@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {useState} from 'react';
+import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ type Props = RouteComponentProps<RouteParams, {}> & {
organization: Organization;
selection: PageFilters;
tags: TagCollection;
+ defaultTableColumns?: readonly string[];
defaultTitle?: string;
defaultWidgetQuery?: WidgetQuery;
displayType?: DisplayType;
@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
+ defaultTableColumns,
}: Props) {
const {widgetId, orgId, dashboardId} = params;
@@ -209,8 +211,63 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
: DataSet.EVENTS,
const [blurTimeout, setBlurTimeout] = useState<null | number>(null);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ defaultFields();
+ }, [state.displayType]);
+ function defaultFields() {
+ setState(prevState => {
+ const newState = cloneDeep(prevState);
+ const normalized = normalizeQueries(prevState.displayType, prevState.queries);
+ if (prevState.displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N) {
+ // TOP N display should only allow a single query
+ normalized.splice(1);
+ }
+ if (!prevState.userHasModified) {
+ // If the Widget is an issue widget,
+ if (
+ prevState.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE &&
+ widget?.widgetType &&
+ WIDGET_TYPE_TO_DATA_SET[widget.widgetType] === DataSet.ISSUES
+ ) {
+ set(newState, 'queries', widget.queries);
+ set(newState, 'dataSet', DataSet.ISSUES);
+ return {...newState, errors: undefined};
+ }
+ // Default widget provided by Add to Dashboard from Discover
+ if (defaultWidgetQuery && defaultTableColumns) {
+ // If switching to Table visualization, use saved query fields for Y-Axis if user has not made query changes
+ // This is so the widget can reflect the same columns as the table in Discover without requiring additional user input
+ if (prevState.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) {
+ normalized.forEach(query => {
+ query.fields = [...defaultTableColumns];
+ });
+ } else if (prevState.displayType === displayType) {
+ // When switching back to original display type, default fields back to the fields provided from the discover query
+ normalized.forEach(query => {
+ query.fields = [...defaultWidgetQuery.fields];
+ query.orderby = defaultWidgetQuery.orderby;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prevState.dataSet === DataSet.ISSUES) {
+ set(newState, 'dataSet', DataSet.EVENTS);
+ }
+ set(newState, 'queries', normalized);
+ return {...newState, errors: undefined};
+ });
+ }
function handleDataSetChange(newDataSet: string) {
setState(prevState => {
const newState = cloneDeep(prevState);
@@ -260,37 +317,25 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
- if (
- isEditing &&
- (!defined(widgetId) ||
- !dashboard.widgets.find(dashboardWidget => dashboardWidget.id === String(widgetId)))
- ) {
- return (
- <SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
- <PageContent>
- <LoadingError message={t('Widget not found.')} />
- </PageContent>
- </SentryDocumentTitle>
- );
- }
- function handleChangeField(newFields: QueryFieldValue[]) {
+ function handleChangeYAxisOrColumnField(newFields: QueryFieldValue[]) {
const fieldStrings = newFields.map(generateFieldAsString);
const aggregateAliasFieldStrings = fieldStrings.map(getAggregateAlias);
for (const index in state.queries) {
const queryIndex = Number(index);
const query = state.queries[queryIndex];
const descending = query.orderby.startsWith('-');
const orderbyAggregateAliasField = query.orderby.replace('-', '');
- const prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings = query.fields.map(getAggregateAlias);
+ const prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings = query.fields.map(field =>
+ getAggregateAlias(field)
+ );
const newQuery = cloneDeep(query);
newQuery.fields = fieldStrings;
- if (!aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(orderbyAggregateAliasField)) {
- newQuery.orderby = '';
+ if (
+ !aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(orderbyAggregateAliasField) &&
+ query.orderby !== ''
+ ) {
if (prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.length === newFields.length) {
// The Field that was used in orderby has changed. Get the new field.
