@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME
-from social_auth.models import UserSocialAuth
-from social_auth.backends import get_backends
-from social_auth.utils import group_backend_by_type, LazyDict
-# Note: social_auth_backends, social_auth_by_type_backends and
-# social_auth_by_name_backends don't play nice together.
-def social_auth_backends(request):
- """Load Social Auth current user data to context.
- Will add a output from backends_data to context under social_auth key.
- """
- def context_value():
- return backends_data(request.user)
- return {"social_auth": LazyDict(context_value)}
-def social_auth_by_type_backends(request):
- """Load Social Auth current user data to context.
- Will add a output from backends_data to context under social_auth key where
- each entry will be grouped by backend type (oauth, oauth2).
- """
- def context_value():
- data = backends_data(request.user)
- data["backends"] = group_backend_by_type(data["backends"])
- data["not_associated"] = group_backend_by_type(data["not_associated"])
- data["associated"] = group_backend_by_type(
- data["associated"], key=lambda assoc: assoc.provider
- )
- return data
- return {"social_auth": LazyDict(context_value)}
-def social_auth_by_name_backends(request):
- """Load Social Auth current user data to context.
- Will add a social_auth object whose attribute names are the names of each
- provider, e.g. social_auth.facebook would be the facebook association or
- None, depending on the logged in user's current associations. Providers
- with a hyphen have the hyphen replaced with an underscore, e.g.
- google-oauth2 becomes google_oauth2 when referenced in templates.
- """
- def context_value():
- keys = [key for key in get_backends().keys()]
- accounts = dict(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys)))
- user = request.user
- if hasattr(user, "is_authenticated") and user.is_authenticated():
- accounts.update(
- (assoc.provider, assoc) for assoc in UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user)
- )
- return accounts
- return {"social_auth": LazyDict(context_value)}
-def backends_data(user):
- """Return backends data for given user.
- Will return a dict with values:
- associated: UserSocialAuth model instances for currently
- associated accounts
- not_associated: Not associated (yet) backend names.
- backends: All backend names.
- If user is not authenticated, then first list is empty, and there's no
- difference between the second and third lists.
- """
- available = get_backends().keys()
- values = {"associated": [], "not_associated": available, "backends": available}
- # user comes from request.user usually, on /admin/ it will be an instance
- # of auth.User and this code will fail if a custom User model was defined
- if hasattr(user, "is_authenticated") and user.is_authenticated():
- associated = UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user)
- not_associated = list(set(available) - set(assoc.provider for assoc in associated))
- values["associated"] = associated
- values["not_associated"] = not_associated
- return values
-def social_auth_login_redirect(request):
- """Load current redirect to context."""
- redirect_value = request.GET.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME)
- if redirect_value:
- redirect_querystring = REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME + "=" + redirect_value
- else:
- redirect_querystring = ""
- return {
- "REDIRECT_FIELD_VALUE": redirect_value,
- "redirect_querystring": redirect_querystring,
- }