@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import logging
import random
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
+from pkg_resources import resource_string
from django.conf import settings
from redis.client import Script
@@ -71,85 +72,13 @@ def make_record_key(timeline_key, record):
return '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(timeline_key, TIMELINE_RECORD_PATH_COMPONENT, record)
-# Ensures a timeline is scheduled to be digested, adjusting the schedule time
-# if necessary.
-# ARGV: {
-# TIMELINE, -- timeline key
-# INCREMENT, -- amount of time (in seconds) that an event addition delays scheduling
-# MAXIMUM -- maximum amount of time (in seconds) between a timeline being
-# -- digested, and the same timeline being scheduled for the next
-# -- digestion
-# }
-local WAITING = KEYS[1] or error("incorrect number of keys provided")
-local READY = KEYS[2] or error("incorrect number of keys provided")
-local LAST_PROCESSED_TIMESTAMP = KEYS[3] or error("incorrect number of keys provided")
-local TIMELINE = ARGV[1] or error("incorrect number of arguments provided")
-local TIMESTAMP = ARGV[2] or error("incorrect number of arguments provided")
-local INCREMENT = ARGV[3] or error("incorrect number of arguments provided")
-local MAXIMUM = ARGV[4] or error("incorrect number of arguments provided")
--- If the timeline is already in the "ready" set, this is a noop.
-if tonumber(redis.call('ZSCORE', READY, TIMELINE)) ~= nil then
- return false
--- Otherwise, check to see if the timeline is in the "waiting" set.
-local score = tonumber(redis.call('ZSCORE', WAITING, TIMELINE))
-if score ~= nil then
- -- If the timeline is already in the "waiting" set, increase the delay by
- -- min(current schedule + increment value, maximum delay after last processing time).
- local last = tonumber(redis.call('GET', LAST_PROCESSED_TIMESTAMP))
- local update = nil;
- if last == nil then
- -- If the last processed timestamp is missing for some reason (possibly
- -- evicted), be conservative and allow the timeline to be scheduled
- -- with either the current schedule time or provided timestamp,
- -- whichever is smaller.
- update = math.min(score, TIMESTAMP)
- else
- update = math.min(
- score + tonumber(INCREMENT),
- last + tonumber(MAXIMUM)
- )
- end
- if update ~= score then
- redis.call('ZADD', WAITING, update, TIMELINE)
- end
- return false
--- If the timeline isn't already in either set, add it to the "ready" set with
--- the provided timestamp. This allows for immediate scheduling, bypassing the
--- imposed delay of the "waiting" state.
-return true
-# Trims a timeline to a maximum number of records.
-# Returns the number of keys that were deleted.
-local keys = redis.call('ZREVRANGE', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], -1)
-local prefix = ARGV[2] or KEYS[1]
-for i, record in pairs(keys) do
- redis.call('DEL', prefix .. ':{TIMELINE_RECORD_PATH_COMPONENT}:' .. record)
- redis.call('ZREM', KEYS[1], record)
-return table.getn(keys)
-# XXX: Passing `None` as the first argument is a dirty hack to allow us to use
-# this more easily with the cluster
-ensure_timeline_scheduled = Script(None, ENSURE_TIMELINE_SCHEDULED_SCRIPT)
-truncate_timeline = Script(None, TRUNCATE_TIMELINE_SCRIPT)
+def load_script(name):
+ path = '/'.join(__name__.split('.')[1:-1] + [name])
+ return Script(None, resource_string('sentry', path))
+ensure_timeline_scheduled = load_script('ensure_timeline_scheduled.lua')
+truncate_timeline = load_script('truncate_timeline.lua')
class RedisBackend(Backend):
@@ -276,7 +205,11 @@ class RedisBackend(Backend):
should_truncate = random.random() < self.truncation_chance
if should_truncate:
- truncate_timeline((timeline_key,), (self.capacity,), pipeline)
+ truncate_timeline(
+ (timeline_key,),
+ (self.capacity, timeline_key),
+ pipeline,
+ )
results = pipeline.execute()
if should_truncate:
@@ -569,7 +502,7 @@ class RedisBackend(Backend):
connection = self.cluster.get_local_client_for_key(timeline_key)
with Lock(timeline_key, nowait=True, timeout=30), \
connection.pipeline() as pipeline:
- truncate_timeline((timeline_key,), (0,), pipeline)
+ truncate_timeline((timeline_key,), (0, timeline_key), pipeline)
truncate_timeline((make_digest_key(timeline_key),), (0, timeline_key), pipeline)
pipeline.zrem(make_schedule_key(self.namespace, SCHEDULE_STATE_READY), key)