@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+ * Renders necessary forms in order to enroll user in 2fa
+ */
+import {withRouter} from 'react-router';
+import React from 'react';
+import {
+ addErrorMessage,
+ addMessage,
+ addSuccessMessage,
+} from '../../../../actionCreators/settingsIndicator';
+import {t} from '../../../../locale';
+import AsyncView from '../../../asyncView';
+import Button from '../../../../components/buttons/button';
+import CircleIndicator from '../../../../components/circleIndicator';
+import Form from '../../components/forms/form';
+import JsonForm from '../../components/forms/jsonForm';
+import PanelItem from '../../components/panelItem';
+import Qrcode from '../../../../components/qrcode';
+import RemoveConfirm from './components/removeConfirm';
+import SettingsPageHeader from '../../components/settingsPageHeader';
+import TextBlock from '../../components/text/textBlock';
+import U2fsign from '../../../../components/u2fsign';
+const ENDPOINT = '/users/me/authenticators/';
+ * Retrieve additional form fields (or modify ones) based on 2fa method
+ *
+ * @param {object} params Params object
+ * @param {object} authenticator Authenticator model
+ * @param {boolean} hasSentCode Flag to track if totp has been sent
+ * @param {function} onSmsReset Callback to reset SMS 2fa enrollment
+ * @param {function} onSmsSubmit Callback to handle sending code or submit OTP
+ * @param {function} onU2fTap Callback when u2f device is activated
+ */
+const getFields = ({authenticator, hasSentCode, onSmsReset, onSmsSubmit, onU2fTap}) => {
+ let {form, qrcode, challenge, id} = authenticator || {};
+ if (!form) return null;
+ if (qrcode) {
+ return [
+ () => (
+ <PanelItem key="qrcode" justify="center" p={2}>
+ <Qrcode code={authenticator.qrcode} />
+ </PanelItem>
+ ),
+ ...form,
+ () => (
+ <PanelItem key="confirm" justify="flex-end" p={2}>
+ <Button priority="primary" type="submit">
+ {t('Confirm')}
+ </Button>
+ </PanelItem>
+ ),
+ ];
+ }
+ // Sms Form needs a start over button + confirm button
+ // Also inputs being disabled vary based on hasSentCode
+ if (id === 'sms') {
+ // Ideally we would have greater flexibility when rendering footer
+ return [
+ {
+ ...form[0],
+ disabled: () => hasSentCode,
+ },
+ {
+ ...form[1],
+ required: true,
+ visible: () => hasSentCode,
+ },
+ () => (
+ <PanelItem key="sms-footer" justify="flex-end" p={2} pr={'36px'}>
+ {hasSentCode && (
+ <Button css={{marginRight: 6}} onClick={onSmsReset}>
+ {t('Start Over')}
+ </Button>
+ )}
+ <Button priority="primary" type="button" onClick={onSmsSubmit}>
+ {hasSentCode ? t('Confirm') : t('Send Code')}
+ </Button>
+ </PanelItem>
+ ),
+ ];
+ }
+ // Need to render device name field + U2f component
+ if (id === 'u2f') {
+ let deviceNameField = form.find(({name}) => name === 'deviceName');
+ return [
+ deviceNameField,
+ () => (
+ <U2fsign
+ key="u2f-enroll"
+ style={{marginBottom: 0}}
+ challengeData={challenge}
+ displayMode="enroll"
+ flowMode="enroll"
+ onTap={onU2fTap}
+ />
+ ),
+ ];
+ }
+ return null;
+class AccountSecurityEnroll extends AsyncView {
+ constructor(...args) {
+ super(...args);
+ this._form = {};
+ }
+ getTitle() {
+ return t('Security');
+ }
+ getEndpoints() {
+ return [['authenticator', `${ENDPOINT}${this.props.params.authId}/enroll/`]];
+ }
+ handleFieldChange = (name, value) => {
+ // This should not be used for rendering, that's why it's not in state
+ this._form[name] = value;
+ };
+ // This resets state so that user can re-enter their phone number again
+ handleSmsReset = () => {
+ this.setState(
+ {
+ hasSentCode: false,
+ },
+ this.remountComponent
+ );
+ };
+ // Handles
+ handleSmsSubmit = dataModel => {
+ let {authenticator, hasSentCode} = this.state;
+ // Don't submit if empty
+ if (!this._form.phone) return;
+ let data = {
+ phone: this._form.phone,
+ // Make sure `otp` is undefined if we are submitting OTP verification
+ // Otherwise API will think that we are on verification step (e.g. after submitting phone)
+ otp: hasSentCode ? this._form.otp || '' : undefined,
+ secret: authenticator.secret,
+ };
+ // Only show loading when submitting OTP
+ this.setState({
+ loading: hasSentCode,
+ });
+ if (!hasSentCode) {
+ addMessage(t('Sending code to %s...', data.phone));
+ }
+ this.api
+ .requestPromise(`${ENDPOINT}${this.props.params.authId}/enroll/`, {
+ data,
+ })
+ .then(
+ () => {
+ if (!hasSentCode) {
+ // Just successfully finished sending OTP to user
