@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{% load sentry_helpers %}
+// Sentry Loader
+(function(_window, _document, _script, _onerror, _onunhandledrejection) {
+ // Create a namespace and attach function that will store captured exception
+ // Because functions are also objects, we can attach the queue itself straight to it and save some bytes
+ var queue = function(exception) {
+ queue.data.push(exception);
+ };
+ queue.data = [];
+ // Store reference to the old `onerror` handler and override it with our own function
+ // that will just push exceptions to the queue and call through old handler if we found one
+ var _oldOnerror = _window[_onerror];
+ _window[_onerror] = function(message, source, lineno, colno, exception) {
+ // Use keys as "data type" to save some characters"
+ queue({
+ e: [].slice.call(arguments)
+ });
+ if (_oldOnerror) _oldOnerror.apply(_window, arguments);
+ };
+ // Do the same store/queue/call operations for `onunhandledrejection` event
+ var _oldOnunhandledrejection = _window[_onunhandledrejection];
+ _window[_onunhandledrejection] = function(exception) {
+ queue({
+ p: exception.reason
+ });
+ if (_oldOnunhandledrejection) _oldOnunhandledrejection.apply(_window, arguments);
+ };
+ // Create a `script` tag with provided SDK `url` and attach it just before the first, already existing `script` tag
+ // Scripts that are dynamically created and added to the document are async by default,
+ // they don't block rendering and execute as soon as they download, meaning they could
+ // come out in the wrong order. Because of that we don't need async=1 as GA does.
+ // it was probably(?) a legacy behavior that they left to not modify few years old snippet
+ // https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/script-loading/
+ var _currentScriptTag = _document.getElementsByTagName(_script)[0];
+ var _newScriptTag = _document.createElement(_script);
+ _newScriptTag.src = '{{ jsSdkUrl|safe }}';
+ _newScriptTag.crossorigin = 'anonymous';
+ // Once our SDK is loaded
+ _newScriptTag.addEventListener('load', function() {
+ try {
+ // Restore onerror/onunhandledrejection handlers
+ _window[_onerror] = _oldOnerror;
+ _window[_onunhandledrejection] = _oldOnunhandledrejection;
+ var data = queue.data;
+ var SDK = _window.Sentry;
+ // Configure it using provided DSN and config object
+ SDK.init({{ config|to_json|safe }});
+ // Because we installed the SDK, at this point we have an access to TraceKit's handler,
+ // which can take care of browser differences (eg. missing exception argument in onerror)
+ var tracekitErrorHandler = _window[_onerror];
+ // And capture all previously caught exceptions
+ if (data.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ if (data[i].e) {
+ tracekitErrorHandler(data[i].e);
+ } else if (data[i].p) {
+ SDK.captureException(data[i].p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (o_O) {
+ console.log(o_O);
+ }
+ });
+ _currentScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(_newScriptTag, _currentScriptTag);
+})(window, document, 'script', 'onerror', 'onunhandledrejection');