@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import inspect
import re
+import sys
+import unittest.result
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import (
@@ -38,11 +40,11 @@ from sentry.utils.snowflake import SnowflakeIdMixin
TestMethod = Callable[..., None]
-region_map = [
Region("na", 1, "http://na.testserver", RegionCategory.MULTI_TENANT),
Region("eu", 2, "http://eu.testserver", RegionCategory.MULTI_TENANT),
Region("acme-single-tenant", 3, "acme.my.sentry.io", RegionCategory.SINGLE_TENANT),
def _model_silo_limit(t: type[Model]) -> ModelSiloLimit:
@@ -54,85 +56,130 @@ def _model_silo_limit(t: type[Model]) -> ModelSiloLimit:
return silo_limit
-class SiloModeTest:
+class _SiloModeTestCase(TestCase):
+ """A test case that is expected to work in a particular silo mode.
+ This class is meant to be extended by test cases tagged with a
+ SiloModeTestDecorator. It should not be declared explicitly as a superclass,
+ but is used to dynamically generate a new test case class (see
+ SiloModeTestDecorator._add_siloed_test_classes_to_module).
+ The subclass will apply the silo mode context to the entire test run, including
+ setup.
+ """
+ # Expect these class-level attributes to be set when a subclass is
+ # dynamically generated
+ silo_mode: SiloMode
+ regions: Sequence[Region]
+ is_acceptance_test: bool
+ def run(
+ self, result: unittest.result.TestResult | None = None
+ ) -> unittest.result.TestResult | None:
+ with override_settings(
+ SILO_MODE=self.silo_mode,
+ SINGLE_SERVER_SILO_MODE=self.is_acceptance_test,
+ SENTRY_CONTROL_ADDRESS="http://controlserver/",
+ ):
+ with override_regions(self.regions):
+ if self.silo_mode == SiloMode.REGION:
+ with override_settings(SENTRY_REGION=self.regions[0].name):
+ return super().run(result)
+ else:
+ return super().run(result)
+class SiloModeTestDecorator:
"""Decorate a test case that is expected to work in a given silo mode.
Tests marked to work in monolith mode are always executed.
- Tests marked additionally to work in silo or control mode only do so when the test is marked as stable=True
+ Tests marked additionally to work in region or control mode only do so when the test is marked as stable=True
+ When testing in a silo mode, if the decorator is on a test case class,
+ an additional class is dynamically generated and added to the module for Pytest
+ to pick up. For example, if you write
+ ```
+ @control_silo_test(stable=True)
+ class MyTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self): ...
+ def test_stuff(self): ...
+ ```
+ then your result set should include test runs for both `MyTest` (in monolith
+ mode) and `MyTest__InControlMode`.
def __init__(self, *silo_modes: SiloMode) -> None:
- self.silo_modes = frozenset(silo_modes)
+ self.silo_modes = frozenset(sm for sm in silo_modes if sm != SiloMode.MONOLITH)
- def _find_all_test_methods(test_class: type) -> Iterable[TestMethod]:
- for attr_name in dir(test_class):
- if attr_name.startswith("test_") or attr_name == "test":
- attr = getattr(test_class, attr_name)
- if callable(attr):
- yield attr
- def _is_acceptance_test(self, test_class: type) -> bool:
+ def _is_acceptance_test(test_class: type) -> bool:
from sentry.testutils import AcceptanceTestCase
return issubclass(test_class, AcceptanceTestCase)
- def _create_mode_methods(
- self, test_class: type, test_method: TestMethod
- ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
- def method_for_mode(mode: SiloMode) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
- def replacement_test_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
- with override_settings(
- SILO_MODE=mode,
- SINGLE_SERVER_SILO_MODE=self._is_acceptance_test(test_class),
- SENTRY_CONTROL_ADDRESS="http://controlserver/",
- ):
- with override_regions(region_map):
- if mode == SiloMode.REGION:
- with override_settings(SENTRY_REGION="na"):
- test_method(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- test_method(*args, **kwargs)
- functools.update_wrapper(replacement_test_method, test_method)
- modified_name = f"{test_method.__name__}__in_{str(mode).lower()}_silo"
- replacement_test_method.__name__ = modified_name
- yield modified_name, replacement_test_method
- for mode in self.silo_modes:
- # Currently, test classes that are decorated already handle the monolith mode as the default
- # because the original test method remains -- this is different from the pytest variant
- # that actually strictly parameterizes the existing test. This reduces a redundant run of MONOLITH
- # mode.
