@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+import {Fragment, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import MultipleCheckbox from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/multipleCheckbox';
+import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import {type IntegrationAction, IssueAlertActionType} from 'sentry/types/alerts';
+import type {OrganizationIntegration} from 'sentry/types/integrations';
+import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient';
+import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi';
+import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
+import SetupMessagingIntegrationButton, {
+ MessagingIntegrationAnalyticsView,
+} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/issue/setupMessagingIntegrationButton';
+import MessagingIntegrationAlertRule from 'sentry/views/projectInstall/messagingIntegrationAlertRule';
+export const providerDetails = {
+ slack: {
+ name: t('Slack'),
+ action: IssueAlertActionType.SLACK,
+ placeholder: t('channel, e.g. #critical'),
+ makeSentence: ({providerName, integrationName, target}) =>
+ tct(
+ 'Send [providerName] notification to the [integrationName] workspace to [target]',
+ {
+ providerName,
+ integrationName,
+ target,
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ discord: {
+ name: t('Discord'),
+ action: IssueAlertActionType.DISCORD,
+ placeholder: t('channel ID or URL'),
+ makeSentence: ({providerName, integrationName, target}) =>
+ tct(
+ 'Send [providerName] notification to the [integrationName] server in the channel [target]',
+ {
+ providerName,
+ integrationName,
+ target,
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ msteams: {
+ name: t('MS Teams'),
+ action: IssueAlertActionType.MS_TEAMS,
+ placeholder: t('channel ID'),
+ makeSentence: ({providerName, integrationName, target}) =>
+ tct('Send [providerName] notification to the [integrationName] team to [target]', {
+ providerName,
+ integrationName,
+ target,
+ }),
+ },
+export const enum MultipleCheckboxOptions {
+ EMAIL = 'email',
+ INTEGRATION = 'integration',
+export type IssueAlertNotificationProps = {
+ actions: MultipleCheckboxOptions[];
+ channel: string | undefined;
+ integration: OrganizationIntegration | undefined;
+ provider: string | undefined;
+ providersToIntegrations: Record<string, OrganizationIntegration[]>;
+ querySuccess: boolean;
+ refetchConfigs: () => void;
+ setActions: (action: MultipleCheckboxOptions[]) => void;
+ setChannel: (channel: string | undefined) => void;
+ setIntegration: (integration: OrganizationIntegration | undefined) => void;
+ setProvider: (provider: string | undefined) => void;
+ shouldRenderSetupButton: boolean;
+export function useCreateNotificationAction() {
+ const api = useApi();
+ const organization = useOrganization();
+ const messagingIntegrationsQuery = useApiQuery<OrganizationIntegration[]>(
+ [`/organizations/${organization.slug}/integrations/?integrationType=messaging`],
+ {staleTime: Infinity}
+ );
+ const providersToIntegrations = useMemo(() => {
+ const map: Record<string, OrganizationIntegration[]> = {};
+ if (messagingIntegrationsQuery.data) {
+ for (const i of messagingIntegrationsQuery.data) {
+ if (i.status === 'active') {
+ const providerSlug = i.provider.slug;
+ map[providerSlug] = map[providerSlug] ?? [];
+ map[providerSlug].push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return map;
+ }, [messagingIntegrationsQuery.data]);
+ const [actions, setActions] = useState<MultipleCheckboxOptions[]>([
+ MultipleCheckboxOptions.EMAIL,
+ ]);
+ const [provider, setProvider] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined);
+ const [integration, setIntegration] = useState<OrganizationIntegration | undefined>(
+ undefined
+ );
+ const [channel, setChannel] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined);