+ this.setState({
+ hasSentCode: true,
+ loading: false,
+ // authenticator: data,
+ });
+ addMessage(t('Sent code to %s', data.phone));
+ } else {
+ // OTP was accepted and SMS was added as a 2fa method
+ this.props.router.push('/settings/account/security/');
+ addSuccessMessage(t('Added authenticator %s', authenticator.name));
+ }
+ },
+ error => {
+ this._form = {};
+ let isSmsInterface = authenticator.id === 'sms';
+ this.setState({
+ hasSentCode: !isSmsInterface,
+ });
+ // Re-mount because we want to fetch a fresh secret
+ this.remountComponent();
+ let errorMessage = this.state.hasSentCode
+ ? t('Incorrect OTP')
+ : t('Error sending SMS');
+ addErrorMessage(errorMessage);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ // Handle u2f device tap
+ handleU2fTap = data => {
+ return this.api
+ .requestPromise(`${ENDPOINT}${this.props.params.authId}/enroll/`, {
+ data: {
+ ...data,
+ ...this._form,
+ },
+ })
+ .then(this.handleEnrollSuccess, this.handleEnrollError);
+ };
+ // Currently only TOTP uses this
+ handleSubmit = dataModel => {
+ let {authenticator} = this.state;
+ let data = {
+ ...this._form,
+ ...((dataModel && dataModel.toJSON()) || {}),
+ secret: authenticator.secret,
+ };
+ this.setState({
+ loading: true,
+ });
+ this.api
+ .requestPromise(`${ENDPOINT}${this.props.params.authId}/enroll/`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ data,
+ })
+ .then(this.handleEnrollSuccess, this.handleEnrollError);
+ };
+ // Handler when we successfully add a 2fa device
+ handleEnrollSuccess = () => {
+ let authenticatorName =
+ (this.state.authenticator && this.state.authenticator.name) || 'Authenticator';
+ this.props.router.push('/settings/account/security');
+ addSuccessMessage(t('%s has been added', authenticatorName));
+ };
+ // Handler when we failed to add a 2fa device
+ handleEnrollError = () => {
+ let authenticatorName =
+ (this.state.authenticator && this.state.authenticator.name) || 'Authenticator';
+ this.setState({loading: false});
+ addErrorMessage(t('Error adding %s authenticator', authenticatorName));
+ };
+ // Removes an authenticator
+ handleRemove = () => {
+ let {authenticator} = this.state;
+ if (!authenticator || !authenticator.authId) return;
+ // `authenticator.authId` is NOT the same as `props.params.authId`
+ // This is for backwards compatbility with API endpoint
+ this.api
+ .requestPromise(`${ENDPOINT}${authenticator.authId}/`, {
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ })
+ .then(
+ () => {
+ this.props.router.push('/settings/account/security/');
+ addSuccessMessage(t('Authenticator has been removed'));
+ },
+ () => {
+ // Error deleting authenticator
+ addErrorMessage(t('Error removing authenticator'));
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ renderBody() {
+ let {authenticator} = this.state;
+ let endpoint = `${ENDPOINT}${this.props.params.authId}/`;
+ let fields = getFields({
+ authenticator,
+ hasSentCode: this.state.hasSentCode,
+ onSmsReset: this.handleSmsReset,
+ onSmsSubmit: this.handleSmsSubmit,
+ onU2fTap: this.handleU2fTap,
+ });
+ // Attempt to extract `defaultValue` from server generated form fields
+ const defaultValues = fields
+ ? fields
+ .filter(field => typeof field.defaultValue !== 'undefined')
+ .map(field => [field.name, field.defaultValue])
+ .reduce((acc, [name, value]) => {
+ acc[name] = value;
+ return acc;
+ }, {})
+ : {};
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <SettingsPageHeader
+ title={
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <span>{authenticator.name}</span>
+ <CircleIndicator css={{marginLeft: 6}} enabled={authenticator.isEnrolled} />
+ </React.Fragment>
+ }
+ action={
+ authenticator.isEnrolled &&
+ authenticator.removeButton && (
+ <RemoveConfirm onConfirm={this.handleRemove}>
+ <Button priority="danger">{authenticator.removeButton}</Button>
+ </RemoveConfirm>
+ )
+ }
+ />
+ <TextBlock>{authenticator.description}</TextBlock>
+ {authenticator.form &&
+ !!authenticator.form.length && (
+ <Form
+ apiMethod="POST"
+ onFieldChange={this.handleFieldChange}
+ apiEndpoint={endpoint}
+ onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}
+ initialData={{...defaultValues, ...authenticator}}
+ hideFooter
+ >
+ <JsonForm {...this.props} forms={[{title: 'Configuration', fields}]} />
+ </Form>
+ )}
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+export default withRouter(AccountSecurityEnroll);