- if mode == SiloMode.MONOLITH:
- continue
- yield from method_for_mode(mode)
+ def _add_siloed_test_classes_to_module(
+ self, test_class: type, regions: Sequence[Region] | None
+ ) -> type:
+ is_acceptance_test = self._is_acceptance_test(test_class)
+ def create_overriding_test_class(name: str, silo_mode: SiloMode) -> type:
+ return type(
+ name,
+ (test_class, _SiloModeTestCase),
+ {
+ "silo_mode": silo_mode,
+ "regions": tuple(regions or _DEFAULT_TEST_REGIONS),
+ "is_acceptance_test": is_acceptance_test,
+ },
+ )
- def _add_silo_modes_to_methods(self, test_class: type) -> type:
- for test_method in self._find_all_test_methods(test_class):
- for (new_method_name, new_test_method) in self._create_mode_methods(
- test_class, test_method
- ):
- setattr(test_class, new_method_name, new_test_method)
- return test_class
+ for silo_mode in self.silo_modes:
+ silo_mode_name = silo_mode.name[0].upper() + silo_mode.name[1:].lower()
+ siloed_test_class = create_overriding_test_class(
+ f"{test_class.__name__}__In{silo_mode_name}Mode", silo_mode
+ )
- def __call__(self, decorated_obj: Any = None, stable: bool = False) -> Any:
+ module = sys.modules[test_class.__module__]
+ setattr(module, siloed_test_class.__name__, siloed_test_class)
+ # Return the value to be wrapped by the original decorator
+ if regions is None:
+ # Pass the original class through, with no modification
+ return test_class
+ else:
+ # Override without changing the original name. We don't need to change
+ # the silo mode, but we do need to override the region config.
+ return create_overriding_test_class(test_class.__name__, SiloMode.MONOLITH)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ decorated_obj: Any = None,
+ stable: bool = False,
+ regions: Sequence[Region] | None = None,
+ ) -> Any:
if decorated_obj:
- return self._call(decorated_obj, stable)
+ return self._call(decorated_obj, stable, regions)
def receive_decorated_obj(f: Any) -> Any:
- return self._call(f, stable)
+ return self._call(f, stable, regions)
return receive_decorated_obj
- def _mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(self, test_method: TestMethod) -> TestMethod:
+ def _mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(
+ self, test_method: TestMethod, regions: Sequence[Region] | None
+ ) -> TestMethod:
+ regions = tuple(regions or _DEFAULT_TEST_REGIONS)
def replacement_test_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
silo_mode = kwargs.pop("silo_mode")
with override_settings(SILO_MODE=silo_mode):
- with override_regions(region_map):
+ with override_regions(regions):
if silo_mode == SiloMode.REGION:
- with override_settings(SENTRY_REGION="na"):
+ with override_settings(SENTRY_REGION=regions[0].name):
test_method(*args, **kwargs)
test_method(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -149,7 +196,7 @@ class SiloModeTest:
- def _call(self, decorated_obj: Any, stable: bool) -> Any:
+ def _call(self, decorated_obj: Any, stable: bool, regions: Sequence[Region] | None) -> Any:
is_test_case_class = isinstance(decorated_obj, type) and issubclass(decorated_obj, TestCase)
is_function = inspect.isfunction(decorated_obj)
@@ -162,15 +209,15 @@ class SiloModeTest:
return decorated_obj
if is_test_case_class:
- return self._add_silo_modes_to_methods(decorated_obj)
+ return self._add_siloed_test_classes_to_module(decorated_obj, regions)
- return self._mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(decorated_obj)
+ return self._mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(decorated_obj, regions)
-all_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.CONTROL, SiloMode.REGION, SiloMode.MONOLITH)
-no_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.MONOLITH)
-control_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.CONTROL, SiloMode.MONOLITH)
-region_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.REGION, SiloMode.MONOLITH)
+all_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator(SiloMode.CONTROL, SiloMode.REGION)
+no_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator()
+control_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator(SiloMode.CONTROL)
+region_silo_test = SiloModeTestDecorator(SiloMode.REGION)