+ const [shouldRenderSetupButton, setShouldRenderSetupButton] = useState<boolean>(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (messagingIntegrationsQuery.isSuccess) {
+ const providerKeys = Object.keys(providersToIntegrations);
+ const firstProvider = providerKeys[0] ?? undefined;
+ const firstIntegration = providersToIntegrations[firstProvider]?.[0] ?? undefined;
+ setProvider(firstProvider);
+ setIntegration(firstIntegration);
+ setShouldRenderSetupButton(!firstProvider);
+ }
+ }, [messagingIntegrationsQuery.isSuccess, providersToIntegrations]);
+ type Props = {
+ actionMatch: string | undefined;
+ conditions: {id: string; interval: string; value: string}[] | undefined;
+ frequency: number | undefined;
+ name: string | undefined;
+ projectSlug: string;
+ shouldCreateRule: boolean | undefined;
+ };
+ const createNotificationAction = useCallback(
+ ({
+ shouldCreateRule,
+ projectSlug,
+ name,
+ conditions,
+ actionMatch,
+ frequency,
+ }: Props) => {
+ const isCreatingIntegrationNotification = actions.find(
+ action => action === MultipleCheckboxOptions.INTEGRATION
+ );
+ if (
+ !organization.features.includes(
+ 'messaging-integration-onboarding-project-creation'
+ ) ||
+ !shouldCreateRule ||
+ !isCreatingIntegrationNotification
+ ) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ let integrationAction: IntegrationAction;
+ switch (provider) {
+ case 'slack':
+ integrationAction = {
+ id: IssueAlertActionType.SLACK,
+ workspace: integration?.id,
+ channel: channel,
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'discord':
+ integrationAction = {
+ id: IssueAlertActionType.DISCORD,
+ server: integration?.id,
+ channel_id: channel,
+ };
+ break;
+ case 'msteams':
+ integrationAction = {
+ id: IssueAlertActionType.MS_TEAMS,
+ team: integration?.id,
+ channel: channel,
+ };
+ break;
+ default:
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return api.requestPromise(`/projects/${organization.slug}/${projectSlug}/rules/`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ data: {
+ name,
+ conditions,
+ actions: [integrationAction],
+ actionMatch,
+ frequency,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ [
+ actions,
+ api,
+ provider,
+ integration,
+ channel,
+ organization.features,
+ organization.slug,
+ ]
+ );
+ return {
+ createNotificationAction,
+ notificationProps: {
+ actions,
+ provider,
+ integration,
+ channel,
+ setActions,
+ setProvider,
+ setIntegration,
+ setChannel,
+ providersToIntegrations,
+ refetchConfigs: messagingIntegrationsQuery.refetch,
+ querySuccess: messagingIntegrationsQuery.isSuccess,
+ shouldRenderSetupButton,
+ },
+ };
+export default function IssueAlertNotificationOptions(
+ notificationProps: IssueAlertNotificationProps
+) {
+ const {actions, setActions, refetchConfigs, querySuccess, shouldRenderSetupButton} =
+ notificationProps;
+ const shouldRenderNotificationConfigs = actions.some(
+ v => v !== MultipleCheckboxOptions.EMAIL
+ );
+ if (!querySuccess) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ <MultipleCheckbox
+ name="notification"
+ value={actions}
+ onChange={values => setActions(values)}
+ >
+ <Wrapper>
+ <MultipleCheckbox.Item value={MultipleCheckboxOptions.EMAIL} disabled>
+ {t('Notify via email')}
+ </MultipleCheckbox.Item>
+ {!shouldRenderSetupButton && (
+ <div>
+ <MultipleCheckbox.Item value={MultipleCheckboxOptions.INTEGRATION}>
+ {t('Notify via integration (Slack, Discord, MS Teams, etc.)')}
+ </MultipleCheckbox.Item>
+ {shouldRenderNotificationConfigs && (
+ <MessagingIntegrationAlertRule {...notificationProps} />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ )}
+ </Wrapper>
+ </MultipleCheckbox>
+ {shouldRenderSetupButton && (
+ <SetupMessagingIntegrationButton
+ refetchConfigs={refetchConfigs}
+ analyticsParams={{
+ view: MessagingIntegrationAnalyticsView.ALERT_RULE_CREATION,
+ }}
+ />
+ )}
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+const Wrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: ${space(1)};