
- span_group,
+ Condition(Column("group_raw"), Op.EQ, span_group),
@@ -188,3 +188,54 @@ def get_profile_ids_with_spans(
spans = [tup[1] for tup in transaction_to_prof.values()]
return {"profile_ids": profile_ids, "spans": spans}
+def get_profile_ids_for_span_op(
+ organization_id: str,
+ project_id: str,
+ params: ParamsType,
+ span_op: str,
+ backend: str,
+ query: Optional[str] = None,
+ data = query_profiles_data(
+ params,
+ selected_columns=["id", "profile.id"],
+ query=query,
+ additional_conditions=[
+ # Check if span op is in the the indexed transactions spans.op array
+ Condition(Function("has", [Column("spans.op"), span_op]), Op.EQ, 1)
+ ],
+ )
+ # map {transaction_id: (profile_id, [span intervals])}
+ transaction_to_prof: Dict[str, Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]] = {
+ row["id"]: (row["profile.id"], []) for row in data
+ }
+ if not transaction_to_prof:
+ return {"profile_ids": [], "spans": []}
+ # Note: "op" is not a part of the indexed spans orderby so this is
+ # is probably not a very efficient filter. This is just to
+ # build a little PoC for now, if it needs to be used more extensively
+ # in production, we can optimize it.
+ data = get_span_intervals(
+ project_id,
+ Condition(Column("op"), Op.EQ, span_op),
+ list(transaction_to_prof.keys()),
+ organization_id,
+ params,
+ )
+ for row in data:
+ transaction_to_prof[row["transaction_id"]][1].append(
+ {"start": row["start_ns"], "end": row["end_ns"]}
+ )
+ profile_ids = [tup[0] for tup in transaction_to_prof.values()]
+ spans = [tup[1] for tup in transaction_to_prof.values()]
+ return {"profile_ids": profile_ids, "spans": spans}