@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from sentry.testutils import APITestCase, SnubaTestCase
+from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now, iso_format
+class OrganizationEventsGeoEndpointTest(APITestCase, SnubaTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(OrganizationEventsGeoEndpointTest, self).setUp()
+ self.min_ago = iso_format(before_now(minutes=1))
+ def do_request(self, query, features=None):
+ if features is None:
+ features = {"organizations:dashboards-v2": True}
+ self.login_as(user=self.user)
+ url = reverse(
+ "sentry-api-0-organization-events-geo",
+ kwargs={"organization_slug": self.organization.slug},
+ )
+ with self.feature(features):
+ return self.client.get(url, query, format="json")
+ def test_no_projects(self):
+ response = self.do_request({})
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.data
+ assert len(response.data) == 0
+ def test_no_field(self):
+ query = {
+ "field": [],
+ "project": [self.project.id],
+ }
+ response = self.do_request(query)
+ assert response.status_code == 400
+ assert response.data["detail"] == "No column selected"
+ def test_require_aggregate_field(self):
+ query = {
+ "field": ["i_am_a_tag"],
+ "project": [self.project.id],
+ }
+ response = self.do_request(query)
+ assert response.status_code == 400
+ assert response.data["detail"] == "Functions may only be given"
+ def test_happy_path(self):
+ other_project = self.create_project()
+ self.store_event(
+ data={"event_id": "a" * 32, "environment": "staging", "timestamp": self.min_ago},
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ )
+ self.store_event(
+ data={"event_id": "b" * 32, "environment": "staging", "timestamp": self.min_ago},
+ project_id=other_project.id,
+ )
+ self.store_event(
+ data={
+ "event_id": "c" * 32,
+ "environment": "production",
+ "timestamp": self.min_ago,
+ "user": {
+ "email": "foo@example.com",
+ "id": "123",
+ "ip_address": "",
+ "username": "foo",
+ "geo": {"country_code": "CA", "region": "Canada"},
+ },
+ },
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ )
+ query = {
+ "project": [self.project.id],
+ "field": ["count()"],
+ "statsPeriod": "24h",
+ }
+ response = self.do_request(query)
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.data
+ assert len(response.data["data"]) == 2
+ assert response.data["data"] == [
+ {"count": 1, "geo.country_code": None},
+ {"count": 1, "geo.country_code": "CA"},
+ ]
+ # Expect no pagination
+ assert "Link" not in response
+ def test_only_use_last_field(self):
+ self.store_event(
+ data={"event_id": "a" * 32, "environment": "staging", "timestamp": self.min_ago},
+ project_id=self.project.id,
+ )
+ query = {
+ "project": [self.project.id],
+ "field": ["p75()", "count()"],
+ "statsPeriod": "24h",
+ }
+ response = self.do_request(query)
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.data
+ assert len(response.data["data"]) == 1
+ assert response.data["data"] == [
+ {"count": 1, "geo.country_code": None},
+ ]