newQuery.orderby = `${descending && '-'}${
@@ -298,6 +343,8 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
+ } else {
+ newQuery.orderby = '';
@@ -305,6 +352,36 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
+ function getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements: MeasurementCollection) {
+ return generateFieldOptions({
+ organization,
+ tagKeys: Object.values(tags).map(({key}) => key),
+ measurementKeys: Object.values(measurements).map(({key}) => key),
+ spanOperationBreakdownKeys: SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS,
+ });
+ }
+ if (
+ isEditing &&
+ (!defined(widgetId) ||
+ !dashboard.widgets.find(dashboardWidget => dashboardWidget.id === String(widgetId)))
+ ) {
+ return (
+ <SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
+ <PageContent>
+ <LoadingError message={t('Widget not found.')} />
+ </PageContent>
+ </SentryDocumentTitle>
+ );
+ }
+ const widgetType =
+ state.dataSet === DataSet.EVENTS
+ ? WidgetType.DISCOVER
+ : state.dataSet === DataSet.ISSUES
+ ? WidgetType.ISSUE
+ : WidgetType.METRICS;
const canAddSearchConditions =
@@ -319,22 +396,7 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
- const widgetType =
- state.dataSet === DataSet.EVENTS
- ? WidgetType.DISCOVER
- : state.dataSet === DataSet.ISSUES
- ? WidgetType.ISSUE
- : WidgetType.METRICS;
const explodedFields = state.queries[0].fields.map(field => explodeField({field}));
- function getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements: MeasurementCollection) {
- return generateFieldOptions({
- organization,
- tagKeys: Object.values(tags).map(({key}) => key),
- measurementKeys: Object.values(measurements).map(({key}) => key),
- spanOperationBreakdownKeys: SPAN_OP_BREAKDOWN_FIELDS,
- });
- }
return (
<SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
@@ -360,35 +422,37 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
'This is a preview of how your widget will appear in the dashboard.'
- <DisplayTypeOptions
- name="displayType"
- value={state.displayType}
- onChange={(option: {label: string; value: DisplayType}) => {
- setState({...state, displayType: option.value});
- }}
- />
- <WidgetCard
- organization={organization}
- selection={pageFilters}
- widget={{
- title: state.title,
- displayType: state.displayType,
- interval: state.interval,
- queries: state.queries,
- widgetType,
- }}
- isEditing={false}
- widgetLimitReached={false}
- renderErrorMessage={errorMessage =>
- typeof errorMessage === 'string' && (
- <PanelAlert type="error">{errorMessage}</PanelAlert>
- )
- }
- isSorting={false}
- currentWidgetDragging={false}
- noLazyLoad
- />
+ <VisualizationWrapper>
+ <DisplayTypeOptions
+ name="displayType"
+ value={state.displayType}
+ onChange={(option: {label: string; value: DisplayType}) => {
+ setState({...state, displayType: option.value});
+ }}
+ />
+ <WidgetCard
+ organization={organization}
+ selection={pageFilters}
+ widget={{
+ title: state.title,
+ displayType: state.displayType,
+ interval: state.interval,
+ queries: state.queries,
+ widgetType,
+ }}
+ isEditing={false}
+ widgetLimitReached={false}
+ renderErrorMessage={errorMessage =>
+ typeof errorMessage === 'string' && (
+ <PanelAlert type="error">{errorMessage}</PanelAlert>
+ )
+ }
+ isSorting={false}
+ currentWidgetDragging={false}
+ noLazyLoad
+ />
+ </VisualizationWrapper>
title={t('Choose your data set')}
@@ -414,20 +478,17 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
{state.dataSet === DataSet.EVENTS ? (
- {({measurements}) => {
- const amendedFieldOptions = getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements);
- return (
- <ColumnFields
- displayType={state.displayType}
- organization={organization}
- widgetType={widgetType}
- columns={explodedFields}
- errors={state.errors?.queries}
- fieldOptions={amendedFieldOptions}
- onChange={handleChangeField}
- />
- );
- }}
+ {({measurements}) => (
+ <ColumnFields
+ displayType={state.displayType}
+ organization={organization}
+ widgetType={widgetType}
+ columns={explodedFields}
+ errors={state.errors?.queries}
+ fieldOptions={getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements)}
+ onChange={handleChangeYAxisOrColumnField}
+ />
+ )}
) : (
@@ -459,19 +520,16 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
description="Description of what this means"
- {({measurements}) => {
- const amendedFieldOptions = getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements);
- return (
- <YAxisSelector
- widgetType={widgetType}
- displayType={state.displayType}
- fields={explodedFields}
- fieldOptions={amendedFieldOptions}
- onChange={handleChangeField}
- // TODO: errors={getFirstQueryError('fields')}
- />
- );
- }}
+ {({measurements}) => (
+ <YAxisSelector
+ widgetType={widgetType}
+ displayType={state.displayType}
+ fields={explodedFields}
+ fieldOptions={getAmendedFieldOptions(measurements)}
+ onChange={handleChangeYAxisOrColumnField}
+ errors={state.errors?.queries}
+ />
+ )}
@@ -624,6 +682,12 @@ const PageContentWithoutPadding = styled(PageContent)`
padding: 0;
+const VisualizationWrapper = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ margin-right: ${space(2)};
const DataSetChoices = styled(RadioGroup)`
@media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[2]}) {
grid-auto-flow: column;