@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ type Props = {
triggerAutofix: (value: string) => void;
-export function AutofixBanner({
+function SuccessfulSetup({
- projectId,
- hasSuccessfulSetup,
-}: Props) {
- const isSentryEmployee = useIsSentryEmployee();
+}: Pick<Props, 'groupId' | 'triggerAutofix'>) {
const onClickGiveInstructions = () => {
openModal(deps => (
@@ -41,8 +38,79 @@ export function AutofixBanner({
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ <Button
+ onClick={() => triggerAutofix('')}
+ size="sm"
+ analyticsEventKey="autofix.start_fix_clicked"
+ analyticsEventName="Autofix: Start Fix Clicked"
+ analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
+ >
+ {t('Gimme Fix')}
+ </Button>
+ <Button
+ onClick={onClickGiveInstructions}
+ size="sm"
+ analyticsEventKey="autofix.give_instructions_clicked"
+ analyticsEventName="Autofix: Give Instructions Clicked"
+ analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
+ >
+ {t('Give Instructions')}
+ </Button>
+ </Fragment>
+ );
+function AutofixBannerContent({
+ groupId,
+ triggerAutofix,
+ hasSuccessfulSetup,
+ projectId,
+}: Props) {
const {status: indexingStatus} = useAutofixCodebaseIndexing({projectId, groupId});
+ if (hasSuccessfulSetup) {
+ return <SuccessfulSetup groupId={groupId} triggerAutofix={triggerAutofix} />;
+ }
+ if (indexingStatus === AutofixCodebaseIndexingStatus.INDEXING) {
+ return (
+ <RowStack>
+ <LoadingIndicator mini />
+ <LoadingMessage>
+ Indexing your repositories, hold tight this may take up to 30 minutes...
+ </LoadingMessage>
+ </RowStack>
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ <Button
+ analyticsEventKey="autofix.setup_clicked"
+ analyticsEventName="Autofix: Setup Clicked"
+ analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
+ onClick={() => {
+ openModal(deps => (
+ <AutofixSetupModal {...deps} groupId={groupId} projectId={projectId} />
+ ));
+ }}
+ size="sm"
+ >
+ Setup Autofix
+ </Button>
+ );
+export function AutofixBanner({
+ groupId,
+ projectId,
+ triggerAutofix,
+ hasSuccessfulSetup,
+}: Props) {
+ const isSentryEmployee = useIsSentryEmployee();
return (
@@ -56,49 +124,12 @@ export function AutofixBanner({
<SubTitle>{t('You might get lucky, but then again, maybe not...')}</SubTitle>
- {hasSuccessfulSetup ? (
- <Fragment>
- <Button
- onClick={() => triggerAutofix('')}
- size="sm"
- analyticsEventKey="autofix.start_fix_clicked"
- analyticsEventName="Autofix: Start Fix Clicked"
- analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
- >
- {t('Gimme Fix')}
- </Button>
- <Button
- onClick={onClickGiveInstructions}
- size="sm"
- analyticsEventKey="autofix.give_instructions_clicked"
- analyticsEventName="Autofix: Give Instructions Clicked"
- analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
- >
- {t('Give Instructions')}
- </Button>
- </Fragment>
- ) : indexingStatus === AutofixCodebaseIndexingStatus.INDEXING ? (
- <RowStack>
- <LoadingIndicator mini />
- <LoadingMessage>
- Indexing your repositories, hold tight this may take up to 30 minutes...
- </LoadingMessage>
- </RowStack>
- ) : (
- <Button
- analyticsEventKey="autofix.setup_clicked"
- analyticsEventName="Autofix: Setup Clicked"
- analyticsParams={{group_id: groupId}}
- onClick={() => {
- openModal(deps => (
- <AutofixSetupModal {...deps} groupId={groupId} projectId={projectId} />
- ));
- }}
- size="sm"
- >
- Setup Autofix
- </Button>
- )}
+ <AutofixBannerContent
+ groupId={groupId}
+ projectId={projectId}
+ triggerAutofix={triggerAutofix}
+ hasSuccessfulSetup={hasSuccessfulSetup}
+ />
{isSentryEmployee && hasSuccessfulSetup && (