@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.11.29 on 2020-04-20 20:53
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from django.db import migrations, transaction
+from sentry.utils.query import RangeQuerySetWrapperWithProgressBar
+mail_action = {
+ "id": "sentry.mail.actions.NotifyEmailAction",
+ "targetType": "IssueOwners",
+ "targetIdentifier": "None",
+def set_user_option(UserOption, user, key, value, project):
+ inst, created = UserOption.objects.get_or_create(
+ user=user, project=project, key=key, defaults={"value": value}
+ )
+ if not created and inst.value != value:
+ inst.update(value=value)
+def migrate_project_to_issue_alert_targeting(project, ProjectOption, Rule, User, UserOption):
+ if project.flags.has_issue_alerts_targeting:
+ # Migration has already been run.
+ return
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ # Determine whether this project actually has mail enabled
+ try:
+ mail_enabled = ProjectOption.objects.get(project=project, key="mail:enabled").value
+ except ProjectOption.DoesNotExist:
+ mail_enabled = True
+ for rule in Rule.objects.filter(project=project, status=0):
+ migrate_legacy_rule(rule, mail_enabled)
+ if not mail_enabled:
+ # If mail disabled, then we want to disable mail options for all
+ # users associated with this project so that they don't suddenly start
+ # getting mail via the `MailAdapter`, since it will always be enabled.
+ for user in User.objects.filter(
+ sentry_orgmember_set__teams__in=project.teams.all(), is_active=True
+ ):
+ set_user_option(UserOption, user, "mail:alert", 0, project)
+ set_user_option(UserOption, user, "workflow:notifications", "0", project=project)
+ # This marks the migration finished and shows the new UI
+ project.flags.has_issue_alerts_targeting = True
+ project.save()
+def migrate_legacy_rule(rule, mail_enabled):
+ actions = rule.data.get("actions", [])
+ new_actions = []
+ has_mail_action = False
+ for action in actions:
+ action_id = action.get("id")
+ if action_id == "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction":
+ # This is the "Send a notification (for all legacy integrations)" action.
+ # When this action exists, we want to add the new `NotifyEmailAction` action
+ # to the rule. We'll still leave `NotifyEventAction` in place, since it will
+ # only notify non-mail plugins once we've migrated.
+ new_actions.append(action)
+ has_mail_action = True
+ elif (
+ action_id == "sentry.rules.actions.notify_event_service.NotifyEventServiceAction"
+ and action.get("service") == "mail"
+ ):
+ # This is the "Send a notification via mail" action. When this action
+ # exists, we want to add the new `NotifyEmailAction` action to the rule.
+ # We'll drop this action from the rule, since all it does it send mail and
+ # we don't want to double up.
+ has_mail_action = True
+ else:
+ new_actions.append(action)
+ # We only add the new action if the mail plugin is actually enabled, and there's an
+ # action that sends by mail. We do this outside the loop to ensure we don't add it
+ # more than once.
+ if mail_enabled and has_mail_action:
+ new_actions.append(mail_action)
+ if actions != new_actions:
+ rule.data["actions"] = new_actions
+ rule.save()
+def migrate_to_issue_alert_targeting(apps, schema_editor):
+ Project = apps.get_model("sentry", "Project")
+ ProjectOption = apps.get_model("sentry", "ProjectOption")
+ Organization = apps.get_model("sentry", "Organization")
+ Rule = apps.get_model("sentry", "Rule")
+ User = apps.get_model("sentry", "User")
+ UserOption = apps.get_model("sentry", "UserOption")
+ for org in RangeQuerySetWrapperWithProgressBar(Organization.objects.filter(status=0)):
+ # We migrate a project at a time, but we prefer to group by org so that for the
+ # most part an org will see the changes all at once.
+ for project in Project.objects.filter(organization=org, status=0):
+ try:
+ migrate_project_to_issue_alert_targeting(
+ project, ProjectOption, Rule, User, UserOption
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ # If a project fails we'll just log and continue. We shouldn't see any
+ # failures, but if we do we can analyze them and re-run this migration,
+ # since it is idempotent.
+ logging.exception("Error migrating project {}".format(project.id))
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ # This flag is used to mark that a migration shouldn't be automatically run in
+ # production. We set this to True for operations that we think are risky and want
+ # someone from ops to run manually and monitor.
+ # General advice is that if in doubt, mark your migration as `is_dangerous`.
+ # Some things you should always mark as dangerous:
+ # - Large data migrations. Typically we want these to be run manually by ops so that
+ # they can be monitored. Since data migrations will now hold a transaction open
+ # this is even more important.
+ # - Adding columns to highly active tables, even ones that are NULL.
+ is_dangerous = True
+ # This flag is used to decide whether to run this migration in a transaction or not.
+ # By default we prefer to run in a transaction, but for migrations where you want
+ # to `CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY` this needs to be set to False. Typically you'll
+ # want to create an index concurrently when adding one to an existing table.
+ atomic = False
+ dependencies = [("sentry", "0066_alertrule_manager")]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(
+ migrate_to_issue_alert_targeting, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop
+ )
+ ]